The Army‘s recruiting of white soldiers has dropped significantly in the last half decade, according to internal data reviewed by Military.com, a decline that accounts for much of the service’s historic recruitment slump that has become the subject of increasing concern for Army leadership and Capitol Hill.
The shift in demographics for incoming recruits would be irrelevant to war planners, except it coincides with an overall shortfall of about 10,000 recruits for the Army in 2023 as the service missed its target of 65,000 new soldiers. That deficit is straining the force as it has ramped up its presence in the Pacific and Europe: A smaller Army is taking on a larger mission and training workload than during the peak of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan — leading to soldiers being away from home now more than ever.
Not hard to figure out why this is happening…
No kidding, title should read….sharp decline in American recruits
While FedGov does everything treacherous, contemptible and illegal by actively pumping “not-Whites” into the U.S., adding H1B foreign workers to what used to be a primarily White tech force, mandating “The Vaxx” to American workers and our enlisted servicemen & women--or else,” basically showing utter hatred of the American White male AS THEY REPLACE HIM………
the same FedGov armed forces now wants those young White men back--so they can serve, bleed and die for……..
the FedGov, and all of its contemptible leadership (The 545), the military brass and the Defense industry.
Seems fair to me!*
*And, should our people come home injured, shattered or dead, they and their families will watch as millions of illegals (here now and with limitless millions more to follow) get free gibs and benefits far in excess of what our veterans will ever see.
We the people are the ONLY ones that can change this $hit-show!! Folks literally NO one else is coming to help or to save us. I hope everyone gets that. We either Do or We DIE, that is it.
No sheet sherlock! When the US government promised illegal aliens US citizenship for serving time in the US military that was the beginning of the end right there. These guys will follow orders, unconstitutional orders. When told to disarm American citizens they will be the door kickers. Natural born American citizens, white country boys won’t do it. This reads like Kurt Schlicthler’s book Indian Country. If you haven’t read it here’s a link. https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/indian-country-kurt-a-schlichter/1126611296 You can also get it on Amazon as well. We are in for some very tough times ahead. For all intents and purposes WWIII has already begun and CWII will go kinetic this summer IMO.
We are in full COLLAPSE Mode and they want our a$$e$ DEAD so yeah.
Every day is another “kick to the stomach” and “I cant believe what just WTF happened”! Never did I ever imagine this country would welcome illegals & enemy conscripts but now we’re recruiting them…with 3-hots & cot, training, military weapons, clothing them and soon turning them loose on the American People! No wonder Fuckerberg and the rest of the Hitler Youth are building underground shelters…
If they kick my door beans will splatter.
I would NOT join this criminal, corrupt govt in any damn capacity and especially NOT this jacked-up, ruined clown show known as the Military. DISGRACEFUL truly.
Looney Tunes: Dat’s all folks! 😂😂😂 said Woody Woodpecker.
I was never in the military.
I knew a White retired Army Lt Col, 25 year career. He told me two opinions that surprised me. The Army is a socialist organization. Two, most minorities (especially Blacks) gravitate to non combat roles.
Personally I would not want my child in any military branch now as there is clear predujuce against White Christians, and Conservative. The civilian Uni Party leadership does not care about our military members, regardless of demographic.
I pity any white, Christian, conservative males aspiring to a military career in this day. If I knew any, I’d work tirelessly to discourage their efforts to such an end. US military will soon enough be served up as cannon fodder and/or they’ll be turned loose against what appears to be the most heavily armed formerly-free populace in the history of the world. In other news, one of the fastest growing segments of conservativism is the 18-24 males group, up almost double in the last four years. The group the US mil machine needs the most is waking up. Dot Mil appears to have screwed themselves.
So let me understand this. You vilify us and call us horrible names. Promote everyone ahead of us. You say we are the scourge of society. You want to take away our ability to defend our self and family Yet we pay most of the taxes and build and keep our society running.. And you wonder why we do not want to die in another country to make others richer.
You see the matter clearly.
I suppose “Be all that you can be.” has a new meaning these days.
Why would whites not want to join the military and fight for the Biden regime? Uh, because you don’t want to fight for a government that openly hates your guts and is constantly spitting in your face? Makes sense to me.
When you cam make more money by flipping hamburgers at a McDonald’s, why join the military? Why join when you would have absolutely no chance of being blown to pieces by an IED? Why join when the government will give you a no-repay college loan?
Correct. An enlisted person will make more income as a full-time minimum wage employee for at least the first 3 years of his enlistment. It used to be that GI BILL somewhat made up for this for the “4 and OUT” volunteer, but student loans have made it more interesting to be in college between 17 and 23 than humping a medium mg for Uncle. That, along with high soy content food and homo training since Pre-K.
The rocket scientists in the Army thought that “Emma and her two moms” was going to be a homerun for them. (Another Army boondoggle, for sure.) The Navy thought that a transvestite sailor would fill the recruiting stations for them. The Marine Corps didn’t lower itself into the gutter and it met its recruiting goals. Odd, huh? The type of men the military needs don’t want to serve alongside lesbians, perverts, and social deviants. It is demeaning.