Back To Basics…Keep up with the crazy world events but make sure you have protein (MEAT) put back.

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1 year ago

Excellent advice.
Just beans and rice won’t really make it! Storing caned protein in a cache out side may freeze and burst the cans. Spam cans and single packets, seem to handle freezing well. I like spam and oats, good source of protein, fat and carbs.
Don’t forget fats and oils, they are essential, olive, safflower, fish, real butter and lard are some of my favorites, stay away from processed oils!
My biggest problem with caches is rats, they will eat through even heavy plastic and wood. Metal trash cans and amo cans work well.
Don’t have all your eggs in one basket!

1 year ago
Reply to  Lawnmore

Nutritionally speaking beans and rice, SNIP

Rice and beans are both incomplete, plant-based proteins that, when eaten together, form a complete protein. Eating rice and beans in combination can provide you with a good amount of complete protein, fiber, carbohydrates and other nutrients.

Otherwise almost half the words population would have starved to death.

Beans and rice are cheap protein and calories.

Walmart prices here:
GV 20 pounds white rice $11.14
GV Pinto Beans 8 pounds $6.88
Keystone canned beef (good stuff BTW) 14.5 ounce can $5.87

SO you could get 28 pounds of dry storage foods that more than doubles when cooked for 3 COUNT them 3 X 14.5 ounce cans of beef.

Your call. Mountain House is excellent but makes that Canned Beef LOOK CHEAP when you figure out calories instead of “Servings”.

Meat is nice, but a well-mixed diet of rice and beans, plus some peppers and tomatoes for Vitamin C and FLAVOR is pretty decent. Adding a squirrel or two to make gravy has been welcome in my deer camp.

A weekly bean pot and learning to add it as a side dish to a meal a day is an excellent way to learn to enjoy beans.

OR you COULD just wait until you HAVE NO CHOICE and while the family is already scared, pissed off and hungry tell them to eat it or starve.

Probably not the best choice. Also by eating beans NOW, you can learn what spices you really want for them.

Eat what you store, store what you eat. I’ve pushed some of my MAG to try out their “Survival foods” and even promised to buy whatever they “Wasted testing them”.

It’s Appalling just how nasty and how HUNGRY you’ll be eating several brands (worst cough wise, cough) for just a weekend.

Metal IS Critical to keep rodents out of your groceries and as they love to nest-destroy all cache supplies.

1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

Lots of good points.
Rice and beans area great start, cheap and nutritious, as is whole wheat and oats, this is the cheapest way to get a good start with food storage. Buy them now!
You are correct with the adage, eat what you store and store what you eat, this is very important!
Being a cheap old wino, I have lots of 4L empty wine bottles, that are now full of rice, beans, dried potatoes, oats and corn, with a desiccant!

We just started harvesting two types of beans, easy to grow and very productive and don’t forget to buy heirloom seeds!

1 year ago

Please take a look here -- she is one of the few doctors examining the blood for particles of this fake covid vax. I truly believe all this fake news and events we see on tv are to keep us distracted from detoxing this toxic crap from our blood:

1 year ago

Whole Cow in Texas has freeze dried beef, prime cuts not scrapple. Will not vaccinate with mRNA. Not cheap,$3 a pound but shipped in sealed packs, no refrigerator or freezer needed. Can store on shelf for up to ten years. Use “tgp15” for 15% discount.

1 year ago

Mori-Nu extra-firm, silken, shelf-stable tofu is a good source of protein. Whisk with approximately equal parts gluten-free all purpose flour blend, and a pinch of sea salt for a multi-purpose dough, roll out a long tubular shape 2 cm. thick, cut pieces for gnocchi and saute in seasoned butter (or boil until they float), or make stovetop flat-bread, or tofu tots, seasoned, cooked in air fryer or baked.

Many of the videos on these channels effectively amount to apocalyptic cooking; simple, easy, often no-bake, no-cook and minimal ingredients. It’s one way to prepare.

“What To Do With Tofu” -- #shorts HalleBurns

“Tofu Waffle”

“How To Make Tofu”

“The Perfect Vegan Burger”

Mori-Nu Tofu -- (recipes under tab)

“6 Veggie Burger Recipes (Vegan)” -- Vegan But Lazy

“3 Vegan Veggie Burgers (Gluten Free options)”

“Brunch Bread” -- Chop Secrets

Note: tofu can be added to the burgers as well.

