ARREST FAUCI: The Devil’s Halloween Child Sacrifice Aimed at 5-11 Y/O

Fauci will never be arrested. Fauci will never be held accountable.

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3 years ago

A very evil man, with a lot of blood on his hands, protected by the cabal. One of many.

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago

Fauci will never be arrested. Fauci will never be held accountable.

I agree Wes unless lazy, compliant and apathetic Americans get off their ass to fix this problem.

Mae Bee
Mae Bee
3 years ago
Reply to  NC Rob

Tired of writing it here over and over -- see my comment on “Famous Leftist.” I keep hearing we’re at war -- self defense happens in war, if I’m not mistaken.

3 years ago

They want ANARCHY!! They need a reason to declare ML..And use the military against anyone against them…OR,THEY are busy preparing for an EMP attack. Which would make more sense on supply chains being stuck offshore.
Hell if I know, i am just trying to find “a fix”

3 years ago
Reply to  FedUpFLman

Yes indeed. The Collective’s provocational tactics are more than obvious to anyone with an IQ over 85….yet look at Joe Public’s behavior. While many are completely oblivious to the clot shot, to hyper-inflation, to unconstitutional mandates, there are others who sit back and complain about rising costs or scarcities of food and other necessities. So much time and energy wasted. Winter is coming, and Dark Winter has been announced. Get the house in top order, get the mind prepared, and the soul cleansed. We are at war and few even realize it.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago

The American people have been living in fantasy island for so long they refuse the reality that now confronts them. We are marching head long to our death. I for one will not comply to there demands, fauci is beyond evil he represents our current government. Death is to good an end for him and his minions.

3 years ago

Arrest no, execute yes…

Rota Wolfman
Rota Wolfman
3 years ago

“Fauci will never be arrested. Fauci will never be held accountable.”

He’s right ya know.

Not So Free
Not So Free
3 years ago

Maybe Faust er Fauci should be given two shots of each version of the clot shot weekly until we get a reaction.
If anyone believes he got the real clot shot, I have a bridge in New York for sale.
Remember when he supposedly got a shot in his left arm and went around rubbing his right arm?