Are You Watching?

I am sure than Americans are disgusted at the amount of blood and treasure spent in Afghanistan for what amounts to nothing. Another American nation building disaster. But…

Let’s look at this from another perspective:

The number of Taliban fighters in Afghanistan range from 60,000 to 75,000. Donald Trump had over 74 million votes in the 2020 election that resulted in a coup of the government sanctioned by both political parties, the Supreme Court and the media. If the Biden administration cannot defeat the Taliban, how do they expect to defeat the patriots who will fight for their freedom?

I doubt the police will fight against us. I doubt the majority of the military will fight against us. I doubt the people who support the coup will physically fight against us. Which may be the motivation for the DHS bulletin issued today:

A blue banner displaying the U.S. Department of Homeland Security seal with the text National Terrorism Advisory System - Bulletin -

Summary of Terrorism Threat to the U.S. Homeland

The Secretary of Homeland Security has issued a new National Terrorism Advisory System (NTAS) Bulletin regarding the current heightened threat environment across the United States.  The Homeland continues to face a diverse and challenging threat environment leading up to and following the 20th Anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks as well religious holidays we assess could serve as a catalyst for acts of targeted violence. These threats include those posed by domestic terrorists, individuals and groups engaged in grievance-based violence, and those inspired or motivated by foreign terrorists and other malign foreign influences. These actors are increasingly exploiting online forums to influence and spread violent extremist narratives and promote violent activity. Such threats are also exacerbated by impacts of the ongoing global pandemic, including grievances over public health safety measures and perceived government restrictions.


Issued:  August 13, 2021 02:00 pm
Expires:  November 11, 2021 02:00 pm

Additional Details

  • Through the remainder of 2021, racially- or ethnically-motivated violent extremists (RMVEs) and anti-government/anti-authority violent extremists will remain a national threat priority for the United States. These extremists may seek to exploit the emergence of COVID-19 variants by viewing the potential re-establishment of public health restrictions across the United States as a rationale to conduct attacks.  Pandemic-related stressors have contributed to increased societal strains and tensions, driving several plots by domestic violent extremists, and they may contribute to more violence this year.



Patriots are slow to anger and to act. We want to believe that our children’s future is secure. We want to believe that the country will get better because as I have heard too often: “It can’t get much worse”.

We are not the Taliban but there is no reason why we cannot see the truth: the federal government is and will be a paper tiger when the people rise up. Look at the treatment of the January 6th protesters, the lockdown of Washington, D.C. and now the above bulletin from DHS. Does this look like the actions of a government that feels secure in their tyranny?

I do not know about you but my tolerance for traitors can not get any lower. Watch Afghanistan fall today to 75,000 radical muslims and then watch the American coup fall when 74,000,000 patriots rise up. If you do not agree with this analysis, put on your two masks, support another lockdown and keep taking your vaccine boosters.

David DeGerolamo

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tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago

These traitors are scared to death, once the SHTF they will be running for their lives. GOD bless.

May I Be Anonymous
May I Be Anonymous
3 years ago

I respectfully comment in agreement and disagreement. I am in legitimate doubt about the willingness of the military to resist. The police agencies possibly. The first thing to consider is the number of these folks that have and will concede and consent to inoculation. They have been the first priority targets. The next consideration is the punishment for the military who refuse. I pray we will see a unified resistance before it’s too late. I am more inclined to believe it will rise out of the ashes. My experience is most folks are holding tight to the comforts of the world. I’m going a USMC OCS graduation for a young man who has nearly been a member of my household for over ten years. He, and three of his siblings have accepted the inoculation. His folks are retired marine officers. I am literally surrounded by military and former military and most are compliant, living in the comfort of the prosperity brought by employment in the government sector. Inoculations are apparently not a problem. Again, it seems it will rise from the ashes.

T Town
T Town
3 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Every time I see a response from a veteran saying the military wouldn’t turn against US citizens, I am curious as to how long ago they served, and if they served any time in an actual war zone.
My guess is that they have been out of the service longer than 10 years, and most likely did serve in an actual war zone.
Unfortunately, the military seems to have undergone a radical transformation in the last few years, and they have a lot of personel who have never served in actual combat that do not have the same sense of loyalty to the constitution that combat veterans seem to have. So, yes I believe that the majority of combat veterans would not turn on US citizens, but I also believe there is a number of active duty military that would. I can only hope that the upside is that those willing to turn on US citizens are not very well trained in warfare.

