Are You Not Entertained?

At this point, I am not entertained. Canadians are putting us to shame as they fight for their Liberty. We sit and wait. Will this upcoming week be the start of our quest to regain our country as the US trucker convoy leaves California for Washington, D.C.?

Each week gives us more time to get ready. I pray that we have used this time wisely.

David DeGerolamo

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2 years ago


2 years ago

To be fair, they aren’t really fighting for their liberty. They are letting themselves get beat and killed, just like we’ve done. Letting your enemies beat you doesn’t seem to lead to victory, at least not so far.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

The beatings will continue, how long are we willing to kneel and take these beatings? Have you ever been punched in the nose, it hurts doesn’t it what was your reaction did you say do it again? Back in the early 80s I was just getting started in the martial arts, and we had this new guy come in, 250 lbs football player for UCLA turns out he was a big bully, was always hurting people so Larry had everybody form a circle for a sparring session and the first two opponents were the bully and a guy named Tom. They squared off and the bully came at him and Tom threw a straight right and broke his nose, to my surprise he started cussing and yelling that his nose got broken, Larry told him to stop cussing, the big bully left never to return again. The point is, we had better start breaking some noses!!!

2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

That’s what I’m saying. Seeing that stupid cop hit that sweet little girl journalists with his baton is their intent; up the level and rely on us to back down while they hurt us, bc we’re such good law abiding citizens. Again, like Wes & David keep posting: They’re not keeping the law, but are using it against us, so why should we obey to our disadvantage and demise?
In the Marines we were told repeatedly, We have a DUTY to disobey EVERY unlawful order. Those cops are obeying unlawful orders to hurt the people they’re supposed to protect. That means THEY are the ones guilty and escalating this. It’s time to hurt them, bad, to make them realize their “jobs” aren’t worth backing lies, and the whole “just following orders” but ain’t gonna work. Re-form and flank attack without mercy, bc they don’t have any for us. We’ll be thrown in prison on made up lies and charges.
Please wake up people, they’ve taken all our options away! We didn’t/don’t want what’s left and been given us, but this is what it is now: resist with all we are and bring the pain back to these evil people.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Dave

Their is no law at this point, following the so called law will only get you a boot in the face and thrown in the gulag.

2 years ago

We don’t need to wait for our truckers. We can all begin by taking our money out of the bank. Don’t pay if you owe, and don’t file taxes. Adjust your withholding to the least possible so they steal less. Why are we sitting on the sidelines waiting for somebody else to do something just watching the actions of those that are doing something. Collapse the system, if we don’t they will and it will in their time and to their advantage and we will lose anyway. Beat them to the punch.

2 years ago
Reply to  RShooter

Shooter: Anyone banking is paying for your own demise! Move you money to a Credit Unions or Local banks ASAP…eventually they’ll come for CU’s but it will buy you time. Use Cash where possible…they cant track cash and it really pisses Klaus Analschwab. Catherine Fitts promotes Cash Fridays and this needs extended to every day. Digital for their system, cash for the underground…welcome to Soviet Amerika Folks.

Connie G
Connie G
2 years ago

While everyone else just sits there….entertained by all the videos of abuse? I started my state group for donations and overpass rallys. I do not see this as a game…and when the abuse starts in DC….or surrounding it with the thugs unleashed..what do you think will happen? Truckers wont take the beatings and LE stepping in to stand down on the thugs while helping them with the beat downs.
You all gonna jump in your vehicles then? Or are you gonna get your BOB’s ready for DC and help save this country? One way or another, doesn’t matter what the venue is, just get your asses ready…..cause its coming!

2 years ago

I think many of us are bi-polar when it comes to LEOs. We support them when they act as peacekeepers and arrest criminals, but vilify them when they act as goons for the state. Unfortunately, they have proven time and again that they will do whatever they are ordered to do. Stand down and allow cities to burn, looters to loot and then crack skulls of peaceful protestors and enforce unconstitutional laws.
What is the solution? Constitutional sheriffs and no PDs would be a good start.

Last edited 2 years ago by Malachi
tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Malachi

I support law enforcement, when they act in the interests of we the people.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago
Reply to  Malachi

I learned in 1992 what LEO is all about. The solution is in Article I, Section 8, clause 15 of the US Constitution. We the People allow all this to happen and We the People are the solution to the problems. It is not one person or a even a handful. But it will take Godly men to do it. If not, We will get the evil we deserve. Which is what is happening right now.

2 years ago

They laugh at our rallies and all our harsh words. This is a game for them and they set the rules. Truckers rally and get their a@@’s beat. Park your damn trucks in your driveways and don’t move them. Take your money out of the banks and buy physical assets like silver with the cash (anybody remember the Gamestop silver rush?). Crash the banks, they are only going to take your money anyway. If you can’t hold it or stand on it you won’t own it. It’s going to be uncomfortable if not painful but so is getting beaten, gassed and arrested. When will Americans learn rallies and demonstrations do nothing, they own the narative and win every time. The American truckers are going to be crushed just like the Canadians. Then what, organize another demonstration?

2 years ago

Related to the HRC video:
“Jeffrey Epstein’s pimp Jean-Luc Brunel ‘hangs himself alone in Paris jail with no CCTV'”

Mario V. Albano
Mario V. Albano
2 years ago

Pustules popping: Austria, Italy, Germany, UK, Ireland,
New Zealand, Australia, Canada, USA.