Are We Going to Unite?

Unite or Die" Reunited

The Deep State is telling us it is time to unite the country. Joe Biden said he will be the president for all Americans. I do not have to post a list of how they divided the country for four years, implemented a coup of the Constitution and made patriots into terrorists.

Glenn Beck said yesterday that we have to come together and support the Biden presidency. How can we support the new country’s government if we do not know the rules? What do we know or have been promised under a Biden administration:

  1. Free speech is not allowed.
  2. We will wear masks for 100 days.
  3. Trump will be impeached to ensure that he will not be able to hold elected office in the future.
  4. Taxes will be raised.
  5. Right-wing organizations like Oath Keepers and the Proud Boys will be classified as terrorist groups.
  6. Firearms, ammunition, magazines and plates will be regulated in violation of the 2nd amendment.
  7. The possibility of a 911 type commission to investigate the Trump administration’s illegal activities.
  8. The cessation of all Congressional investigations of the Deep State.
  9. No investigation of illegal votes or foreign interference in the 2020 election as outlined in the DNI report.
  10. Increasing the size of the Supreme Court to “validate” the new government.

Are you going to unite under this illegitimate regime?

David DeGerolamo

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Phillip Trueblood
Phillip Trueblood
4 years ago

I will continue to not acknowledge or speak of racism.
I will put my trust in God and defend the rights he has given me as well as the constitution of the USA one nation under God

We (Christian patriots) have been too passive too long

Ace of Aces
Ace of Aces
4 years ago

Most mornings of 2020, I have awakened bolting out of bed -- Pissed Off -- I thought that all this was going to be over as a really bad April Fools Joke. Oh, How Wrong I Was !! Even if it is 4:00 a.m., I get up turn on the stereo and crank it loud. Too bad if anyone is outside their house at that time to hear it.
Three CD’s have not left that stereo. Two by Mercy Me -- ‘Coming Up to Breathe’ and ‘Spoken For’ -- and one by Rich Mullins -- ‘Songs’. God pays attention to our praises and He doesn’t care what form. He already knows how we feel -- so don’t bother hiding it… pummel a punching bag, dance, shout out the words… until every cell in your being is vibrating and yet you are exhausted to the core. When your ‘done in’ sit in the quiet, and wait for the peace that passes all understanding to come over you -- that’s Him -- His Holy Spirit. Quietly and respectfully just start talking to Him, or stay quiet and just ask Him to speak to you. Then wait for Him to speak from within your soul (never your head) -- your soul emanates from your torso and fills your whole being. It might be softly audible, or he will bring a thought to your mind to encourage or comfort you.
This morning I asked Him in tears, “To stop the suicides of so many good and honorable men/women/children in our country’s who have just given up. To let them know that no matter what they have done with their lives -- that nothing is unforgiveable and that the impossible is always possible once they give You a chance.”
He has a plan for each and every one of us… and each and every one of us are needed for this time. I speak this from experience, because I was there over 25 years ago -- and He stepped in to stop me. Gave me the will to live and I have never gone back there.

nkjv Revelation 3:20 “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My Voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with me.”

Malachi 3:13 to the end of the book.

These songs sound a whole lot better from my stereo: > Rich Mullins -- Ragamuffin Archive

Gunny HiWay
Gunny HiWay
4 years ago
Reply to  Ace of Aces

Oh..STOP IT already.
Sky fairy does not care about you, me or the USSA.

Ace of Aces
Ace of Aces
4 years ago
Reply to  Gunny HiWay

Hello Gunny.
I hope you return to this site to see this comment. I want you to know that I am not offended, and the last thing I would want is for you not to contribute to this forum. There are a whole host of honorable and good men here to provide you with much truth and support.
So, you have been betrayed by a liar -- you have been duped and you have every right to be angry. All of us have also endured the same aggravating experience with the same response. But, how is it that God is to blame for what man has done? He created all the angels and us with the free will to do as we so please. Including accepting or rejecting Him.
Do you know what He has to say on the matter?
🔈Genesis 6:5-6 ” Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And, the Lord was sorry that He made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart.”
🔈Numbers 23:19 “God is not a man, that He should lie, Nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make good?
🔈Genesis 32:24-28 “Then Jacob was left alone… And, he said your name shall no longer be Jacob, but Israel; for you have struggled with God and with men, and have prevailed.

note: Israel consists mainly of the Caucasian races that are scattered all over the world. If you are fare skinned you are a descendent. If you are dark skinned you are a descendent of his Great, Grand Father Enoch.

Our Creator is a Warrior -- He can handle your anger, because we all know that ‘life can really get hard for the living!’ I will never forget who said that phrase to me. He was a man in his mid-twenty’s and his younger brother had just been murdered by the medical mafia. And, the circumstances had been hard before that happening. I was in authority over him and his boss, all I could do was sit and listen as he poured out his pain. When he could say no more -- he let me hug him.

If you haven’t figured it out yet. I am a woman, I was placed in authority of 7 bull headed men and their boss was twice as bad. I held that position for 31/2 years until the company fired me for speaking my mind. Every last one of those men yelled at my former bosses -- I had earned their trust, their respect and they had my back.

You guys out there who think that the women among you are somehow less than. Think again! It is the lioness that goes out to hunt while the lion naps with the cubs. it is the momma Grizzly that will hunt you down and kill you should you get near her cubs. Look who is standing up these days guy’s -- they are not wearing the masks. It disgusts me to see it and one day I actually confronted a man about it. About a week later I saw him bolt into a hardware store maskless.

Just Two Cases in Point:
Meet the first President of the World Freedom Alliance
& Catherine Austin Fitts

4 years ago
Reply to  Ace of Aces

Thanks, Ace. Praise God. His Will be done. I have faith.

4 years ago

I will continue to support anyone or any cause that supports and follows the constitution — period — if the traitors in the country think I will capitulate to them out of fear — We have the power and people so they better think twice about it

Gunny HiWay
Gunny HiWay
4 years ago
Reply to  woody8834

Enjoy your bread and water.

Gunny HiWay
Gunny HiWay
4 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

I am causing “division” when we just lost the country?
The “constitution” does not exist as of today.

This is your website, I am just a visitor.
Shut the door if you like sir.

Honestly, no sites like this will exist in 60 days anyway.
Good Luck,

a follower
a follower
4 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

i’ll second that David, He was given the benefit of a doubt yet his comments rage on, he has no discipline, He has no respect or very little for others, in fact he is now reminding me of T-fat .

Gunny HiWay
Gunny HiWay
4 years ago
Reply to  a follower

You know nothing of me sir other than I am not from NC (though the Tar Heels are my favorite college uniform) very angry and obviously not Christian.

Keep making enemies of allies.
Good strategy.

Ps… My “Respect” is earned, as should yours be.


Ace of Aces
Ace of Aces
4 years ago
Reply to  a follower


Again -- please consider or the Odysee platform that lbry powers.

Corbett’s latest will go viral!!

The following channel uses a pdf format:

Robert Housholder
Robert Housholder
4 years ago

“I reckon not “!

4 years ago

Glenn Beck is correct. We do need to come together behind Biden, but NOT to support, to RESIST, just as they did to Trump.
And not simply for “resistance” sake, but to continue to EXPOSE their criminality.
These people STOLE our sacred election trust and I, for one, will NOT forget.
And I will NEVER refer to Biden or that skank, Harris, as anything but thieves and frauds.

4 years ago

I will not unite with communist, traitors and criminals they must be opposed at every opportunity it is time to start throwing sand into the grars of the new communist regime.

4 years ago

If you are ex-mil or consider yourself Christian or conservative you now have one foot in the grave . Act accordingly .