In this age of the “War on Terror” and a rash of deranged and suicidal individuals taking out their rage on “soft targets” like churches, schools and shopping malls, the idea of going armed has been steadily gaining ground. It once seemed strange for a church, mosque, or synagogue to even have a security plan, much less armed security guards. It is now unusual for houses of worship not to have a plan, and armed, though usually discreet, security is common.
Anyone attending a worship service in states with a strong “gun culture” can pretty safely assume that there are people in the service who are armed. Some are armed at the behest, or at least with the knowledge and agreement of their elders, pastors, or rabbis. Others keep their arms totally discreet, not divulging their presence to anyone. In states like Arizona, which has a long tradition of open carry of firearms, it is not unheard of for someone to show up for church with a gun visible on his hip. Since Arizona lifted requirements for a license or permit to carry a firearms concealed, the typical response to someone carrying openly would be to ask if he would mind pulling his shirt over the gun so as not to disturb any of the other worshipers, but it would be very unlikely for the person to be turned away.
What is your church’s security policy? World War III is a planned economic war under the guise of a religious war. What better way to stir the fervor of the dogs of war than an attack on a Christian church?
David DeGerolamo
I wrote the policy and trained the security team. Do we have the ability to respond with deadly force? Absolutely, but as any rational Christian should think, we try to avoid having to do that. We accomplish the avoidance through observation post along the church property’s perimeter to allow for early warning to any threats so the team inside can react accordingly, and with stop the tbreat before it gets inside. This works for us.
I really do not care what their security policy is. I carry every Sunday. I have a duty to protect me and mine.
I’m with Tom, I carry for the same reasons and try and sit in the back off to the side as is my way were ever I am. Praise the Lord and carry two spare mags!