Are You Strong Enough?

While other words can be substituted for LIFE, the solution is to remove these people from your life. Will they retaliate? Of course. Which will only serve as confirmation that you did the right thing.

Life can be good. Having faith and a good attitude will work wonders in both your life and the lives of people surrounding you. If life is not what you want it to be, only you have the ability to change it. Removing distractions and negativity are a great start. If you are having trouble taking the first step, pray for the strength to move forward.

David DeGerolamo

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8 years ago

Moving or Going Forward comes is abused by Media and Politicians alike..

Forward! New Obama Slogan Has Long Ties to Marxism, Socialism..

8 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Forward to Socialism -- Breitbart
Someone in the Obama campaign should find a new line of work. They’ve adopted as a slogan the single word: Forward! You’ve heard those complaints from conservatives that Obama is a socialist? Well, Forward! is one sure way to validate those concerns. Forward! has been the slogan of Marxists for more than a century. Vorwärts is not a soccer rival to Harry Potter’s Hogwarts school, that home of witchcraft and wizardry. Vorwärts was the German language name of the Socialist newspaper for generations of European leftists.

8 years ago

Completely Negative -- Barnhardt

1. I was told recently that I am a completely negative person. My riposte:


What the Bible Says

The Bible makes it clear that the troubles we experience in this life are not merely the result of negative thinking that can be overcome by tapping into our potential through positive thinking. They are the result of a deep-seated rebellion against God that involves not only the mind, but the will. We simply cannot overcome the evils of this world, or even the evil in our hearts, in our own strength. Apart from Christ we can do nothing (John 15:5). Apart from being born again, we are eternally dead in our trespasses and sins (Ephesians 2:1). Where Peale taught that our deepest problem is a lack of belief in ourselves and that our salvation comes with a simple shift in thinking, the Bible teaches that no man can save himself, regardless of how positive his thoughts may be. His salvation must come from outside himself. The glory of Jesus Christ is in the fact that he “has now reconciled in his body of flesh by his death” sinners “who once were alienated and hostile in mind, doing evil deeds” (Colossians 1:21-22). Tragically, by his life and legacy, Peale showed that he rejected this Savior and chose to trust in his own strength.

8 years ago

“Removing distractions and ‘Negativity’ are a great start”

define negativity……would you consider what i am am posting negativity?

8 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

so now i am God……

“Positive thinking” is dangerous because it is a form of thought-stopping, and leads us to deny reality.

8 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

I am am was a typo/mistake -- let it go!!

you are talking New Age……its ok to admit….

8 years ago

I have written before about aspects of the Positive Confession movement, in which a sort of mind-over-matter approach is taken. Also known as the Word of Faith movement, or the name it and claim it theology, this says we basically can bring into reality whatever we want by positive thinking. See here for a previous article on this:
In addition to contradicting much of Scripture, or at least misrepresenting portions of it, another concern about positive confession thought is its close resemblance to cultic and New Age thinking. Many writers have noted these similarities. For example, John Drane in his book on the New Age makes these remarks:

Fed up
Fed up
8 years ago

I am a firm believer in getting rid of the junk in one’s life. If you allow others to run, manipulate, interfere with and in any negative way become part of your life you will become part of the problem and the cure will become set aside for their needs. I say if you’re not willing to change, your problems are what you want and created. Do not let other people bring you down. Get rid of those that want to get you involved in their stupidity. Some people are together because they love to argue. Get rid of the people that argue constantly. Christ never preached for us to become part of the problem, he preached for us to become part of the conversion. Some people just like being miserable, leave them alone to go their own way. Dust some blues.

8 years ago

Meet Ima Do-gooder and Mia Mystic, Affable Spokespersons for Deception..Doctrine of Tolerance, Camouflaged Conflicting Convictions, Doctrine of Enlightenment, Doctrine of Utopianism,
(Their so-called “positive Christianity” diverts their church community from God and salvation toward resolving the “human condition”)
Doctrine of Consensus..