Fred Parker
Fred Parker
3 years ago
Reply to  T Town

You are correct! In Afg. I routinely ran into officers, academy grads, and boat schoolers, who didn’t know anything about the 2ndA! That civilians could own guns, and that registration was not required, but forced on new purchases. Unfortunately, very few of them could shoot their way out of a paper bag. The services have forgotten that shooting is a perishable skill requiring continuous practice. (Combat is not practice). And ten rounds, every 6 months, to confirm zero -- just won’t get it!

May I Be Anonymous
May I Be Anonymous
3 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

I certainly can’t argue with anyone’s individual experiences in life. My view is that we are at war, with small pockets of kinetic action having taken place, and continuing at lesser levels, at this point. I hope that the men and women who have served, have also matured and recognize how imperative The US Constitution is to the way of life every American. Enough of these folks in my domain talk the talk but operate as individuals, chasing the American Dream, and denying there is actually anything wrong with what has and is happening to this country. I am particularly disappointed with those who had full careers and are the most capable of organizing and leading others, but are standing by, watching events unfold. Once they have lost everything, and literally have nothing left to lose, perhaps they will act. Out of the ashes.

3 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

There has been much speculation on whether the military or law enforcement would support our cause. I say we move past that to construct a means to push the military and law enforcement to reveal themselves.

What that would look like I will have to think about. (which means I don’t know at this time.) However, I put this out there in case others have thoughts on this or, at least to stimulate the thoughts.

1775 is now
1775 is now
3 years ago
Reply to  Rick

LEO’s have already revealed themselves. Which one has ever notified internal affairs about another LEO violating rights of a private citizen?

Josh Brown
Josh Brown
3 years ago
Reply to  1775 is now

That actually happens all the time, but left wing sociopath management considers violating the constitutional oath, a way to promotion. And thus, does nothing but invite the violator into the management club.

Larry Michaelson
Larry Michaelson
3 years ago
Reply to  Rick

Military and LE, I fear, will be divided into groups.
1% oath keepers, 1% communist democrat useful idiot activists, 49% whiners, and order givers, 49% sit back and collect a pay check while trying to do their 21USC jobs.

Jack Holmes
Jack Holmes
3 years ago

DOS pub 7277, page 651 states that the “communist democrats” must do away with the military. The fastest way to do away with the military is to poison them all with the fake vaccine.

Snotty Boy
Snotty Boy
3 years ago

No one is coming to save us. Not the military, the police, or some fecking politician.
We must save ourselves regardless of what the cops and military do or don’t do.
To count on the possibility that the cops or the military might help us in a fight against tyranny is foolish at best.

3 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Well, as an old, old vet (in my 80s) it seems apparent that the most useful tactics are those employed by Islam. Only problem is funding. We have none. Other problem is tribal infighting. Also not having a commitment to the cause. Can’t depend on anyone who holds a job. Forget family support. None of us has been brainwashed from birth to commit suicide. No magic pill. Pretty much on our own. All opposition has been well funded and brainwashed. We only think for ourselves.

1775 is now
1775 is now
3 years ago
Reply to  EddieHnatko

Thank you for your well organized insights. Please write more.

Buttercup Brigade
Buttercup Brigade
3 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

I believe the US will supply us in the same fashion as they supplied the Taliban.”
The same government that just declared us to be terrorists?
Thats delusional. I think the 80 yr old vet is correct. The muslims in America have their own prayer rooms in public schools and are able to exempt themselves from the CRT propaganda, saving their way of life. Even in a foreign country. It seems Christians cant or wont do the same. Especially hyphenated-Christians. The muj have managed to btfo two first world armies in the past 100 years. Im taking notes from them and the IRA. Both winning teams. Not some fairy tale.

