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- Snotty Boy on Tillis Has Selected Memories
- Thexrayboy on Joe Biden Forgot to Pardon Himself
- Phil1350 on Pardons Ignored
- Balanced Rock on Tillis Has Selected Memories
- Roth Harbard on Fire the Weasels
Absolutely, as Michael Yon stated they have installed there dog kings to ridicule and demoralize us. We already wear their shackles, I have been hearing that this is a spiritual battle not a physical battle. IN my opinion it is both of these being used against us. We either lay down and die, or stand up and fight.
Fallen? Not yet, but definitely on the down slope for decades.
Right now feels like being on a big roller coaster, where you crest the top of the first big drop and hear that ‘clik, clik, clik..’ before it really takes off down the tracks.
That’s where we’re at right now. Enjoy the ride.
Do bears defecate in the woods, or is this a trick question?
Don’t worry, I’ll vote harder and convince others to do the same.
Has America fallen ? Well you know the answer to that question. Just as Israel would fall into idol worship, then came the bondage and slavery. America ain’t too far behind…
Has America fallen? Not yet, but thanks to all the traitors in D.C., we’re only 100 yards from the edge of the cliff and going 120 mph.
The ‘experiment’ has failed. The disease we carry inside has overwhelmed many. And yes the disease followed into the New World, as prophesied. There is only One True cure. And One True leader, yet we (the many, ‘legion’ as it were)remain stiff necked.
As your fathers did, so you do. Ye stiff--necked, and uncircumcised in heart and ears, ye do always resist the Holy Spirit: as your fathers did, so do ye.
“2023 Prophecy: “A White Stone” (Prophetic Dream)” -- The Redeemed
This is your America. Continue to allow your buttocks to conform to that good ole lazy boy. Demand another 12oz can of liquid courage strengthening that chicken noodle bicep and use your skill set to manipulate your weapon of choice, that Netflix remote. Yeah your “Murica has Fallen”. I’m the only Book of truth , the KJV, I recall a certain nation being a powerhouse, facing down giants but once again turning to idols and being taken into captivity loosing their identity as aNation and people watching their children wear those chains of bondage and slavery. This is what be silent and sitting on the sideline has gotten us….
Look in the mirror you had a hand in this just as I….
Very interesting interviews, but sometimes quite long, on the Shawn Ryan Show at Vigilance Elite Show. I liked his interviews with guys that were knowledgeable about the cartels and their presence here in the US.