ASCOPE Factors in Intelligence Collection for the Patriot-Prepper


One of my favorite things about Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield/Community (IPB/IPC) is learning more about where I live.  Many people point out that now is the time to collect information, when information is so freely available.  We don’t yet know what Net Neutrality will do to the internet (although we have some good ideas), we don’t know that the sources of information we take for granted will be allowed to continue in their current forms, and we don’t know how a collapse-style event, even just a regional one, will affect the rest of us and our ability to collect relevant and timely intelligence information.

We as Intelligence Analysts are called to be subject matter experts.  In short, we should want Information Dominance.  In all my classes, I teach that information is a conflict currency.  In conflict, the more we know, the wealthier and better off we are.  We don’t want to live in poverty; while most Americans are dependent on the state-sponsored socialist message (information welfare) about on-going conflict (post-SHTF), we want to be the information capitalists.  That includes the accumulation of as much intelligence information as possible right now.  Don’t be on information welfare when the SHTF events/conditions arrive.


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