Asheville is becoming ‘wild west’ of North Carolina

Western North Carolina is synonymous with the Blue Ridge Mountains, a rich Appalachian history, and world-renowned tourist destinations.

In fact, over the last 2 years, Asheville Regional Airport has pumped more than 2 million visitors in and out of the Asheville area. However, Asheville is also becoming synonymous with a few other things as of recent — violent crime, an exploding homeless crisis, and an affordability problem.

For the purposes of this op-ed, we will focus on the violent crime and homeless crisis.

Asheville’s police department has been understaffed for several years. This directly followed the 2020 George Floyd riots, which brought hundreds of protesters into downtown Asheville, along with hundreds of thousands of dollars of damage to local businesses. Ironically, many of those same downtown local businesses decided their best move was to sign a letter condemning the police department as racists and Nazis for what happened in Minnesota. Taking the hint, 39% of Asheville’s police officers realized that now was the time to throw in the towel.

The narrative of all cops being “racists” and “Nazis” was now fully engrained into the minds of most on the far left. And with no support from the community, and more specifically the city council, cops retired and quit at a rate never seen before. About 40% of the force was gone in an instant. Maybe one of the worst things we saw during the protests was when far-left activists delivered a casket filled with dirt and manure to the front door of the police department.


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7 months ago

It’s become a city full of demonic Liberal white, BLM black liberal Marxist commie trash, and mixed in with that mess is the illegal alien army from third world vermin scum commie nations, what could possibly go wrong. I say let them eat each other up and we will watch them all self-destruct until nothing is left but the bodies. God has given up the city along with the lunatic satanic left who are all delusional and look at its condition now. No God/Christ magnifying, and Glorifying= Sodom and Gomorrah.

7 months ago

I’m sad to say Assholeville is only about 20 miles from me. The North East Progressives have been flocking to the place like flies to a gut wagon for years The first thing they do is run for political office and weasel their way into local and county government positions. In the last 8 years the 2 Chiefs of Police were a lesbian and a drunk both from up north. The Sheriff Dept. is controlled by county leftists. Of course, the local apes know they can loot, shoot and scoot with impunity because in the unlikely event they’re caught the race card will be pulled. This abscess is similar to Raleigh, Durham, Winston-Salem, Goldsboro and other cities to the east. I got the answer to the social cancer, but we all know it can’t be presented without a knock on the door.

The Southern Nationalist
The Southern Nationalist
7 months ago
Reply to  bogsidebunny

Add Greensboro to the list, I’m about 20 miles from there and unfortunately its where I work and have to see my doctor at.
Greensboro has gone woke, BLM, Antifa, and other assorted lefty goons milling around downtown.

7 months ago

I visited Fletcher awhile back. Is Fletcher still a nice place?

7 months ago

Another Blue Hive in meltdown. Music to my ears.

7 months ago

Hey! You. Yeah, you, Asheville!
Life is Hard. It’s even Harder when you’re Stupid.

Last edited 7 months ago by TakeAHardLook
tom finley
tom finley
7 months ago

Yep, just won’t we tolerate, we want someone else to do the hard work for us. The satanic commie left at least has the balls to get in there and fight.