Are We Already Here?

Some new fan art created by @seanlongmore (shared via @layeredbutter on Instagram) imagines Barbie and Oppenheimer as one mythic movie titled “Barbenheimer.”

I was asked this morning when the economic collapse would come or if I thought it was already here. I said we are already here. This was an appropriate question since I had just finished reading the following article on Zerohedge:

“I Am Become Death, The Destroyer Of Barbie World” Says The Fed, And The PBOC Too

The Long, Slow Death of Global Development’ outlines how Global South economies used to have industrial sectors as growth drivers until neoliberalism hollowed them out, leaving only volatile commodity and rates cycles and low-productivity services “wage hunters and gatherers”, “too many workers and far too few good jobs to put them in”, and “premature financialization” of a “highly predatory character.” That’s Argentina, and many others. There is no easy fix, which is why ‘dollarisation’ is flagged as well as ‘dedollarisation’, global commodity producers try to move up the value chain, and we see war and coups.

Yet today the West looks like the Global South too. Its YouTubers, TikTok influencers, and gig jobbers can’t afford to buy or rent a home, marry or have kids, or even eat well or stay warm: they flood into digital pyramid schemes. Governments seem incompetent or powerless. Populism is surging. The Guardian argues, ‘Let’s stop kidding ourselves we’re a rich nation and get real… the UK’s gone bust’, and that: “Britain has to start thinking of itself not as a rich industrial country but as a poor country facing first-order economic development challenges. Large parts of the UK are scarcely better off than middle-income developing countries, and on current trends are about to get poorer.” I was saying DM = EM in 2022, if you recall.



I strongly recommend that you read the entire article. Or I should say “study” the entire article and think about the consequences of its content. This was my question after reading it: what will Americans do when forced to live in third world conditions? Consider the following:


LOS ANGELES – The 2023 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count results were released today, showing a 9% rise in homelessness on any given night in Los Angeles County to an estimated 75,518 people and a 10% rise in the City of Los Angeles to an estimated 46,260 people. While this year’s increases are slightly lower than previous year-over-year increases in the homeless count, they continue a steady growth trend of people experiencing homelessness in the annual Point-in-Time Count (PIT Count).  



Consider the county where I live:

Cherokee County

County in North CarolinaUnited States of America, North America

Population: 29,167 (2021)

There are more homeless people in the City of Los Angeles than the total amount of people in my county: 158% more homeless than my county’s population. And nothing is being done except talk and wasted funding for a problem that has increased 10% in the past year. This is only one city. Let’s be honest: every Democrat run city is in the same condition and the number is only exploding as Bidenomics lets illegal aliens (and terrorists) into the country.

Back to the article on Zerohedge:

Via a higher US dollar, the Fed can then help cap commodity prices, which are rising again, risking an inflation upswing in H2 2023 and H1 2024 – and hurting Russia and ‘dedollarization’ rivals to boot; it can push back against bullish China stories and pull capital into US markets; and it will see more headlines bewailing the struggles of the private equity industry, or that the ‘Number of China hedge funds falls for first time since 2012’, as ‘Investors bemoan end of an era for offshore China hedge funds’: wait until the number of US hedge funds falls too, then private equity firms, then other forms of shadow banking predicated on financialisation, not national-security physical production.

“I am become Death, the destroyer of Barbie World,” says the Fed as rates rise and stay high; and the PBOC too, as they cut them.

Or as stated in the article: Barbenheimer (a cross between a fantasy Barbie land and the nuclear threat to the world by Oppenheimer):

Mr. Market, with the greatest array of intellectual firepower since Los Alamos, is not focused on this theoretical thinking because he now lives in Barbie World and only wants pink plastic rate cuts, higher asset prices, and more China stimulus: welcome to the real ‘Barbenheimer’!


The world’s economy and globalization have collapsed. We do not have to acknowledge it and most will not face the truth. The media will not report on the real news: vaccine deaths, inflation, woke military, voter fraud and a tyrannical government. I do not even know where to start with “government” since all of our “problems” are caused or manufactured by government.

If you have read this far, I have a request. Please implement a plan to accommodate a third world lifestyle in your future based on the information in the Zerohedge article. I know it may be a difficult article to read and comprehend for some. Shelter, heat, food and water will be essential for your immediate needs as will the ability to protect yourself and community. As always trust in the Lord with all of your heart as the foundation of your life.

