Are You Still Voting R?


Only the weak minded will continue to vote Republican. I have heard all of the excuses for not standing up. At some point, we have to realize that there is no political solution. If politicians have not caused every problem, who has? And tell me one problem that they have solved? Vote Republican to stop the Democrat party? Both parties represent tyranny. Neither party honors the Constitution. Or the people. Or God.

What patriot would vote for the lesser of two evils? What Christian would? Start looking in the mirror and acknowledge the truth. It is time to grow up.

David DeGerolamo

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10 years ago

Only baby-killers, socialists, people who support baby-killers & socialists, and complete idiots, will vote for anyone except Republicans in the congressional elections (and most other elections).

There are only two political parties in America that matter: the Republican Party, and the abortion party, which misleadingly calls itself “Democrat.” You can vote for either of those two in November. Or you can stay home or vote third-party, either of which is equivalent to casting half a vote for the abortion party.

The Republican Party is the party of liberty, patriotism, and wholesome, traditional values. The Democrat Party is the party which tramples liberty, disdains patriotism, and disparages traditional values.

For most of its 160 year existence, the Republican Party was the Christian Abolitionist Party, at the same time that the Democrats were the White Segregationist Party. The two parties have changed, but there’s still much of those heritages evident in them.

The Republican party was founded in 1854 by Christian abolitionists, for the purpose of emancipating slaves. That cause is won, but the Party still shows signs of its Christian idealist roots, for example, by its “moral” positions: opposition to the killing of unborn babies, opposition to homosexual marriage & adoption, concern about the decline of American families, and opposition to pornography. It stands to this day for individual liberty and responsibility, personal & public virtue, and equal justice under the law. That’s why it is the Party favored by most Christians, especially Evangelical Christians.

The Democrat party was created in the late 1820s from the dissolution of the earlier Democratic-Republican Party, by supporters of Andrew Jackson, who supported slavery and “Indian removal.” For its first 20-25 years, it also included a significant anti-slavery faction, but by the mid-1800s, with the defection of abolitionist Democrats to the Free Soil and then Republican Parties, the Democratic Party had become the pro-slavery party. After the Civil War, and for the next eighty years or so, the Democrat Party was, especially in the South, the Segregationist Party, and the home of Jim Crow laws and the Ku Klux Klan.

Since the late 1950s and early 1960s, the Democratic Party has finally abandoned its segregationist heritage. But it embraced Progressivism instead, and, as it always has, it still draws most of its support by appeal to the baser impulses of selfishness, class jealousy, and prejudice.

That’s why I’m a conservative Republican, not a Democrat or a member of some inconsequential minor party.

Publius Huldah
10 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

What a wise man George Washington was! And I am so happy about the respectful way in which Washington is portrayed in AMC’s wonderful TV series, “Turn”.

Publius Huldah
10 years ago

The republicans trample our Constitution to the same extent as do the democrats. I can’t tell the difference between the two parties except this: The democrats have contempt for the Constitution and openly flout it. The republicans have contempt for the Constitution and lie about it -- with their words, they pretend to support it. The democrats are open about what they want. The republicans lie about it. And the republican party is every bit as progressive as the democrat party. Stop looking at what they say with their mouths -- look at the policies they support.

10 years ago

So given the current environment with the current parties in place what is one to do? I have conservative values which are not being represented and I am disgusted by the state of our country. Do I just stay home on election day? I know that nothing can really be done through the political process to change the situation our country is in but we haven’t reached a point yet where there are any other alternatives that I know of.

10 years ago

I would agree that the time to vote for politicians has come to an end, we must now consider a leader of a military nature. The R’s will sheer the sheep. The D’s will castrate the males and slaughter the lambs. Most people have become use to the process and except it as the norm.
I will say that we the people are not the sheep but neither are we the processor”s. Maybe it’s time to strike lamb from the shopping list, just stop buying it all together.
There is good news people. We can still vote, vote with your dollar. This requires research and much effort, but it can be done. Of course we still have to purchase certain items, but anytime you can trade you eliminate a tax. Since were heading for dark times, I suggest you get use to third world bartering. Practice, try flea markets, garage sales and so forth. I’d suggest an “Off the grid day” Avoid expenditures that include “Sales tax” or perhaps a second job that pay’s under the table, instead of overtime. The time has come to get creative folks.