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If there ~must~ be a change, then let it be just this: A New Paradigm Of Government (ANPOG).
For starters:
The PEOPLE RULE their government, and NOT conversely so;
NO payroll taxes, or taxes on savings, checking, or other private account;
NO real estate or property taxes, and no taxes on utilities;
NO taxation for any aspect of government, unless you agree to support it by voting for it yourself;
Being free to live your life as you see fit without laws, rules, or regulations dictating what you may, or may not eat, drink, smoke —or otherwise— as long as you’re not harming another person’s life, liberty, or property in the process;
Term limits for ALL elected, and appointed offices;
NO elected or appointed persons are above, or beyond the law, or with any ability to exempt themselves from any law, rule or regulation, or set themselves separate from the People in any way;
ONLY the People get to decide what is law, or not;
ALL laws —save the respective Constitutions— expire at the end of their third year in existence, unless they are extended for another three years by the People themselves;
NO undeclared wars, or foreign entanglements, i.e., treaties of mutual cooperation, massive military spending, or military draft;
NO jobs being shipped outside the country;
Interest free loans for students;
Interest free loans to purchase a primary dwelling;
NO egregious regulations dictating what you can, or can’t grow and/or how much on your own property, and where;
NO privately owned banks;
NO corporations, public or private;
Or, we could all learn the Constitution we have and enforce it! The fed government has only 18 -- 21 powers over the country at large…. Few know that.
SInce ~when~ did the current paradigm of government solve any problems in any real, and/or meaningful way? The ~only~ thing which the current paradigm has accomplished is to facilitate the continued slavery of man.
The current paradigm: Elect, and appoint a small cadre of insiders to do the very job which the People themselves are supposed to be accomplishing. How’s that been working out for you?
How many laws, rules, regulations, etc. have been enacted over the backs of the People in the name of ‘taking care of them’? How’s that been working out for you?
How many taxes have been levied upon the People AGAINST their will? How’s that been working out for you?
ET! Thanks for posting: I have quotes I ask you to read, and then I have some questions for YOU:
[I have hyperlinks to these quotes in my recent papers]
James Madison, Father of our Constitution, said in his [Nov. 1788] letter to Turberville that he “trembled” at the prospect of a second convention; and that if there were an Art. V Convention:
“the most violent partizans”, and “individuals of insidious views” would strive to be delegates and would have “a dangerous opportunity of sapping the very foundations of the fabric” of our Country.
In Federalist Paper No. 49, Madison warned against an Art. V convention to correct breaches of the federal Constitution. He said the legislators who caused the problem would get themselves seats at the convention and would be in a position to control the outcome of a convention.
Former US Supreme Court Justice Arthur Goldberg said in his Sep. 14, 1986 editorial in The Miami Herald that at the convention of 1787, the delegates ignored their instructions from the Continental Congress and instead of proposing amendments to the Articles of Confederation, wrote a new Constitution; and that “…any attempt at limiting the agenda [of the convention] by laws would almost certainly be unenforceable.”
Former US Supreme Court Chief Justice Warren Burger said in his June 1988 letter to Phyllis Schlafly:
“…there is no effective way to limit or muzzle the actions of a Constitutional Convention…”
“After a Convention is convened, it will be too late to stop the Convention if we don’t like its agenda…”
“…A new Convention could plunge our Nation into constitutional confusion and confrontation at every turn…”
Here are my Questions to you, ET:
1) Do you deny that there are “violent partizans” and “individuals of insidious views” among us today?
2) Do you believe that only “good moral” people will be Delegates at a convention? Let’s look at that claim:
The Delegates will be selected either by Congress, or by State legislatures, or by popular elections. So!
3) Do you trust Congress to appoint only “good moral” people as Delegates?
4) Do you trust YOUR State Legislature -- and the Legislators of other States -- to appoint only “good moral” people as Delegates?
5) Do you trust the People to elect only “good moral” people as Delegates? After all, we have done such a great job in electing Presidents, people to Congress, and to our State legislatures.
This is the most corrupt period in our history: lying -- oath-breaking -- baby-killing -- parasitism are everywhere.
Americans have been so dumbed-down they will fall for anything and anybody -- as we receive daily proof.
Do not fail to answer these questions!
they can go in with a limited convention with no changes accept for the ones the can restore a balance budget along with term limits on all federal officers including all judges as well as legislators
Not so. Delegates to a convention are vested with that inherent sovereign right of a People to alter or abolish their form of government. If you are willing to read something which is not “COS approved” (!) try this:
Mark Levin. Publius Huldah. Hmm, who should I listen to?
I’ll take “The Liberty Amendments” and Mark Levin.
Why? Read this and see who is telling the Truth and who isn’t:
Open your eyes.
Who should you listen you? Seriously? Do your own research and make your own conclusions. Isn’t that what engineers do?
Dave Its Danny again thanks for keeping this up where the people can make up their minds between A article v of States and nullification Danny
Danny, I will be speaking tomorrow night of “the rightful remedy” of nullification our Framers ACTUALLY proposed to rein in federal usurpations.
Those agitating for a convention are not telling the truth about nullification …. wonder why.
We already HAVE A GOVERNMENT, ” Constitution & Bill of Right’s ” We just need to remove those who are now Preverting it and remove the Layer’s of UNCONSTITUTIONAL law’s that have been put in place by Both of the Preverted Parties now in power.
“We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the Courts — not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.”
Abraham Lincoln
“All laws repugnant to the Constitution are null and void.”
Chief Justice John Marshall -- Marbury vs Madison 1903
And yet no president did more to overthrow the Constitution than Lincoln.
And yet Marbury v Madison did more to usurp power from the Legislative branch and transfer it to the Judicial branch.
If only Jefferson had not been in France while the Constitution was drafted.
(And yet no president did more to overthrow the Constitution than Lincoln.)
I agree and it breaks my hart to quote him,never the less,the statement is true. The Suprime Court Justice’s can be removed., For going against the Constitution or finding in favore of their personal or political views.
True. Alexander Hamilton says at Federalist Paper No. 81 (8th para) that when federal judges usurp power, Congress should impeach them.
What is the process to impeach a Supreme Court justice?
The House files articles of impeachment -- usurpations of power will do (Federalist Paper No. 81 (8th para); then sends it to the Senate where a trial is held;
they they convict him and remove him from office.
Congress can get rid of ANY officer in the Executive Branch or Judicial Branch of the fed gov’t -- the Senate’s decision to convict is unreviewable -- the Senate’s word is FINAL -- there is no appeal.
If anyone is Interested, Dr. David Barton of Wall builders. Has all manner of information you can research as to our Constitution & Bill of rights. He has one, if not the largest in private hand’s collection of Documents and Artifacts of our Countries Founding Fathers.Publius Huldah,Thank’s for what you do here. God Bless. We ( America ) have a long hard fight ahead of us. I fear it will all not be Blood less. That’s just the nature of the beast when people willingly give up Liberty and find they want it back.