Article II, Section 2

What If The U.S. Honored Its Native Treaties? - YouTube

He [the President] shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by Law: but the Congress may by Law vest the Appointment of such inferior Officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the Courts of Law, or in the Heads of Departments.


What does this mean?

The United States Constitution provides that the president “shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two-thirds of the Senators present concur” (Article II, section 2). Treaties are binding agreements between nations and become part of international law. Treaties to which the United States is a party also have the force of federal legislation, forming part of what the Constitution calls ”the supreme Law of the Land.”

The Senate does not ratify treaties. Following consideration by the Committee on Foreign Relations, the Senate either approves or rejects a resolution of ratification. If the resolution passes, then ratification takes place when the instruments of ratification are formally exchanged between the United States and the foreign power(s).

The Senate has considered and approved for ratification all but a small number of treaties negotiated by the president and his representatives. In some cases, when Senate leadership believed a treaty lacked sufficient support for approval, the Senate simply did not vote on the treaty and it was eventually withdrawn by the president. Since pending treaties are not required to be resubmitted at the beginning of each new Congress, they may remain under consideration by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee for an extended period of time.

In recent decades, presidents have frequently entered the United States into international agreements without the advice and consent of the Senate. These are called “executive agreements.” Though not brought before the Senate for approval, executive agreements are still binding on the parties under international law.



If Biden signs the WHO treaty as an executive agreement, it will not be a recognized treaty and considered to be part of the Constitution. I say let him sign it. The country will not recognize his authority as a fraudulent president and this might the impetus to for people to act. Do not bother saying it will never happen: you are either sapient and willing to fight for Liberty or you are giving tacit approval to the coup and using it as an excuse to do nothing.

We did nothing when the government illegally funded gain of function research in China which resulted in millions of deaths. Millions more are dying from the mRNA vaccine complications as the pharmaceutical companies become enriched with no consequences. We did nothing when the mRNA trial test results were covered up. We did nothing when multiple elections were stolen including the Executive branch and the Senate.

We did nothing when they indoctrinated our children into a homosexual, transsexual panoply of propaganda. We did nothing when they vaccinated and sterilized our children. We do nothing when our country is experiencing a shortage of baby formula and Germany has to fly in emergency supplies. We do nothing when the “government” ensures illegal aliens get formula instead of the people of this country.

The only thing we do well is kneel down and submit. We all know the government is fraudulent but we sit and watch 2000 Mules and pat ourselves on the back. Until we don’t kneel down. The people who still have some honor left will not let the WHO dictate their medical tyranny. I pray this treaty is implemented as an executive agreement because the bullets will fly when they come to our doors to make us comply.

David DeGerolamo

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2 years ago

You might as well go all the way back to 1913. You can’t blame the common people for what these devils are doing. The American people are slow to anger, but….
And yes, those foolish enough to attempt to implement WHO dictates will lose their lives and deserve it.

thomas j cahill
thomas j cahill
2 years ago
Reply to  SonicBoom

When the Saxon learned to hate.

2 years ago

I believe the aircraft used to bring in the baby formula are USAF C-17 cargo planes that were stationed in Germany so as to be ready to transport the stash for US distribution.

This is a total cock up (to use a British term) that need not have happened. But those in guvamint orifices who are pushing globohomo ideals never think about others and how their selfish desires affect the rest of society.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
2 years ago
Reply to  173dVietVet

The phrase ” we have to go through it to get through it comes to mind.
The People must be made to suffer. Not for sufferings sake… they will not rise ip until they are uncomfortable enough. They need to see how corrupt their government is in order to over throw it.
We need to expose the graft and corruption, the rest will take care of itself.

2 years ago

Treaties: WHEN are they part of “the supreme Law of the Land”?
« Publius-Huldah’s Blog
We hear it said that whenever the Senate ratifies a treaty, it becomes part of “the supreme Law of the Land”. But is that True? Not necessarily! Walk with me, and I will show you how to think through this question, and how to analyze other constitutional questions which come your way.
Folks! For too long, we have blindly accepted whatever we hear others say. Someone on TV or the Internet says, “If the Senate ratifies this treaty, it will become part of the supreme Law of the Land!” And not only do we believe it, we repeat it to others. And thus, we became part of the misinformation dissemination network. In order to restore our Constitutional Republic with its federal form of government, we must rediscover how to think and analyze. And then, we must boldly say, “They don’t have authority under The Constitution to do that!”
You must always ask: Is this authorized in the Constitution? Where exactly in the Constitution? And precisely what is authorized by the Constitution?
1. Does the federal government have authority to make treaties? Can treaties be about any object? Or, are the proper objects of treaties limited by The Constitution?
Because the Constitution is “fundamental” law (Federalist No. 78, 11th & 12th paras), it is The Standard by which the legitimacy of all Presidential Acts, all Acts of Congress, all Treaties, and all Judicial Decisions is measured (Federalist No. 78, 10th para).
So! The treaty making power of the United States is very limited. What, then, are the proper objects of treaties? To find the answer, we must go to The Constitution to see what it authorizes the President and the Congress to do. The Constitution delegates to Congress powers “To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations
Finally, Thomas Jefferson points to a legislative remedy if the President and the Senate ignore the constitutional limits on the treaty making power of the United States. Thomas Jefferson says.

