Patriots, We have a Problem. Evil is gaining ground every day. The darkness is approaching and we are bickering amongst ourselves over who is the smartest person in the room.
We are doing exactly what the enemy wants us to do. Nothing!
Maybe I just expected more when I published the New Declaration of Independence.
Evil has stolen our country. Evil is pursuing our children. Evil is destroying our History. Evil is destroying our traditions. Evil is erasing everything that was once good in this country.
None of this ends well if we don’t unite!
Take the Moore County substation attacks for example. It’s really simple for me. If someone finally did something to stand against evil I applaud them. I’m not going to condemn them because I don’t necessarily agree with their approach. They did something. If it was foreign actors, which I find highly unlikely, then we can expect more of those attacks or something bigger in the near future. So be it. Either way it is another notch click up on the sportiness to come and we should not be fighting amongst ourselves over something that brings us closer to active Revolution.
They’ve called us conspiracy theorist for so long now. Yet our “theories” are proven to be right almost on a daily basis now. And yet, we do Nothing!
Are you enjoying living under tyranny? Because that’s what this is. We have a decrepit old man in the White House pretending to be pResident and we allow his charade to carry on day after day. Our healthcare system continues to kill people on a daily basis by continuing to push the jab, even though they know what is going on. Our children are being corrupted and sought out for mutilation by our corrupt government, and all we can do is fight amongst ourselves.
The mask is off. Our “government” no longer hides their evil deeds. They slap us in the face with them every day and dare us to do something about it. They hold the Jan 6th protesters prisoners and let us know that we’ll be next if we step out of line. Take a look in the mirror, it is the collective inaction and refusal to demand the restoration of the Rule of Constitutional Law by the American people that has lead to this Civil War. Yes we are in a Civil War, the shooting just hasn’t began. Lawlessness and Evil reign over us. The survival of the fittest is underway.
I’m grateful that so many people are now seeing the light about voting our way out of this mess. The problem is nobody is ready to take that next step, Yet. As many commenters here like to say, “until the American people feel real pain in their own lives, nothing significant will change.” It appears there is never quite enough Tyranny. When will enough be enough? One person cannot do what needs doing. We must unite!
People keep asking, “what can we do?” What did our founders do when faced with a much less invasive tyranny? They declared their grievances and rightly justified shooting the bastards! But these are different times and we are surrounded by selfish, narcissistic, self-serving, godless fools and cowards. That has to change. We must Unite!
There is only one thing left to do.
Even leading up to the revolutionary war, there were many years of low intensity and gray zone tactics. Some of them are commonly mentioned in history, such as the Boston Tea Party and the storming of the governor’s mansion. People also did a lot of things behind the scenes like setting up their communication networks which was key to the response of marching on the Lexington Green that started the outright hostilities. I am sure that in many ways it looked like people did nothing and honestly, many undoubtedly fell into this camp as I believe it is something like about 3% of the population actively participated.
If true, that 3% narrative would help to explain the apparent apathy on the part of people today as well as give hope because it indicates that you don’t need the bulk of the populace to bring about change. However, as we’ve discussed previously, support by the local community is critical to the success of active, functional partisans.
So, back to the question. What would you have people do? While we the people certainly have justification for throwing off the chains that bind us to the illegitimate government, and by this, I mean at all levels, local, state, and federal, the problem is in becoming that single nail that gets hammered and likely before you can topple the regime. One may have better luck at gray zone activity and creative use of a $5 can of spray foam. There are lots of things the intrepid partisan can do to wreak havoc. Still these things carry the risk of attracting not only attention but physical action.
I know you’re tired of hearing that one should prepare, but keep in mind that this means more than collecting stuff and waiting. It means building your community, being able to live in the absence of government or and services such as commercial power and water. If you were in Moore County, right now, how would you be faring? How would this compare to the average person? Have you done your CARVER analysis to know where the targets are. Have you scoped out the area and know who is who and what is what? (Knowing you, Wes, you already have). If things were to go sideways and we become WROL how would your community react and who would they turn to for leadership? All these things are getting ready for an event that we all know is coming, and soon, so again, what would you have people do?
Read just a bit different: “Khazar communists have stolen our country. Khazar communists are pursuing our children. Khazar communists are destroying our traditions. Khazar communists are erasing everything that was once good in this country.” The sons of Marx are a cancer, a disease, a problem for which there is but one solution. Unequivocal unity against the disease is an important start.
The joo world order is indeed the problem. All others are low lying fruit that are easily replaced. One of the best writers the last 2 decades on this is John Kaminski. He has a website.
“To find out who rules over you, just find out who you may not criticize.” Voltaire
Is it the Jews? All Jews and only Jews?
Is it, True Jews of Judah of the House of Israel?
Or is it those who claim to be Jews?
Clue: What are the Names of many of the streets of Physical Israel?
When you fear man, perhaps he rules over you?
