It’s hard to understand the future from the present. As a follower of Christ, I try to envision what path may lie ahead for me – knowing – having been through it many times – that the way is not clear, that I feel forced into certain situations only to find out that the future I wanted went through the past that I did not want.
So it is for this nation. Right now it is impossible to envision a return to liberty where every law is first judged by the impact to personal liberty and whether the government has the right to impose such a law. It is so distant, this idea of a society based around liberty (the way it was supposed to be before the progressive movement over a hundred years ago got ahold of our government and turned it against liberty) that many can no longer even see it.
Imagine, for a minute, an FCC (we won’t argue the right of the FCC to exist right now) that banned any company from registering a mobile telephone where encryption did not absolutely guarantee the privacy of phone calls made over their system and failure to provide this encryption would endanger their license to operate. Very possible, completely doable, but not even attempted by a government in hostility toward the privacy of the individual.