2 years ago
Reply to  Rick

WHO? Enforces the words on the parchment papers, comrade? With What? To Whom? Lawyers wearing dirty black robes in Feral Courts?
Let me count the Crimes unpunished, Let me count the Criminals within the government.
Words depend upon more than Ink for authority.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago

Not to mention that treaties do not trump the Constitution.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago

I say let them do it and enforce it.

2 years ago

The democRats will initiate the Domestic Wars. The Repubs will turn tail and run being Quislings.
Glory Gory Daze Ahead. May God have mercy, because Man will not when the Cold Fury comes upon the land.

2 years ago

“The country will not recognize his authority as a fraudulent president and this might the impetus to for people to act. “

J6 J6 J6 J6 J6 J6 J6 J6 J6 J6 J6 J6 J6 J6 J6 J6 J6 J6 J6 J6 J6 J6 J6 J6 J6

I wish I could come to the same conclusion amd Concur.
I Do Not.
By the Evidence of Allowing Armerica to Be Disassembled Right Before our Eyes.
At every Level
In Every way
Day after Day after Day
J6 J6 J6 J6 J6 J6 J6 J6 J6 J6 J6 J6 J6 J6 J6 J6 J6 J6 J6 J6 J6 J6 J6 J6 J6

With 2 years to go…and there is a VERY Good Chance…
That may become Indefinite or another 4.

Carefull what ya Wish for….
Might I add…
NOTHING. EVER. goes as planned or Conjured in ones head.

J6 J6 J6 J6 J6 J6 J6 J6 J6 J6 J6 J6 J6 J6 J6 J6 J6 J6 J6 J6 J6 J6 J6 J6 J6

Lota Kneelers !!!
Aaaaa-Lot OF Kneelers.
Remember them????

And that was just to the Mighty BLM.
GD Disgusting !! DISGUSTING.
They should all have there Citizenship yanked and Given a flight to the DRC or that crap hole continent.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
2 years ago
Reply to  Chris

No, they should be hung by their necks until dead.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
2 years ago

You’re right and wrong.
Your passion is commendable, no doubt you would have been one of the first patriots mowed down on a charge of the enemy lines.
I respectfully disagree with your 3rd paragraph: parents ARE doing something about the school situation. You wouldn’t be aware of the issue if they weren’t?
The time you have been longing for is nigh, but still not today. Your passion is commendable, but do not place yourself at the front of the charge, that merely ensures you’re the first to die. Live to see the end of the fight, you’re needed.
The worm turns at its pace, not yours. Learn some patience. It IS coming, it WILL happen. But on its timetable, not yours. Do not make haste with The Lords plans. All seasons have their turn.

2 years ago
Reply to  Joe Blow

Thank you…for a Intelligent Reply.
I’m a Gut Guy.
A sledge hammer when a Finishing hammer is the Proper Tool.
It was just “Thoughts” being typed out without Self Editing.


2 years ago

Until Patriots and Traditional Americans organize against fedgov tyranny and gun up, Freedom and Liberty will continue to erode, eliminated courtesy of the domestic communists in and out of fedgov..

The former border with Mexico has been eliminated by puppet biden and his puppeteers barry soetoro and soetoro’s bloc of domestic communists. Both the CONgress and the media, legacy and non-legacy continue to ignore the enemy invasion. Invasion, an act of war, being supported and encouraged by biden, his communist cartel and the all but 3-4 CONgressweasels are complicit in treason and zedition as defined in the United States Constitution.

The CONgress traitors have decided to support the illegitimate biden administration’s Ukraine deflection to the tune of $40,000,000,000.00. $40,000,000,000,00 FUSA does not have. Meanwhile, the FUSA is in the throes of a coup d’etat supported by millions of enemy invaders.

We will NOT ballot box our way out of this sedition and treason. Until Americans honor the origination of this country with a repeat of the events on 19 April 1775, the nation itself will spiral into the history books !


Make Peace with your God.

And understand….sometimes, violence is the answer.

enn ess
enn ess
2 years ago

Here ya go, words to live by. In all cases I have found these simple words to be effective and applicable to most everything.
 I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them to obnoxious, I break them. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do. An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life.
Robert A. Heinlen

2 years ago

What is the source for the map at the top of the article?
( i did not find it using search engines )