Check the following list from the federal government to see if you are a terrorist:
- White
- Christian
- Male
- Served in the military
- Revere the Constitution
- Know the 2020 election was fraudulent
- Want our borders secure
- Will not get vaccinated
- Know your gender
- Believe the government is evil
Let me know if I missed any.
David DeGerolamo
Do you have to score 100% to get a drone strike? I only hit 90%(no military service). Gulag for me I guess.
You’ll enjoy 6 Fun Filled months surrounded by caring and loving comrades when you stay at… The Obama-Schwab Re-Education and Assimilation Center. Thats right GH you’ll feel safe with 24-hour surveillance, soothing music with the teachings of Mao presented by our own Obama Choir. Wonderful meals prepared by our own Michelle Obama which meet the lowest caloric count possible while keeping you alive and special visits by our own Bill Ayers and the Weather Underground! Ooooooh so much more we cant list it here!
Act now and you get to sharpen your very own Guillotine!
I meet all criteria 100% and am well aware I’ve been on their list for awhile….
Many of us are at or near the top of their list without even trying.
Scored 100%.
I would add ‘Gun owner’.
Speaking for myself, was stationed in West Germany for two years. Later was a sole proprietor FFL in Kalifornia for almost 20 years. Escaped to Texas. I find it beyond irony that Putin is far more believable than anything coming from our .gov. Not saying i agree with everything Putin says.
So ‘they’ already have my photo, blood type and finger prints. Come on over. I’ll wait.
Recognize that it’s not immigration. It’s invasion. Perpetrated by the government against us.
I guess I too would get a 100% score and proud of it, thanks David.
Well, I fit every one of those points listed, so I guess I am a terrorist in my government’s eyes. But who cares what they say and think, the God heaven will take of these evil humans inhabited by demons and fallen beings. God states in his Holy Word when these evil ones set snares for his people ultimately God makes them fall into their own snares, they set for us. So, the words out of my mouth toward any federal LEO bureaucracy is to SCREW OFF!!!!
And know “most” other people’s gender too. Though some I may be a little confused on. I am still not sure if that person I spoke to fishing at the park the other day was a young boy or a woman.
Believe in SOUND money.
Know that Government is the GREATEST EVIL ever created by man.
Believe that NOBODY, for ANY REASON, has a right to rule over anyone else….PERIOD.
The replies say it all.
Never mind Burn Loot Murder, Antifa and the “mostly peaceful flaming protests”.
We are the Bad Guys?
Isaiah 5:20
King James Version
20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
Oh MY I’d have to add accepts the Bible at face value to the Terrorist list.
The good ole 66caliber KJV 1611 references the word “terror” some 44 times. Isaiah 10:33
“Behold, the Lord, the LORD of hosts, shall lop the bough with terror: and the high ones of stature shall be hewn down, and the haughty shall be humbled.”
First time I ever got 💯 % !
I must be living right 🇺🇸
I do not accept your terms. I am a free man.
don’t leave out public grumbling
jeez,they got me
You Just Can’t Make This Up… US Government Agency Blocks Bank Transaction by Producers of “POLICE STATE” Movie -- Dinesh D’Souza Describes Harassment by Same Agency that Monitors Terrorism and Trafficking! (AUDIO) …Update: Funds Returned after Calls | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft I am taking another strike against me for ordering a dvd of police state.
Just wait until cash is no longer accepted and their CBDC’s are the “coin of the realm”.
for some period of time when people stop accepting cash, there will be strong bartering systems in place… they won’t last forever but will be very strong for a period of time- then they will dry up too
You are right. Bartering will be a short term way to get by, but when consumables run out, the beast system will be the only source of needed goods and their CBDC system will be the only way to purchase those goods.
Survivor of Mao’s China Warns America is on the Verge of Becoming a Communist State | The Gateway Pundit | by Mike LaChance
CRY MORE, LIBS: Democrats Break Down IN TEARS After House Approves Bill Slashing IRS Funding and Approving Aid to Israel to Fight Hamas | The Gateway Pundit | by Cullen Linebarger They have labeled the new speaker of the house a terrorist, I will wait and see how this turns out.
So, we’re all on the list. Did we win any prizes?
you forgot one important one….own bang sticks.
How about “Im a FARMER and raise Beans, Corn, Hogs, Cattle and Chickens to feed my fellow man”! Thats what I do!
You are definitely a terrorist.
Well if you scored high and you are a Christian -- Well Done! For we are “Not Of This World” said Jesus the Christ! Our hope is in HIM and the coming eternal inheritance.