May I Be Anonymous
May I Be Anonymous
3 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Yes. I did miss the point. I liked the comment because I zoomed in too close to the idea that no one is going to help us. By God’s Grace, we will see men who have the experience and knowledge rise up to lead a resistance. The last 20 years have provided the potential. I still believe too many will respond too late. Thank you for continuing to provide this blog.

3 years ago
Reply to  Snotty Boy

my brother is a cop and a patriot, and yes he would fight fore this country with no doubt he has kids, grandkids and great grandkids oh hell yes he would fight for our country, if not for you or me even but for them.. so yes i fill all cops, military will fight for their family, country if shit hit the fan

3 years ago
Reply to  Snotty Boy

This is why we are already losing. People would rather find a part of comment to dispute, rather than just agree that we most likely are on “same team” if here right?
Our freedoms are leaving, daily we watch it! China OWNS us…
As we pick at each other’s bad grammar or spelling… GOD HELP US

Buttercup Brigade
Buttercup Brigade
3 years ago
Reply to  FedUpFLman

We are not all on the same team though. Many so called conservatives have conserved nothing because they are lead by the same cabal that leads the left. Im serious. I know who my enemy is and I can point directly to the snake’s head. It would be easy to cut off too but most conservatives call them ‘our greatest ally’. They have 600% over representation in our Congress and Senate and a 2500% over representation in our Supreme Court. They hold all the power in media, finance and politics yet make up less than 2% of the population. Go ahead name them. Name the enemy, then we can be on the same team. China, yeah right.

1775 is now
1775 is now
3 years ago

Some of us are unafraid to die painful physical deaths for a worthy cause such as this. No quarter asked or given. Bring it.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
3 years ago

I have been fascinated by this Afghanistan and Taliban thing for years. Something didn’t add up. I kept seeing people in turbans on horses supposedly avoiding get shot at for 2 decades.
I decided to investigate. This is another huge psyop. A couple of years ago military leaders admitted that they had lied about Afghanistan being winnable. They admitted that it was not. It was blown off as a mistake, bad intel etc etc.
Before we invaded, the evil Taliban had actually elimated 90% of the poppy business. The did this because it was corrupting their country and their youth. The U.N. actually commended the Taliban for what they had done.
Unfortunatly not everybody was so happy. About $300 million in poppy revenue a month was being lost. The U.S. intervened. We said Osama Bin Laden was hiding there. The Taliban asked for proof. We would not provide it. We waltzed in.
After the invasion poppy production increased 40 fold. Pictures can be seen of U.S. troops guarding the fields. Today we see alleged Taliban raiding villages. Are the Taliban like the alleged dancing Muslims rather than dancing Israelis of 9/11?
Who are the real good guys and who are the real bad guys in this wild wacky situation??????

3 years ago

“It’s time for Men and Women of God to stop being afraid of weak minded individuals. It’s time for Men and Women of God to stand for Truth and Righteousness, just as our Founders did. It’s time the Passion for what’s Right, and the Rule of Law, to come into view upon the plane of Truth and Reason. In other words, We know what needs to be done. Our North Star IS the Bill of Rights. We need no other to lead than Our Lord, His Righteous Spirit, and the knowledge that our cause IS Righteous and Just. With these, “WE THE PEOPLE” CAN and WILL experience victory through Christ, but Because of Christ for the sake of Our Republics’ restoration. When the time arrives, and it will, YOU must be ready. Don’t fall into “defeatism”. For No one ever wins if they give up before they start. We out number the Fools 1000-1 at the very least. The Registered Deer hunters, in this Republic alone, out number all the worlds standing armies -- combined ! If a Deer hunter can drop a running quadruped, I believe we’ll do just fine. So friends, reach out to your nearest Vet, network, and lay away stores of all kinds…and continue to Pray. Pray for guidance, strength, and courage. All of which shapes a warrior.” M-F 5,6, & 8 pm eastern

Richard French
Richard French
3 years ago

“The federal government” term is used incorrectly. We the people ARE the federal government. The “communist democrat insurrectionists” are who you are referring to as the “bad guys”. Members of the former federal government under Trump, who now support the communist democrat insurrectionists claiming power, are technically no longer members of the federal government. Those that abandoned their oath of office, are no longer members of the federal government. Own the language!