Autumn Is Coming…

h/t Ann Barnhardt

I want to be clear: the complete failure of the world’s economic system coupled with the elimination of all borders is the goal of our enemy. They are well on their way and our options are limited to submission or fighting.

My personal thoughts are not centered on the fall of civilization. While the war is now upon us, I am still centered on rebuilding IF we win. That is a big IF. BUT, if we lose, I would rather have fought than submitted to evil. As Wes stated earlier today:

Afghanistan should give us hope. An uneducated but well trained fighting force “conquered” a country and humiliated the most powerful military in the world. OR did our leaders collude with the enemy to hasten a civil war in the United States, humiliate our military and alienate our allies? No matter, we are now here.

I remember the first Obamation reign all too well. His second reign is a prime example of history repeating itself. A facet that I remember was his three day weekend trick. Obama would act on Friday after 5:00 PM to unleash something evil. By Tuesday morning, the shock was diminished but the consequences were entrenched. This weekend is another prime opportunity for this tactic.

Pray for our people because the country’s government is now in the power of complete evil.

David DeGerolamo

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3 years ago

And then there was Washington’s attack on New Year’s eve which caught the Hessians drunk or asleep and unarmed.
And there was that similar strategic surprise visited upon the US during the Tet Holiday.
The Soviets did the same thing when invading Absurdistan and thus catching all world leaders focused on vacationing with vacant minds……


strider 777
3 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

As you requested, my prayers will go up every day for the restoration of our liberties and our republic.
Never give up; never surrender!

3 years ago

I still maintain this is Obama’s 3rd term. All of Biden’s actions have the America hating Obama’s fingerprints all over them.

Not So Free
Not So Free
3 years ago
Reply to  pnoldguy

I’ve been saying all along that Biden isn’t controlling anything. I’m not too sure that there isn’t someone or someones pulling Obama’s strings as well And that goes for his two terms too.

just sayin'
just sayin'
3 years ago

The Fall Feasts are almost upon us! By that I mean Rosh Hoshannah aka Yom Teruah (Feast of Trumpets), Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) and Sukkot (Feast of Ingathering). Each of these feasts has a universally accepted meaning to Jewish people in general, but to those of us who have received Yeshua (Jesus) as our Lord, and to the believing Gentiles that have been grafted into the House of Israel, there is a deeper, more prophetic meaning. Let’s take a look at each of them in turn.
Rosh Hashanah is the Day of Trumpets. It is widely celebrated in the Jewish world as the civil (agricultural) new year, and is the entranceway into the ‘Days of Awe.’ The blasts of the shofar are our wake-up call to repent before it is too late. Even those of us who have received salvation need to be shaken out of our complacency and pushed to higher levels in Messiah. As believers though, we are desperately awaiting that time when the Lord Himself will return to this Earth. Scripture states in 1Thessalonians 4:16-17 that the “Lord himself will come down from heaven with a rousing cry, with a call from one of the ruling angels, and with God’s shofar; those who died united with the Messiah will be the first to rise; then we who are left still alive will be caught up with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air; and thus we will always be with the Lord.”
What Might Heaven’s Shofars Be Blasting This Yom Teruah?
To hear the declaration of heaven, we look foremost to God’s Word. In the Hebrew Bible, we see that trumpets or shofars were blown mainly: (1) to herald the crowning or coming of a king; (2) as a call to war or weapon of warfare; (3) to assemble God’s people; (4) to proclaim a Jubilee; and (5) as an instrument of praise at appointed times. In the New Covenant, trumpets or shofars are mentioned in connection with Yeshua’s(Jesus’s) return and God’s associated judgments. (1 Thess. 4:16-18; Mat. 24:31; 1 Cor. 15:52; Rev. 8:7-12; Rev. 9:1, 14; and Rev. 11:15) This Yom Teruah, and more than ever before, we hear heaven’s shofar summoning Israel, the Church and the nations to all the above.
This year we hear a herald of the “corona-tion” of Yeshua over all the earth, a summons to battle, a call to assemble before YHVH in repentant reckoning, a Jubilee decree for many held captive to evil, and through it all, a high priority to praise the Lord. We hear a distinct herald of His soon return, associated judgments and Kingdom splendor.
In a real sense, heaven’s trumpets will resound throughout the year, calling us to get our houses in order, aligned with God and His ways. Abundant grace and peace for the task will be given from our loving and compassionate Father. But we will need to be intentional to “make every effort to enter into His rest” (Heb. 4:11) to receive that grace and peace — and trumpet it to those who do not yet know the coming King.
Interestingly, concerning God’s rest, 5782 is a shmita year. A shmita is a sabbatical year for the physical ground of Israel. Every seventh year from the time the Israelites first entered the land, no crops were to be planted or harvested. Whatever grew of itself could be eaten by the poor and needy or by wild animals. (Ex. 23:10-11; Lev. 25:1-7) The main purpose of shmita was to remind us that both we and the land belong to, and serve, our Creator. The land sustains us by producing food, but that sustenance ultimately comes from God.
There is no record in Scripture of Israel having observed the shmita — and sadly, this was one reason for our exile. (Lev. 26:33-35)

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Could this Trumpets be signaling the beginning of 7 years of tribulation? 28 A.D.(Jesus’ resurrection) + 2000 years=2028-7yrs.=2021