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- TakeAHardLook on With Representation Like This, Why Even Have a Government?
- phil1350 on Excellent
- 173dVietVet on Excellent
- MrLiberty on Excellent
- Crawfisher on I Want One
Anger needs to be channeled into ACTION !!
How long would DC last if the truck drivers just drove 40 mph MAX anywhere ? Highways would back up for hundred miles. Deliveries slowed would after a few days lead to shortages. Gas stations would run out.
Note it is not illegal to drive 40 on Interstates so the cops could not stop the truckers.
The people would demand change. The corrupt media could not bury the story….
Anger needs to turn into ACTION !!
Yesssir!!! I like the way your brain works. I PRAYED our truck driver’s would do the same after the stolen ‘election”. This would have sent a loud and clear message, “HELL NO, WE ALL GO ON STRIKE” See who is left to work. YET, Nothing..sheeeple just kept sheeping. They are only Worried about a paycheck instead of our countries future, seems beyond insane to me. IF None of that cheap crap Asian imported stuff moved anywhere…see how they like that in the wallet. Yes, some citizens might have been screwed and not prepared, but the large majority of patriots were decently prepared to handle this, better prepared than ever before for sure. I def was! Yet, it was just another BS talk going around Parler at that time…”The truckers unions are going on strike”
I was thinking at that time ” WOW! This is brilliant, it’s also legal and just an awesome way to fight back. I told all kimda people…smh
Unfortunately, these are just stories out to make people think ” don’t worry, they have a plan to make this right” so no need to worry about it. OR “supreme court will handle this, just watch! We have the conservative judges majority” blah blah blah!
So, as for most the stuff i hear and see, it seems we have massive trolls well prepared to push propaganda to fool the brainwashed Americans
soooo…I will continue to pray for Australia and the whole world to Unite and realize that we are ALL being screwed by our “erected gov all over wolrd”
WE THE PEOPLE are the MASS majority around the world. It’s time more realize that.
This is not only about USA, we need all countries rising up…yet it seems all are, except ours. Maybe i am wrong.. I see a little fight in school boards. The moms might be the saviors in this one! Sad men….sad!
I hope Australian truckers Actually do this though. We still have many LEGAL tactics like you mentioned Vet! We just need to try best to not be angry and ve more focused on what hurts these elite the mo$t.
Almost forgot this was a reply, sorry so long Vet. I want to go speak to some of my nearby vets, yet the last one i approached acted kinda like ” You like my flags huh, thanks…But What the hell do you want young buck?”” Not quite that way but seemed like he wasn’t looking to chat or meet another neighbor who was trying to just…well, meet the neighbors. Understandable though. I have no clue what he’s been through. God bless all you guys though! You were the last true warriors it seems.
A lot of the drivers I’ve seen lately are foreign born. And the US military demographics are nothing to be happy about either.
I’ll believe it when I see it. Until then, it’s just more crap from pot-bellied, shit-talking middle-aged soy boys.
You refuse to believe anyone will do anything because it allows you to justify your own cowardice.
Go get ’em Tiger
Are YOU personally out doing anything about the tyranny taking place in your country? If so, then your comment might be justified. If not, you have NO room to call someone else a coward. The same goes for both of your comments.
I can’t but help note that you’re not calling out Oldtradesman.
You must not have read my comment all the way through then- the last line says “The same goes for both of your comments.”
That was addressing both of you, not just your comments.
It’s past time for the soap box.
Dam straight. Humanity is rising!
Love it!!!!!!! As an Australian watching recent events in that country, I had begun to despair. I know the Australian character and it is made of much sterner stuff than the girly men politicians can ever hope to muster. Bravo. Yes, what they did recently rounding up the schoolchildren is disgusting……and he is right, the politicians are disgusting and filthy and contaminated…..not the regular people.
I keep hearing talk about a national strike here. ?????????
I guarantee you this man is BEHIND BARS AS I TYPE THIS. The criminals running things in OZ don’t even have to PRETEND that he has any rights. He’s going to get the pranging of the century for having the gall to stand up to them.
The organiser of one of the protests is behind bars for 4 months.
Everything comes on a truck… start withholding goods addressed to Government houses, and politicians….
Do it! Talk is cheap, and we see a lot of it, but I would love to see this guy and every other “trucky” do exactly that. If France can do it then sure as hell Ozzies can. Good on ya and know we support you all the way.
We didn’t give up our guns you clown. I have 7 and they are lawfully owned. We gave up our semi-automatic weapons and pump action shotguns. Even then the number of guns handed in were a mere fraction of those owned. More SKS were imported into one state than all firearms of all types handed in Australia wide.
I’m assuming that you’re an American. How’s your gun laws working out for you? I believe that you have mask mandates, shut downs, vaccine cards, a blatant rigged election that even makes African Dictators blush at the audacity of. So again I ask. How’s that 1A and 2A working out for you?
And by giving up your semi automatic firearms you gave up your best defense against tyranny. Your firearm laws are much more draconian than any here in the US, save for those in a handful of blue states and cities. Do you think that just because there are some mask mandates, some shutdowns, and a few blue cities requiring vaccine cards that you see on the news, the you are getting a picture indicative of what is happening in this country? Most places around this country have been carrying on business as usual all through the corona virus BS. Just like most places don’t care what gun laws the federal government tries to pass, they’ll keep on just as they always have. The video evidence of the tyranny taking place in your country, were it to take place here, would result in revolts and bloodshed in the streets. , despite what the news networks try to make the world believe.
Also, just because Biden was installed as president doesn’t mean that he has any real power over the vast majority of the country
I’m not saying that you don’t have the means to resist in Australia, and I sincerely wish you would, but many of your countrymen have given up the best tools that they had to resist tyranny, and seem to have no will to resist. I hope that the situation is a little different in the rural parts of your country than what is happening in the cities that we see on the news, just as it is different here.