Are You Ready For Thursday?

T.L. in Exile

There are some hard truths to be embraced before anything will be done in the patriot/liberty community. One of those is that the majority of people will never be so inconvenienced that they will voluntarily move toward liberty. Liberty holds no value for most people who sing the national anthem at baseball games. They are just words they are supposed to revere.

The majority is looking for someone or something to help them live a more comfortable life. Some are willing to swindle and commit fraud in order to be successful. Hard work of survival is not in their bloodstream. Those of us who understand hard work, who would not find survival off the land so much different from survival working every day as we do now are not all that plentiful. If your job is not physically demanding, I trust you have committed yourselves to training to overcome that fact.

So, here we are, fit and ready, annoyed and disgusted by what we see around us and the pieces keep falling into place. TSA is given a wider mandate, etc. It is this part of the movement that I do not understand. Where do we jump off? I suppose as long as life is tolerable we will continue along, waiting for that moment, which I hold has come and gone, easily managed by the politicians of the day.


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