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Yes, I have watched several videos on the clots being removed after death, the producers and the people pushing the kill shot need to be culled. Mass genocide is what they have committed.
So, a guy about to deconstruct someone else’s media product spends the first minute of his own media product damage-controlling and priming the consumer perception of his identity narrative propagated on another media product known to be a massive anti-dissent propaganda machine. Interesting times.
Its true, its all true. The deep state, davos crowd, agenda2030, the clot shot, pizzagate, pedophelia, and I’d wager the adrenochrome crap is fucking true, too.
Its time folks, high time to cull these sick fuckers from the gene pool.
Hmm, who is the guy talking? To be honest he seems like a guy that will never take a side, he like to straddle the fence to be fair. But I do not know of him. But I would like to see him investigate it and tell us what he things.
I know of 2 30 somethings that had clots in the lungs. One of them died. I am sure both received the mark.
I didn’t know who that guy was either. I decided to look him up on Twitter. Here is his profile.
“Weinstein describes himself as politically liberal, progressive, and left-libertarian.”
Yep.He cannot choose a side.
He has a side. Not ours. What people like him excel at is managing our perception that they are on the side of the truth. Which is why they spend as much time curating their language and public personas as they do supposedly “debating” the great questions of our era.
I know everyone has a side, I meant he like to play the fence to stay alive. Men like that are not on the side I want to be on. I was trying to be nice with the comment about him.
Understood. But when your side is the side of evil, playing the fence is not to stay alive but rather to preserve your status in that evil hierarchy while gatekeeping and perverting those who might consider themselves lost in the middle.
We are on the back end of a long march in which our tendency toward the relative, entertaining the nuance as they say, and the inversion of our Christian tolerance have allowed our own faith to be subverted and culture to be hijacked by these very clever “experts” and their slippery ways.
I guess I reserve my nice for my brothers and not those who in this late hour refuse to make their stand or worse, stake some faux intellectual neutrality.
Mass media is low hanging fruit for them. It is also entirely converged to their cause. A calibrated response is somewhere between heavy skepticism and zero quarter given.
No harm here, I just know this particular type quite well and hope my brothers don’t waste time and treasure like I did for failing to recognize the trojan horse at the gates.
The biggest mistake, IMO, that the Stew Peters Production group made was putting many of the conspiracies at the beginning of the video called “Died Suddenly”. Big Foot, 9/11, the moon landing, JFK’s assassination, etc., should never have been on the video. It gave too much fodder for the anti-conspiracy crowd. Additionally, knowing just how scrutinized the video would be, there should have been date labels affixed to all of the video snippets of people dying in front of a camera. It has been proven that at least one of the videos of someone stroking out was before the jab was even available.
Now, a question for you all. Do you think Stew Peters might be the new Alex Jones? If you have watched Stew Peters for any length of time, he is a very energized individual who goes on rants during almost every segment on his daily, one hour program. Many times he will do this with a guest saying what many of us believe to be true but, with much bluster and hyperbole and red faced anger. He is already being discredited as a huckster and/or a carnival barker (Rober Malone called him this).
Like Mark Levine (who I used to watch many moons ago and have long since dropped) he ramps up my blood pressure and I now only watch Stew occasionally for some of the same reasons. I think, at this juncture in time, that he believes what he states (or yells) but, I am starting to wonder about his methods of dissemination.
What say you all?
He lets his emotions get in the way, he is face to face with people getting the truth out. The truth is always stranger than fiction, I do not listen to Mark Levine any longer either. I remember listening to Alex Jones and his emotional outbursts, he is worth watching in my opinion as is Stew Peters.
I agree largely with what you are saying. The major point I was making is that Alex Jones has been largely discredited mainly because of his early days of taking bullhorns to Bilderberg meetings and yelling and screaming into it. Because of his antics, and showmanship over the years, the left and the left-leaning media use those tirades and shows to discredit him. I’m not saying that he is not real or truthful, although some say that he is CIA plant / controlled opposition. I’m just saying that extreme antics will usually put you in the category of a tin foil wearing nut job.
Got it, whether it is someone using theatrics or someone poking us in the eye, in my opinion we had better start getting serious.
I am hugely skeptical of this postmortem clot stuff. I’m a forensic pathologist and have done some thousands of postmortem examinations, including autopsies of both embalmed and unembalmed bodies. I’ve peformed autopsies on people with covid-19, people who have been vaccinated, and people who have not been vaccinated. There’s nothing that i’ve seen in these photographs that I have not seen on a routine basis for decades, except for the things that are clearly just artifacts.
It should be remembered that blood clots after death *and* those clots can also partially or completely dissolve. The postmortem clots can have a wide variety of appearances because of the way the blood settles in the body after death. When a person dies, the blood stops circulating. Some of the blood will clot, but there’s not enough clotting factor in the blood for it all to clot, so much will stay liquid. After death, the blood will also settle, and will partially separate, with the red cells sinking the most, then the white cells, then the serum. Mixed in with this will be large and small postmortem clots, some of which will be mostly red cells, some mostly fibrin, and some mixed. After embalming, these clots can take on a number of visual appearances depending on the particular formula of the embalming fluid. The liquid blood can further be transformed into various solid forms.
Some of the things I’ve seen that are supposed to be postmortem blood clots in vaccinated people are obviously not blood at all. It’s telling that all these claims have been made, but nobody has bothered to submit any of the specimens for histologic evaluation. Most funeral home directors know their local Medical Examiner, and it would be trivially easy to ask for a curbside consult.
My personal opinion is that this smells like a scam.
I suppose you think that all of the official CDC VAERS data showing thousands upon thousands of deaths and injuries atttributable to the so-called Covid vaccines is a scam, too. Right?
Review that data, sir, and come back and give us your honest opinion.
I kept getting the feeling that Bret and Heather are the type that always believes and follows the official government narrative, that is until it changes. Then they, without any hesitation at all, instantly change with it.