Awesome deals at Radio Shack

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10 years ago

95% off. In other words, reduced to about where it should be… or the same as Mouser and Digikey’s everyday prices. Jokes aside, you did well on the wire and the big batteries.

RadioShack has been dying for 20 years. Sad to see them go, but it’s time. Back in the days of the TRS-80 home computer, I used to be able to take a schematic in and leave with everything I needed, plus some advice from the greybeard at the counter. Now it’s just clueless kids pushing cell phones and radio controlled crap — utterly clueless when it comes to anything that moves electrons.

9 years ago
Reply to  --jack

Jack your right, the old Radio Shack was okay for a bunch of stuff. Now I walk in and get blank looks unless I want RC items or phones. I worked in the electronics field for 50 years. I had applied about 3 times for a job at RS. I could never understand why I couldn’t get a job there but would get referrals from them for service and repairs on various electronics some of which they even sold. I guess I just wasn’t nerdy enough to work there. It is just another sad icon going the way of the Dodo Bird.