August 2022 – 27 Illegal Aliens = 169 Child Rape/Child Sexual Assault Charges In NC

Dear NCFIRE member,

Summer is almost over in NC however the assault on our children is continuing unabated. In fact, it is increasing at an alarming rate.

It is just unimaginable why our legislators in Raleigh, the NC news media and NC law enforcement aren’t all acting as one to stop this most heinous crime against children. Children as young as 3 and 4 years old!

It isn’t because they are unaware of the problem, because we send out over 7,000 emails monthly, with 350+ of them going to media outlets all over NC, every NC House of Representatives member and every NC Senator, each receive a copy of these monthly emails and law enforcement sees these crimes every day.

Unless more citizens demand something be done (like enacting illegal immigration laws at the state level) this will never end. 

One day, I just hope, no more NC children have to endure a life-long horrific memory of a brutal sexual attack by someone who shouldn’t be here in the first place.

With that being said, this month, NCFIRE was able to document 27 illegal aliens who committed 169 separate acts of child rape/child sexual assault.

If you would like to see this month’s report, click the link here: August2022

If you would like to view the monthly reports we have compiled since 2013, click the link here:

 Thanks for your support!

James Johnson
North Carolinians For Immigration Reform and Enforcement

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Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago

But they work really hard.

Hal P
Hal P
2 years ago

It’s going to take good Americans, Patriots to step up and rid our towns and cities of this Scum.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

The scum in DC and every state and local government is complicit, as well as LE. They want to terrorize us into submission, soon the military will be given the green light, to cull the so called maga threat. Joseph ” Stalin” Obiden has already called out who needs to be exterminated.

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago

Replacement theory. Fact, actually. The Globalists are tired of paying Western pay scale and benefits. So they are flooding the West with third world people. The Globalists want to eliminate borders so they can eliminate the Western standard of living. This way the Globalists can make a lot more money when everyone has to work for slave wages. And they don’t care if your kids get raped. It means nothing to TPTB. Their kids have armed guards. And the invaders don’t ever get inside the gated communities. For now.