Artur Pawlowski and Dawid Pawlowski arrested after the Church service
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NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago

I am not a religious person but to see him on his knees in the middle of the highway for holding a church service is infuriating to say the least. Hard to “back the blue” when they do shit like this (yes I know that is in Canada but don’t pretend it can’t/won’t happen here).

Last edited 3 years ago by NC Rob
3 years ago
Reply to  NC Rob

There has already been pastors arrested in the US for holding church services.

3 years ago
Reply to  NC Rob

He has more pride and courage than 99% these bigots!! I would attend his church! If you’re not mad yet…find a couch and popcorn! Worldwide shat hitting fan! We are weak and THEY ALL KNOW IT… Hell, we know it

3 years ago

Stand tall Brother Artur and Brother Dawid. There are (or should be) millions praying for you. If you profess to be a Christian and are not praying for these men, shame on you. These brothers are showing us all how to stand like Christians should and not hide in the fear closet.

Love it when he made them do it Nazi style. I do find it amazing they did not arrest him at his home. They waited to do it in the middle of the street with traffic driving by.

Canada you still have enough firearms to write the wrongs. Stand up and fight. Maybe then Americans will have enough courage to do the same. Then you can laugh at us.

Last edited 3 years ago by tangle
John Toothman
John Toothman
3 years ago

That’s bullshit. Just because he wouldn’t back down. And the cops wonder why everyone yelling to defund them

3 years ago

I watched this in horror -- what the f— is going on in Canada -- we are going to finish this S—- here very soon -- I can’t believe the Canadians would stand idlily by and watch a man of the cloth tossed around by a these thugs, their acting like the Gestapo or brown shirts — The police in this province should be ashamed -- I hope they show this to their families -- gonna have a lot to explain in their next life -- screw this one -- I’d be worrying what the Lord see’s

3 years ago
Reply to  woody8834

What’s going on is, Short version- they gave up their guns!

3 years ago

This is police obeying unjust orders to keep the paycheck coming. No integrity on display here.

3 years ago
Reply to  AngryPatriot

This is the problem with police, they are under attack by the Socialists, but they work for the Socialist. Thus they will obey orders, such as May Wheeler in Portland ordering them to stand down and not arrest rioters. I hate BLM / ANTIFA, but I expect Police to go along with orders that are unconstitutional and not in our interest. They will unfortunately be the enemy to earn a paycheck.

Trish Geer
Trish Geer
3 years ago

Stand strong Christians in this world as persecution and evil increase… as we edge closer to tribulation days of Revelation. Yes we are praying for these faithful brothers standing up against this tyranny. The creator God will reward you. These Canadian police need to also consider their choices right now… this is your moment to decide… will you refuse to obey when called upon to perpetuate these atrocities? or will you just be a “good” German… following order? You people of Canada and America need to decide!! This is your moment in history… your moment of truth… and you will be answering one day to God Almighty, the alpha and omega , the judge of all creation.

gail jansen
gail jansen
3 years ago

These two men of God have my heart. I don’t understand why people didn’t stop their cars and stand to witness this. We have got to begin acting in union with one another. These police could not have arrested everyone if they had stopped and refused to clear the road.

3 years ago

‘Christianity’ is a “religion” of Sheep. Commenters saying “Pray for these People” are Weak, and don’t want to ‘get involved’.
At the very least, EVERY ‘church’ in this City should organize Traffic-Blocking Protests, Cars and People, all around the ‘government’ offices.
Every. Sunday. The more people Arrested, the better. At some point, the “legal system” begins to Choke, particularly if those Arrested Refuse Bail, and fill up the Jails. If Released, go back and Do It Again

But all of that would take more Effort than ‘Praying’ for jesus to “save them”.

This will only Stop when Violence is done to the (((people))) controlling the so-called ‘government’. And if a few thugpigs get Baconated, well, too bad.

3 years ago

Coming soon to a neighborhood near you . If you let them .

3 years ago

This should NEVER be allowed to stand. It better NOT spread to America. There will be a problem.

3 years ago

The cops themselves look embarrassed by what they are made to do. ATROCIOUS!