Are The Chinese Preparing To Start A War? – Yes They Call It “Volt Typhoon”

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Chinese hackers are developing the “ability to physically wreak havoc on our critical infrastructure at a time of its choosing,” FBI director Christopher Wray said recently. He added that the hackers are waiting “for just the right moment to deal a devastating blow.”

Understand what the man is saying. He is not talking about Chinese actors hacking into systems and stealing credit card numbers. He is not talking about Chinese spies stealing the designs for the Air Force’s new fighter jet. He is saying that the Chinese have penetrated computer systems all over the country and their express goal is to physically attack those systems as part of an assault on this nation.

The Chinese are well down the road to being able to shut down the electrical grid, turn off the water, and turn off our communications. Take a moment as you read this and contemplate what America looks like the moment after that happens. The lights are out. The telephone system is out. Banks can’t operate, so you have no money. You can’t fill up your car. Planes aren’t flying. You can’t call 911, and the police can’t respond. Your computer is a paperweight. The grocery store will not be restocked and is probably already being looted.

You now live in the 16th century, and unless you are a real prepper, you are not prepared to make it in that world…

…Are the Chinese preparing to go to war with the United States? Yes, and more to the point they are preparing to start that war, and they are preparing to do so soon.

Please read the entire article here

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Green Hornet
Green Hornet
9 months ago

If Wray is coming out and saying it, then I firmly believe that he and his alphabet traitors are incahoots to allow this.
It won’t matter once it happens. None of us are likely to outlast what’s coming, so find the right hill, dig in, and prepare.

9 months ago

‘just the right time’, like right before the election, and then blame Trump somehow

9 months ago

……speaking for myself..!….this puts me in an awkward position , as I do not believe a single word out of Wray’s mouth …..that simple , so I go by my gut instinct and know that it is he that is planning and doing the attack on America….
this man said it best a few years ago….

General 'Buck' Turgidson
General 'Buck' Turgidson
9 months ago
Reply to  mrapp

Anything that comes out of the mouth of a government employee, out of the mouth of someone who works for a US alphabet agency, out of the mouth of someone who wears the uniform of the USA (especially 3 and 4 star Mo-Mo’s--double especially retired 3 and 4 star Mo-Mo’s on Fox) and anyone who is holds an elected or appointed office of the USA… if their lips are moving. IT’S A LIE!

kal kal
kal kal
9 months ago

your colors are showing, all the networks are just propaganda outlets for your government. Agree with the rest though.

General 'Buck' Turgidson
General 'Buck' Turgidson
9 months ago
Reply to  kal kal

Sorry, I forgot to mention the media outlets… all run by 5 MAJOR CORPORATIONS here in the USA that control ALL of the newspapers, TV networks, cable networks and so forth.

9 months ago

Wray utters these warnings at the same time that his fellow agencies (like DHS & CBP) actively assist in the illegal alien invasion of the U.S.--fist bumping with the criminals too! Disgusting!
Among the illegals welcomed by our wonderful FedGov employees are tens of thousands of Chinese nationals--all of military age and bearing--who are China’s “on the ground” shock troops.
Traitors, all.
And, when the real invasion (of Chinese) begins due to our incapacitation from those predicted cyberattacks, I hope that actual--NOT FEDS--but REAL AMERICANS, will heartily greet them from behind every blade of grass…..

General 'Buck' Turgidson
General 'Buck' Turgidson
9 months ago
Reply to  TakeAHardLook

You don’t need a physical invasion of the USA--all you need to do is to cripple this country, corner it into submission through financial stress and manipulations which is backed up by nuclear blackmail… and the zipper heads in DC will vote anything you want into a ‘law.’

9 months ago

Yeah ! Hell ! this group of traitors and thieves will “legislate ” the invasion and make it legal…..

9 months ago

By that point a huge number of Americans will not be complying; the Nation will devolve into a patchwork of Loyalist vs Independent, possibly county by county.

kal kal
kal kal
9 months ago

Geez Chris, we’ve known for five years that they have been in our most vital infrastructure’s systems. Is it news to you, dim-wit? Meanwhile Wray spews terror warning while doing zip to stem the flow of illegals, terrorist and PLA troops into the country, Wray lies out of both sides of the orifice he calls a mouth. He’s signaling the coming of the next false flag operation.

9 months ago

And then Joe Biden will surrender us to China.


[…] spokesperson or official. They lie, all the time, about everything. A few of the comments from my previous post suggest that perhaps I think otherwise. Having said that, and if you watch the comments by Sam […]