David DeGerolamo

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1 year ago

I do believe we are on the start of an Argentina style collapse soon.
Been trying to plan accordingly.

1 year ago

Yes. We are collapsing. It’s vital to lower your living standard as of “yesterday.” If you haven’t lowered your living standard by now -- you will suffer greatly tomorrow. Cut out all the frills. Cut your economic activity down to the bone right away. Pray. Ask God to help you.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jane

By all means, reduce your expenditures, and save up for the coming dearth, but *don’t* save your money. Spend it. Buy the things that you believe will become most valuable, or at least will not lose their value, as money most assuredly will.

1 year ago
Reply to  Fido

Good point.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jane

make sure you lock and load when this collapse really goes down, it will be a nightmare if you’re not armed to protect yourself and your family. the animals will be out seeking who they can devour, and it will be Biden/Obama illegal alien army, antifa, blm and every other communist s-bag group that they have attached to them, and very shortly now you will see that idiot in the white house sign a new EO on hoarding food to make it illegal. don’t listen or heed anything the Chinese communist spy states or makes threats about, ignore him and the federal bureaucracy. keep your mouth shut on your preps. and you will live longer. tell no one unless it’s someone close to you who you can trust with your life. You most likely will have to kill people to protect yourself and the family, but don’t fret about it, just do it, or you will be murdered by them.

1 year ago
Reply to  Phil

Good points. Faith in God!!

1 year ago
Reply to  Jane

Yes Jane, that is the most important is to have faith in God and trust in him for everything including your safety, but we all must do our earthly part as well by putting down all evil and very wicked principalities that inhabit the majority of people now, if need be.

1 year ago

And Universal Basic Income will solve everything -- but you’ll need your jab and your crypto account and your national ID and be willling to live wherever they put you and travel where they want you to go… and your kids will have to be injected too.
Folks, focus on doing what it takes to stop all of this. We can drown ourselves in the “what is ness” of it all. We can become emotionally and intellectually frozen in space and time -- powerless to break ourselves out of the horror of it all. & are excellent.
Derrick Broze’s Freedom Cells are a must have:))
Start forming activism and survival groups of friends, families, and neighbors.
Educate your law enforcement and demand a seat at the citizens review board table.
Re-call or use the Official Surety Bond claim process to rid your town, county, etc., of worthless elected and appointed and hired officials.
Fight Flouridation with everything you can. As long as flouride is in pre-mixed drinks -- especially ‘white guys beers’ -- people will be docile and unable to rise above the wi-fi induced brain fog. Glyphosphate combines with flouride to calcify our pineal glands and destroy our gut feelings and intuition.
Teach detoxing -- every day. Put instructions and information into blessing boxes if your community has them. Folks who can’t afford the internet will really appreciate it.
Now is not the time to nap.:))))))))

Original Grandpa
Original Grandpa
1 year ago
Reply to  60GigaHertz

Build resilient communities of like minded individuals, even if it requires you to relocate. And do so now, a year too early is preferable to one day late.
A word the wise -- we don’t have a year. God bless you all.


[…] ← Are We Already Here? […]

1 year ago

Except for food consumption, I’m already practicing a very low expense life style. I live in an apartment. I have a minivan. Except for a twin bed, I have no real furniture. Every table and chair is folding. Why? When I moved in here I was given a big break on the rent. I knew that the building I live in would be sold eventually. Sooner rather than later. And I would have to move because of a large increase in rent. So, what fits in the minivan goes, what doesn’t fit gets tossed. The clothes I have right now, are the clothes I’m going to have when things go south. What fits in the van? “Toys”, clothing, food, and some folding tables. Ready to go at the drop of a hat. I could leave right now if I had to. Kind of like the point made in the movie “Heat”.

1 year ago

Much of the articles deal with forcasts and prognostcations far beyond my lifetime. There will not be humans left with the intellectual capacity to build a new world that even approaches ours. Technological advances in weaponry and large scale barriers will allow intelligent redoubts to exist for a while but ultimately the ants realize that there are more of them than there are of the grasshoppers.
A medieval lifestyle including local kings and knights could very well be the future. I also unfortunately believe there will come a time of culling with all the attendant bloodshed and horror.