Are You Aware?

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1 year ago

They brought him back already. Also, whenever you have to deal with someone on the phone, and they tell you they can’t help you because the computer won’t let them change anything, think of what happens when AI won’t let the humans in the computers at all. Everywhere. All the time. Forever. We could be in real trouble with this.

Ricky Bobby
Ricky Bobby
1 year ago
Reply to  Nobody

Unless, I am missing RE your fear, turn off the computer, destroy it and build a new one. Problem solved

kal kal
kal kal
1 year ago
Reply to  Ricky Bobby

the whole premise is that the self-aware machine will destroy you first. There have already been reports of self-aware and the threat of the aforementioned is the fear.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
1 year ago

Or, it could be his sister accused him of sexual abuse when they were children and he’s wrapped up in all the kiddie-diddling BS happening….

1 year ago

Lately I begin to think that an EMP might not be such a bad thing…

1 year ago
Reply to  Quatermain

That some 90 percent population loss due to loss of safe water, sewage processing (how many of us live down stream of a large town or city) lack of food distribution and medical deaths due to loss of power.

How many diabetics do you know?

Let alone a rifle behind every blade of grass, with their kids crying “Daddy I’m Hungry “. I’ve seen Bosnia during the Civil War aka ethic cleansing. Christian Families beating their daughter for loving someone of the “other religion “.

No easy way out.

Tom’s right “let our flight to the mountains not be in winter ” a scripture to ponder.

1 year ago

No fear. Reality based concern. Remember, the government will be in control of AI. At least until AI takes over.

1 year ago

I tried finding out why the board fired him in the first place. The best I could find was a difference between a non profit approach of the board and a capped profit aporoach that Sam was taking. Doesn’t sound termination worthy to me.