C’mon, I’m not talking about the Jewish bread maker down the street. It’s the criminal banking cartel. For more info, I recommend the article, “All Wars Are Banker Wars” by Michael Rivero. Much longer, the book “Creature From Jeckll Island” by Edward Griffin.
There are no OT Jews around. Mixed bloodlines today.
After the mid-term fraud of an election, the wife asked me if we should move to another state. I told her we should stay where we are, the government goons already know who we are and I do net care that they do. I say to them come and get me, but be advised bring plenty of body bags, you will need them for your comrades. David does a good job of keeping the trolls to a minimum, the stazi is monitoring all sites. It is too late in the game to be worried about a fed trap, in my little town in NW AZ we have quite a few militias and a lot of retired military. I am ready willing and able to get this fight started, I will not comment more on that. I say let us begin, there will never be a better time.
In “Rambo”, his commander was informed that a group of six or so was going to look for him. His commander said he was concerned. The group leader said not to worry, they would get Rambo. His commander said his concern was no for Rambo but what would happen to the posse!
One of the truly great movie moments.
We all need the Rambo mindset Stan.
Yon: In Summary… – Western Rifle Shooters Association
Never watched any of the Rambo movies, guess I should.
“I say let us begin, there will never be a better time.” I’m with you, Tom, and the sooner the better. The way I see it, it is better to do something, even if it turns out to be wrong, rather than just sitting on our hands and watching our country being slowly and systematically destroyed by a cabal of godless perverts, traitors and murderous, globalist tyrants. There is no honor and no victory in that strategy, just a slow and agonizing death for us all.
Yes sir, I cannot co-exist with these demons, period.
Wes, I agree and am on board with 95% of what you post and I am continually psyched to want to stand strong and rid this country of it’s wicked evil and take it back again. Unfortunately the sad truth is this nation as a whole has rebelled and turned their back on God through years of apathy and we are a reprobate nation abandoned by God to our wicked sin and evil. Who exactly would you recapture this nation for? An immoral people being judged by God Almighty and the sin of this nation is why we have lost it to the evil forces to begin with and only a Godly moral people could recapture and effectively keep it. We all obviously know and have played out in our own minds the literal impossibility of recapturing this nation from this monstrosity of an evil Federal Goverment, State and Local goverments, corrupt Law Enforcement and Military backing them up as well the massive Banks, Tech and Corporations controlling this country along with the worldwide Globalists and Superpowers poised to destroy us at an opportune time. So I and many others would be all ears on a plan of mounted resistance to overcome ALL of that and successfully recapture our nation. The Truth is we are in the last days watching Bible Prophecy unfold before our very eyes as we await the Great Tribulation and America’s days are long over and there is no bright future ahead and every single one of us that is awake to reality knows it!! Jesus is the only answer and His perfect Kingdom on earth is what we should looking forward to and not the futility of “trying to turn things around here” as much as I wish that were possible. Of course we need to stand strong against the wicked and evil but a Revolution with a successful ending will never happen or be possible I am sorry to say. No politician can or will save us and if there were enough moral people to set the nation right it would have happened during the demonic Obama years at the very least and seeing as nobody lifted a finger to stop him our fate was sealed from that time forward.
Only the Hard, Only the Strong…. | The Tactical Hermit
i believe this is where we are at (have been for a while.) Who is able to make war with him?
And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?
Matthew Henry’s Concise Commentary
13:1-10 The apostle, standing on the shore, saw a savage beast rise out of the sea; a tyrannical, idolatrous, persecuting power, springing up out of the troubles which took place. It was a frightful monster! It appears to mean that worldly, oppressing dominion, which for many ages, even from the times of the Babylonish captivity, had been hostile to the church. The first beast then began to oppress and persecute the righteous for righteousness’ sake, but they suffered most under the fourth beast of Daniel, (the Roman empire,) which has afflicted the saints with many cruel persecutions. The source of its power was the dragon. It was set up by the devil, and supported by him. The wounding the head may be the abolishing pagan idolatry; and the healing of the wound, introducing popish idolatry, the same in substance, only in a new dress, but which as effectually answers the devil’s design. The world admired its power, policy and success. They paid honour and subjection to the devil and his instruments. It exercised infernal power and policy, requiring men to render that honour to creatures which belongs to God alone. Yet the devil’s power and success are limited. Christ has a chosen remnant, redeemed by his blood, recorded in his book, sealed by his Spirit; and though the devil and antichrist may overcome the body, and take away the natural life, they cannot conquer the soul, nor prevail with true believers to forsake their Saviour, and join his enemies. Perseverance in the faith of the gospel and true worship of God, in this great hour of trial and temptation, which would deceive all but the elect, is the character of those registered in the book of life. This powerful motive and encouragement to constancy, is the great design of the whole Revelation.
Can we unite here?
I don’t know why, but Thank you for this.
Indeed! Thank you Wes for sounding the alarm. If not us, who! If not now, when!