ATF Issues “Boogaloo” Officer Safety Bulletin

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4 years ago

Boo!!! Is now banned for Halloween, and never use it in the same sentence as igloo as it’s a coded message because who ever heard of Eskimos practicing Halloween?
ATF CYA 10-4 Get that Tobacco!!!

4 years ago

Boo!!! Is now banned for Halloween, and never use it in the same sentence as igloo as it’s a coded message because who ever heard of Eskimos practicing Halloween?

Fred johnson
Fred johnson
4 years ago

As usual, ATF has it exactly backwards. THE gov’t is we the people, by the people, for the people. So the alleged boogaloo (sp?) is actually a movement supporting the gov’t. The atf, on the other hand is anti Constitution, anti we the people, and has obviously positioned their agency outside, and against the legitimate gov’t. So the memo should say that the atf is the threat to the rule of constitutional law, that the atf is against the Constitutional elected gov’t, and for the communist socialist democrat dirt bags.

4 years ago

ANY display of Defiance by the Citizens strikes Fear into the shriveled hearts of the bureaucrats’ enforcer class. They know they are Outnumbered and Outgunned, which is why Events like the Richmond 2A Rally, and the ongoing Protests in Lansing against the Fascist governor-beast thing,
have taken place without Interference by the government, because there were significant numbers of Armed Citizens present.

This type of Defiance MUST CONTINUE AND INTENSIFY, until the fascists in government are Frightened right out of office.