At UNC, More than 50 classes offered by the African Studies department appear not to have actually existed..

Investigations of UNC showed that 50 classes offered by the African Studies department appear not to have existed.

At many public universities, football and basketball players are reading at the eighth grade level.

Research shows that many college students, not just athletes, don’t learn much.

Everyone should go to college, we’re frequently told. But what if we had a college, and nobody came? And still got credit anyway.

The University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill might not have gotten quite to that point, but it has come close: More than 50 classes offered by the African Studies department, and very popular with athletes, appear not to have actually existed. Some of these courses listed instructors who had not “supervised the course and graded the work,” and others “were taught irregularly,” a university review said.

UNC’s chancellor and football coach lost their jobs. The African Studies department chair, Professor Julius Nyang’oro, is under indictment for fraud. That’s bad enough. But it gets worse.



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Francis W. Porretto
11 years ago

Research shows that many college students, not just athletes, don’t learn much.

In some cases,”don’t” would suffice; in others, including quite a lot of “athletes,” perhaps the word should be “can’t.”

College isn’t for everyone, despite the government propaganda to the contrary.

11 years ago

“Can’t”, or “aren’t required to”??? the Union of Negroes and Criminals should be disbanded and laid to rest. The corpse of “the nations oldest public university” has been animated only by the abortion demons and college sports-mongers for over a generation now. Lets start with the “African Studies” department…because nothing could be more degenerate than a collegiate program of study in how to insist upon operating outside the mainstream of the society which is supporting your very existence.