1 year ago
Reply to  Z-La

Not bad Z-la, thanks.

My great concern about tofu is even “shelf stable” tofu once open requires refrigeration.

Might be hard if grid is unreliable, let alone down.

I’ve made tofu before, but the work and the coagulant needed I cannot make at home.

A Step-By-Step Guide to Making Tofu (

And looking up tofu vs white beans tofu is less in all categories so why do all that work to turn beans into a chunk of tasteless materials?

I can easily grow white beans and cook them in a solar panel powered slow cooker (do it camping every deer camp) and blend them into spaghetti sauce to add protein easily.

You can add tofu to burgers, but you can also simply add cooked blended white beans to that burger. Less work.

I always wonder if plant protein is so good, WHY are they trying to make it look and taste like meat?

1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

Considering that many people feel unwell and sickened upon consuming GMO grain-fed beef, but are energized and nutritionally fortified with the grass-fed organic beef is one reason. Another is that the power structures have determined that the animals/livestock are to be injected with the mRNA vaccines and reportedly the pigs have been injected with it for many years, and many people are likely infected. A big industry attempting to use plant-based foods in a bid to make it taste like meat (while using many dubious ingredients) is a different matter than an individual having access to healthy foods and other ingredients for the binding, seasoning and nutrition thereof. The often blandness and versatility of plant-based foods are features applicable to those with dietary needs, or in creating a dish as authentic or better than the original, and for many other purposes (medicine is food).

1 year ago
Reply to  Z-La

Z-la what pray tell is GMO vs grass fed have to do with you posting about tofu and my reply that plain beans works well also?

I TRUST NOTHING BIG AG does. So, an argument that Big Ag tofu is better than my own grown beans will not fly.

1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

It was a reference to why people are trying to make plant protein taste like turkey, chicken, beef, fish, in part because livestock meat and seafood has and is continuing to be contaminated. If there wasn’t any experimenting and creativity with food there wouldn’t even be mayonnaise (why blend oil and egg not knowing what it would yield for instance?). However positing that attempting to recreate a meat taste is the main reason for the consumption of plant-based foods is a misnomer. Have you heard of a vegan cheesecake? Further, there was nothing stating that the chemical-laden tofu or some such industrial based product is better than that which can be made by obtaining ingredients from a local grocery, health food, or imported means. The Japanese tofu however is among the best in the world. Homemade is optimal though for cost-effectiveness and availability. An alternative to either soy-based tofu or white beans as a meat substitute or for a sauce is chickpea tofu, lentil tofu or a bechamel (white) sauce, which may be more practical ingredient wise.

“Chickpea Tofu” -- @cookingforpeanuts

“Lentil Tofu” -- @eco.amical

“Chickpea Tofu” (with dry chickpeas) -- @veganshort

“Chickpea Flour Tofu” -- (see description for other flours) -- Vegan Richa

“Vegan Bechamel Sauce (White Sauce) -- Gluten Free” -- My Pure Plants -- Vegan Recipes

1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

Per the article, both tofu and white beans have dietary fiber, sugar, saturated fat, vitamins C, A, E, K, Bs, calcium, iron, potassium, omega 3s and 6s. The tofu might have more appeal for a keto diet.

Re: calories and carbs --

“White bean is high in calories and tofu has 33% less calories than white bean -- tofu has 76 calories per 100 grams and white bean has 114 calories.

For macronutrient ratios, tofu is heavier in protein, much lighter in carbs and much heavier in fat compared to white beans per calorie. Tofu has a macronutrient ratio of 39:9:52 and for white beans, 25:73:2 for protein, carbohydrates and fat from calories.”

1 year ago
Reply to  Z-La

Pretty good Z-la but again if you cannot make all the ingredients of your vegan stuff at home your locked into Big Ag and Big Chemical companies. As I mentioned before the coagulants used to make Tofu for example.

Keto diet and such are fine for armchair workers wanting to look buff. I suspect that with the elimination of most of our electric sherpas like water pumping with a hand pump and water buckets and so on that overweight people will either die off (most likely) or slim down to look a LOT more like Pre-electricity Americans in Great Depression photos.

If you’re eating from your gardens and odd squirrel gravy, you’re going to WANT ALL those Calories in your family’s diet.