The government of the United States is not a government of the people, for the people or by the people. It is a government that has been evil for a long period of time. The culmination of their evil has resulted in the overthrow of the executive and senatorial branch of Congress at a minimum. I know that their evil is still spreading and they will never stop until they are confronted and defeated.
How do you think God views this evil and our acceptance? When this country is punished, do you think only the evil people will be affected?
David DeGerolamo
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Absolutely evil, and a lot of people think that by voting GOP in Nov, they will purge the evil. Wrong! 98 percent of DC is evil and they have no respect for us, they do not give a rats ass about us. That includes most of the GOP, Fox news, and the rest of them who lie to you. Follow the money and power.
All you can hope for they all die a horrendous death, but don’t worry the idiot republicrats will all be gone in three years. especially the ones who were duped by the mentally Ill democrats to take the shot, but no demonrats took the shots at all, it’s all one big con game perpetrated by the satanic party, has anyone ever noticed that no democrats ever get Covid but only republicrats catch it.
Totally agree. Parents are fine with govt. schools corrupting their kids. Colleges corrupt even further. Internet/cell phones, TV , movies, books, mags, text books, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, all together have destroyed morals. No help from churches to fight it.
Could we be under judgment from God. God gives satsn the latitude to do his Evil.
America has gotten away from being a God fearing nation, WE DON’T FEAR GOD, some or most don’t believe He exist. Taking the Bible/Prayer out school. Murdering over 63-Million Babies thus far. The pedophile crime and the corruption of our political system.
Its a wonder God hasn’t send down hell fire from Heaven. We Are More Corrupt Today Than Sodom and Gomorrah.
2nd Chronicles 7:14
We have not been a God fearing nation since the civil war, the wicked one and his minions had taken control of it a very long time ago, the sins of this nation has reached the heavens and Gods throne room and we are found wanting and chasing after satan and his ways. The scripture Old Testament states that when a nation and its leaders sin are exposed to its people then the end comes upon that nation and our end is in sight now, prepare to live in a Wild West like broken up states into the non wicked and the wicked states, this mentally Ill democrat in the dark house will push us towards that way which will eliminate his job in its entirety. I say let all the blue wicked states secede and put up state line borders where they won’t be able to travel and infect decent states with there filth and perversions they push on the nation, our children and the world.
To quote one of my favorite preachers ” America’s Cup of Abominations is full. There is only the cup of Trembling left to us ” . David Wilkerson . As I have heard several prophets declare ” Prepare for impact” !
Barry McGuire: Don’t blame God for the sins of America.
In ’74 I said America is history and was sorely rebuked. We have not exported democracy. On the contrary, we have exported every conceivable evil. I love America for what we inherited and for what it should be (a shining light on the hill). We have lost our way; and we will surely be judged deficient. While I will gladly take up arms at the appropriate time, be assured we are done. I would prefer that the Lord stomp the crap out of us quickly rather than we having to go through a death by a thousand cuts. Nevertheless, I am ready, willing and waiting for the moment. Do not be impatient. The time will present itself soon enough.
“How do you think God views this evil and our acceptance? When this country is punished, do you think only the evil people will be affected?”
God views it as an abomination. We will all suffer because we have all allowed it to happen. See the Old Testament, it is full of examples.
That is what has happened time and time again, man loves the darkness rather than the light, we will be in judgement until we remove the evil from our land completely.
“When this country is punished, do you think only the evil people will be affected?”
No, because submission is satanism (in the context of another cultural vaccum brought about by christians, religious persons and groups (false piety); a refusal to govern other than in their church doctrines. The teachers taught this ‘by default’ submission to authorities, as did church leaders, owners, bosses, and management, throughout business establishments. It’s the pervasive way of earning money, gaining influence in the arts, getting traction in science, determining protocol and the application and direction of medicine. This does not describe a self-governing people, but one that gives deference to religious and corporate rule and by extension, the governments of other countries. This suits well the occupying forces that are soon to come, having rendered itself a replacement territory.
Through out history God judged his people first!
Good article.
Thank you.
Thanks to Abe Lincoln for getting the ball rolling.
Did you know that Islam calls the United States the “Great Satan?” I used to be offended, but now I think they’re right! We kill our babies in the womb in the name of “freedom of choice”, we are the largest exporters of pornography (mostly coming from Chatsworth, CA a suburb of Northern Los Angeles). We cry out for all kinds of sexual immorality (hetero and LGBTQXYZ); don’t mess up their pronouns! We seem to be the only country worried about one’s skin color! We human/sex traffick to fill a demand that married businessmen have! USA has no moral standing; it has no right to wag the finger at other countries. Until we clean up our messes here, stay quiet. Repent!
For a look at what we…the U.S.of A… have in store for us read Matthew 24. If G D will pass judgment on HIS chosen people for their rebellion against HIM do you not think HE will do the same against those who are grafted in and in rebellion. Not only did HE completely destroy Israel HE divorced them and turned to a people who were unknown. The only salvation for our nation is for our nation to repent of our sins and turn back to G D. Where there are righteous people there is a righteous government.
Both the Good and the bad will be effected.