I remember asking Stewart Rhodes when the Oath Keepers were going to uphold their oath to support the Constitution. Seven years later, the same question is being asked. And avoided. As the Communist agenda of the Democrat Party has now become mainstream news, black masked Antifa attack with the tacit support of the law enforcement and patriots are vilified for being Americans, what should we be doing to preserve our children’s legacy?
I have spent my fortune building community. I hope that I have honor as bestowed by my brothers and sisters. I pray that the Lord has given me sacred Honor.
I pledge my life for one simple reason: I have no choice. I will not reason, bargain or compromise with evil. And this government is evil. It is not of God. It has one goal: power. And this power does not honor our lives so we have no choice but to pledge our lives for our children, our grandchildren and our country as founded by God.
David DeGerolamo
Agreed . Folks better start training harder faster and smarter sooner . And no before someone thinks they’ll just protest some more . there is no political solution ..theres a evil coming that hasent been seen in a long time and the only way to defeat it is to completely destroy it and burn the ground where it stood
Better not count on the Christians . They’re to busy trying to look like the smartest guy in the room. I guess I would think differently about that if I had ever met one who cared what Elohim wants. I suppose. Christmas Easter And Sunday are just so much more important to them that what Elohim actually said HE wants for us.
Biblical illiteracy is not conferred by religious membership or cultural affinity or genetic background. That would be racist
You seem to be in that Group thing also? You have never met a christian who sees easter or christmas for what it is?
i set in class with a man who has attended this church for a number of years , on “sunday” who seems to have a grasp on how easter the eggs and mans traditions have been used and introduced for and by the “world.” i myself was shocked as we both brought this up in class.
It seems His son has been instrumental in showing him some of these deceptions. So now there are two of us in this class that see this. This helps open a door for discussion.
Father and Rabbi are both spoken of in the Word of God.
Woes to Scribes and Pharisees
…7the greetings in the marketplaces, and the title of ‘Rabbi’ by which they are addressed. 8But you are not to be called ‘Rabbi,’ for you have one Teacher, and you are all brothers. 9And do not call anyone on earth your father, for you have one Father, who is in heaven.…
8.But you, do not be called ‘Rabbi,’ for One is your teacher, the Mashiak, and you are all brothers.
9. and do not call anyone on the earth your father, for One is your Father, He who is in the shamayim.
So how do you or your sect get around or rationalise this? Is it because so many people have not accepted Christ as there personal teacher? So you therefore are their teacher?
Not trying to be a jerk not attacking you with hate. i am just asking.