At Some Point

A man's rights rest in three boxes: the ballot box, the jury box, and the cartridge box. - Frederick Douglass

At some point in time, enough people will discern the truth and the tipping point to restore Liberty will occur. The question always is when? We have seen the revelation of the Deep State firmly entrenched in the bowels of Washington, D.C. We have seen both Democrats and Republicans colluding to retain the power base of the political elite. We have seen the role that the media plays in this coup d’etat: we just don’t know if they are willing pawns or part of the Deep State’s power base.

What we fail to see as a nation is the tenuous state of our financial system. The average wage of the American worker has declined to levels less than in 1975. The stock market’s success is based on six companies: everyone wants to own (or follow) what is perceived by society to be a “winner”. What would happen if the government’s flow of welfare and workfare was cut? Imagine Venezuela in every American city.

People wanted to believe that one man would be able to defeat the Deep State and restore America’s glory. We are just starting to realize that power of the ballot box will be replaced by the power of the cartridge box. I believe this is why free speech and our history are under attack. If we remember our foundation, we will have a change to regain Liberty.

Which side will act first? The Deep State or the people? It depends on whether we put our faith in the state or in God as our forefathers did:

“And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.”

Then again, what good is a declaration if the people have no honor?

David DeGerolamo

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7 years ago

I am uncertain as to whether or not the contemporary America has the wherewithal to stand up for his rights independently and whether or not he has the courage to pull a trigger to restore them.

Carolyn Kellet
7 years ago
Reply to  Phillip

I do not believe contemporary America will stand for their rights. With almost half of the population on some type of government assistance (according to several news reports) and another approximately 22 MILLION employed by government (2015 census) there are too many people getting their bread buttered by the government. Therefore,they seem to favor a more liberal government which is unconcerned about budget, allowing this group more money and perks--for now.. Many, if not most, of these people don’t care, or even realize, their rights and America’s sovereignty are at high risk, so they won’t be fighting.. This isn’t factoring in the older people and the infirm who aren’t able to fight. That being said, if enough of us would band together, we might be able to put up a pretty good fight.