Are You Ready For Societal Winter?

Many of you reading this are ready for winter, both literally and figuratively. Your firewood is stacked and your kindling is split. Your barn is stacked full of hay. Your larder is crammed full of food. Your fuel tanks are topped off. And your home armory is “dialed-in”, with its walls comfortably stacked with ammo cans.  But some of you reading this are not nearly so well prepared. Whether by lack of resolve or lack of resources, you aren’t ready for the manifold challenges of the 21st Century.

Winter is coming. The Old Farmer’s Almanac predicts that the winter of 2022-2023 will be harsh, for most of the country. And in Western Europe, the winter will surely be an uncomfortable one, since the Russians have embargoed natural gas.

Far worse than the predicted La Niña winter in North America, we are also entering what I term a Societal Winter: An era of rancorous discontent between political factions here in the United States that is replete with iciness, and dismissiveness, by The Powers That Be. With divisive “Woke” rhetoric and plenty of finger-pointing, people are feeling a lot less “United” these days. From my vantage point here in the rural Northern Rockies, it appeared that immediately after Joe Biden and his activist cabinet took office in D.C., the Mainstream Media (MSM) cranked the Acrimony knob all the way up to “11.”  (For those not familiar, the 11 is a reference to the mockumentary This Is Spinal Tap.)

All signs now point to the advent of a deep and long Societal Winter.

Here are some key indicators of an incipient Societal Winter:

  • The “us versus them” chatter in social media has become more extreme and pronounced.
  • The homes of Supreme Court justices have been picketed and blasted by vile shouts and taunts on bullhorns.
  • Ex-Presidents now frequently criticize the sitting President and other former Presidents. (That was heretofore considered a no-no.)
  • There is seemingly no more middle ground in American politicsThe “debate” and “conversation” have been turned into one-sided lectures by the left.
  • The divide between Red States and Blue States has deepened, prompting many conservatives to “vote with their feet.” The American Redoubt movement is just one manifestation of this.
  • The stage-managed and quite partisan congressional hearings on the unarmed January 6th “insurrection”.
  • The FBI and DOJ have been used as weapons against political opponents of Biden & Company. The experiences of Roger Stone and Mike Lindell are indicative.
  • The ATF has begun to issue edicts on gun parts that go far beyond their legislated mandate. (They should take note of the recent West Virginia v. EPA decision — Federal agencies enforce laws. They are not supposed to create laws.) The ATF edicts have turned parts that they had previously approved into felonies. In just the past three years, the ATF has issued controversial rulings on bumpstocks, solvent traps, forced reset triggers, auto key cards, arm braces, and 80% complete receivers that are sold along with drilling fixtures and parts sets.
  • The IRS plans to add 87,000 new employees, and many people fear that they will be targeting conservative small business owners with audits.
  • Politically-motivated “swatting” is on the rise.
  • The homosexual rights movement has been co-opted by militant trans-sexual crusaders. They’ve also infiltrated public schools and now seem to be proud of grooming children.
  • Mask mandates and vaccine mandates have been politicized and used as weapons to purge conservatives from the military.
  • A $500 billion student loan forgiveness scheme that is just a thinly-veiled gambit to buy votes.
  • The Governor of New York recently taunted conservatives, and suggested that they leave the state.
  • Search engine and social media searches are manipulated, via algorithms.
  • Conservatives have been systematically de-platformed, de-funded, de-banked, and de-ranked from search engine results. On this, I’m not spouting hyperbole. I’m writing this from personal experience. In late 2021, my own bank account that I’d held for nearly 20 years with never a bounced check was canceled on short notice, with no reason given. And, because of the way that search engine results are algorithmically ranked, I’ve lost 30% of my blog’s readership over the past 10 years. Just do a web search on the word “preparedness”, and scroll through the results. You will see that 95% of the results in the first 10 pages point to government web pages. In contrast, do a web search on the more precise phrase “n”, and see what results. So… The truth is out there, but the tech titans are doing their best to conceal it.
  • Mainstream journalists have dropped any pretense of objective reporting.
  • Joe Biden recently has given speeches where he castigated conservatives, terming us “a threat to democracy” and “semi-fascists.”  Using labels like that puts targets on our backs. In effect, he declared about half of the population enemies of the state.
  • Politically-motivated prosecutions of former Trump White House staff members.
  • American society’s long-standing tacit agreement to show restraint at public meetings seems to have been dropped. In response, governments have clamped down on dissenters.
  • Vocal dissent has now expanded to local school board meetings and library board meetings.
  • Character assassination of those with dissenting voices is now carried out on a grand scale, via skewed polls, social media bot influence, “reports” from pressure groups like the SPLC, slanted news reporting, and the overt manipulation of Wikipedia.
  • A cozy relationship has developed between government officials — who are constitutionally barred from censorship — and the tech titans who operate social media platforms – who feel that they can censor their users.  Some of the tech moguls have admitted that they engaged in censorship and swayed elections “in partnership” with the government. And we’ve all read that the Federal government had plans to create an Orwellian Disinformation Bureau.
  • Gun violence restraining orders (GVROs) / extreme risk protective orders (ERPOs) — a.k.a. “Red Flag” laws have been used to exercise ill will, often regarding grudges and even political differences, by the police or within families. This seems to have already increased, in the city and county of San Francisco. In the past year, San Francisco judges have issued more Red Flag court orders than in the rest of the state, combined.
  • The overturn of the Roe v. Wade decision infuriated many liberals, to the point of some of them demanding defiance of the court order and that the court be expanded, to create a majority of liberal justices.

So, where does all of this lead us? I believe that it will lead to a winter of discontent, possibly lasting for many years, and perhaps with polarization worsening to the point of Balkanization of the 50 States and even civil war.

Read the Whole Article Here…

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Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago

I am not sure any of us are ready for what is to come (I am talking about what man is capable of, not the coming of Jesus). Man is capable of much more evil that most can comprehend. Then place the demonic influence that is stronger than any of us have seem in our life time. Yeah, I need to stop thinking about it.

Louis Jenkins
Louis Jenkins
2 years ago

I pray to God and Jesus to forgive me of my sins every night. But I also pray that he will give me strength to stand before my enemies. Am still prepping, and training. The Lord is my strength, and I pray my aim will be true.

2 years ago
Reply to  Louis Jenkins

Psalms 144:1

2 years ago

More wisdom from the sagacious Rawles.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

It is not hard to believe we now live under a totalitarian regime, if we make it through the winter without CW. They will only tighten their grip and remove the last of our freedoms.

2 years ago

I think patriots are falling into the “Civil War:” trap. Civil war too many indicates North vs South, slavery, group identify (Read: Southern White Boys), certain people against others. The more appropriate term is “Revolution” against communism. WOKECOM as it is called.

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago

Winter is coming. And it’s feeling mean.