Are You, Are You?

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Fed up
Fed up
8 years ago

I believe that when the smoke clears we will be the ones left standing. They can take their best shot now, Oh wait I forgot, they don’t have any guns…….LOL They don’t prep, they can’t convert to Islam because they can’t read the koran in it’s original language. They are just as hated as anyone else that is not a Muslim. Well sounds like they are screwed worse than the people in the list above. Boo hoo ya bunch of whinners…

8 years ago

‘salright, we’re watching them, too.

8 years ago

That is right Fed up they don’t have any guns! Thanks for the chuckle!

Of course they are trying (and quite successfully to date) to flood the country with illegals who will be potential voters for a one party system, while at the same time ratcheting up all the Cloward–Piven tactics to eventually overwhelm U.S. and try and disarm U.S.

I don’t agree with Glen Beck on his Mormonism views but he did organize two DC gatherings that were powerful in bringing together many who are part of the individual groups on this poster.
It was cathartic for me to go to DC both those times and see hundreds of thousands of like-minded Americas. We need another gathering before November!

I hope and pray the Republicans can get united behind a candidate (picked by the people not the elites).

The Republic is really on the line this November.

8 years ago

Our nation is wrent asunder, confounded and destroyed from within. We are far beyond the tipping point, which fact dictates that no matter what we may do at a national level, we cannot avoid the coming fall -- secitionalism (secession movements), racial division, social/class division, and the profound political divide between progressives and “conservatives” -- all these factors dictate that we are no longer a people united -- there is no longer a single ‘We The People’ to be preserved; there is no singular body-politic to be saved, and that painful truth must be accomodated in your thinking, or you will misapprehend many other datapoints, and come to dangerously false conclusions.

We are already multiple ‘nations’ competing for possession of the same geography, and there is such a powerful animosity between these cohabitating nations, such a palpable hatred is in evidence, that conflict is sadly inevitable as this competition for vast reaches of contested “home teritory” escalates.

And escalate it must, because the economic, political, and social pressures upon all of us just keep increasing -- there is nothing we can do to restrain or deflect these increasing pressures, these are facts beyond contention; and they must inevitably cause escalation in the conflicts which are plainly evident among those occupying the territory known as “America”. The fact that the situation has been constructed for this exact purpose is, at this point, accademic -- as I stated above, we are well beyond the tipping point, and as such there is NOTHING we can do to prevent the coming dissolution of the United States as a monolithic entity. Balkanization is inevitable, with all the ugliness which such a fact must convey.

My apologies for destroying your hope and expectations; but I do so out of Charity, because as things heat up, misconceptions pertaining to the advancing of our society’s decay are becoming more dangerous…

When the great fracturing comes -- the social earthquake which shall disrupt most everything -- your community will be your tribe, and your County will be your nation. Everything beyond your county ought rightfully to be contemplated simply as “contested territory”, and your primary job is to resist being drawn into that greater conflict, and to prevent your community from being drawn into it, as well.


8 years ago

I fully understand how fractured We the Polarized are. I thought we were going to have a collective national nervous breakdown in the 60’s…but we are in much worse splintered decayed shape today.

You don’t have to worry about destroying my hope and expectations; As a lifelong Conservative (I was a Barry Goldwater fan in 64 at 14, his first book Conscience of a Conservative and watching Bill Buckley on TV inspired me) I’m a former Marine Grunt/Vietnam Veteran/serious Prepper (decades before it was fashionable). I am ready, willing, and able to stand my ground under any circumstances…and I mean any of God’s overdue judgements on this rich, spoiled, fallen country that has been turning its back on Him…in any or all of its forms: financial collapse, civil riots, terrorist EMP, natural EMP, Civil War, Day of Jihad (I hope I’m in the area my trunk is loaded) the entire list of natural disasters, up to and including the Tribulation.

That said I still yearn for those like me listed on that poster to gather, untie, practice the 1st amendment in mass, show the radical Left our unity and American values, become Oath Keepers and be ready to be modern day Minute Men and Women.

I realize we don’t know one another but don’t confuse the above voiced paragraph/post with hope and expectations…I know what is probably coming and I will be Semper Fi do or die.

8 years ago
Reply to  Mark

Lock and load LT, I am also in my 60’s and still in good shape to kick butt, I can still personally take out at minimum four dead beat black lives matter negroes, Islamic or what ever Mexican wet back that comes my way ,for what I know and have learned in my late teens and early 20’s, I never forgot and have used it very well especially in hand to hand combat techniques. I used to train specialized forces in hand to hand and many knife take downs with ease, when the time comes I will be waiting and God help the poor suckers who just happen to come my way either at my place of residence or in the street, they will die a fast death.

Fed up
Fed up
8 years ago

Ditto and Amen