Are You Stacking?

Why is this important? The ratio of paper silver vs. physical silver is 400:1 due to banking manipulation. At $32 per ounce, banks will collapse and the bankrupt government will not be able to cover their paper contracts.

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26 days ago

1k miles range and a 9 minute charge…. sounds like the 100 mpg on regular gas carburator myth.
if true, then the price of silver will sky rocket….and the battery system will become unaffordable.
and the green energy folks STILL have not answered the question of where all the electricity needed for all these miricale machines will come FROM.

foot in the forest
foot in the forest
25 days ago
Reply to  DRenegade

I have a hard time with the 9-minute charge. Not only where is the juice coming from but HOW. I=V/R Ohm’s law, current equals voltage divided by resistance. I don’t doubt this is possible, but your standard grid is not going to handle electrical flow at a rate able to accomplish a 9-minute charge. Laboratory success is not a commercially available product. BTW long term stacker who understands you can’t kite checks forever.

tom Finley
tom Finley
25 days ago

It brings to mind other forces of physics, the size of the conductors and how they would be coupled to the battery and the emf generated, plus the amount of heat to deal with.

25 days ago

I *do* doubt that this is possible. Could be done with a supercapacitor perhaps, but no, internal resistance is a thing. 1000 miles charge in 9 minutes? Just the cables presently connecting electric cars to their charging stations could not conduct that much current without melting their insulation.

Francis W. Porretto
26 days ago

If you don’t have a good stock of gold and silver on hand — especially silver — you’re dangerously exposed. The dollar is no longer reliable as a store of value to any significant extent.

25 days ago

So True, Economics Dictates Politics and Wars, Foreign and More Importantly Domestic. Si vis pacem (50/50 ?) ….Para bellum (Domestic Chaos Increasing 99.9%)
Too Many of Us ignore/forget the World Gets a “Vote”, not just the USSA Fiat Dollar Empire. Weshould Be Stacking Everthing.

26 days ago

Bullsh*t, been hearing this crap for 40 effen years -- stack silver, it’s going to explode. I would not ever recommend someone to buy silver. I have done nothing but lost my ass with this bull crap story line. Quit already.

25 days ago
Reply to  BobTisker

Since 1964 Silver Dollar is now 25X. Silver is a poor man’s “Insurance”, Gold has done better as a Store of Wealth. Of course You are Free to argue against 2,000 years of history of “money”.(Typically no alternatives offered). “What”/”Where” do you invest???

25 days ago
Reply to  BobTisker

Junk silver coins-pre 1964 dimes, quarters, fifty-cent pieces and silver dollars are legal tender. Do not think for one minute that they will have no value. Chinese merchants during the occupation of the Philippine Islands during WWII would not accept Japanese paper money. But if you had silver, you could buy needful things. Read AMERICAN GUERILLA IN THE PHILIPPINES by Ira Wulfert.
I do not know about your A/O but here in North ID, merchants are ready to accept silver if and when Biden bucks become worthless. Go to the John Galt Shenandoah website and read his Blogvel: THE DAY THE DOLLAR DIED. It will scare the peanuts out of your M&Ms. Plan accordingly. Bleib ubrig.

25 days ago

If it was some other company besides Samsung, I would be more likely to believe this. But Samsung makes a lot of inferior products.

25 days ago
Reply to  DRenegade

My Samsung phone is 9 years old and works fine

25 days ago
Reply to  Alan2314

Like “What” Company do you think makes “Superior” products??? Just asking.

25 days ago
Reply to  GenEarly

Panasonic would be one.

25 days ago

And you thought stealing catalytic converters was a problem….

Johnny Taopi
Johnny Taopi
25 days ago

Over and over, and over, silver price has a history of precipitous spikes and extreme crashes. Just look at the historical charts. It went to $50 in 1980 ($200 in today’s dollar) then $3 in the early 90’s when Warren Buffet bought in.
I’m an advocate for stacking silver, but just remember that the smart investors sell when it spikes and then buy it back when it inevitably crashes. Seriously, just look at the historical price-charts. Peace.

tom Finley
tom Finley
25 days ago

The thing is all these costs to implement this technology will be passed on to the consumer.

25 days ago

The price of gold and silver will invert. This means silver will surpass the price of gold. It’s plain old supply and demand. However, expect private ownership of silver to be banned like gold was after the Great Depression.

25 days ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Monetary gold was confiscated in the US in the 1930’s, not jewelry. IIRC, only about 15% of the monetary gold was turned in.
silver prices should spike if a silver based battery is developed.

23 days ago

How much silver will a such a vehicle require. Is that silver recyclable at end of life. These and other such questions are important to know. I suspect that this is just more hype, smoke and mirrors from people seeking gullible “investors” to fleece.