Bad News for Blacks; Country’s Financial Picture Spells Their Doom

The average person in the United States might think that Obama would be frantic and worried to a frazzle over the current national fiscal status and its dire outlook for the futures of the blacks of America.  But does Barack Hussein Obama look or act worried and downtrodden in his daily cavorts around the country or even the world?

If you said “No” you would be absolutely correct.  Things are working out fiscally perfect and just the way he, or I should say, his mentors in the U. N. have planned them.  The deeper in debt the blacks are the more indebted they will become to this phony tin-horn dictator who is bailing them out with taxpayer’s dollars and reaping the benefits of obsequiousness and poverty without the burden of personal debt or fear of having to pay taxes.

It’s the best of both worlds for Obama; he steals honest taxpaying citizens’ tax dollars from the U. S. Treasury with impunity and has no fear of being forced to repay it.  Thus his quasi legal acts of theft are also of no danger to his standings in the free world and they reap the huge benefits of gaining millions of ballot box advantage votes from a downtrodden segment of the population that is happy doing nothing but place an “X” in the box adjacent to the names of Democrats, Obama in particular, on the ballot for public office.If you said “No” you would be absolutely correct.  Things are working out fiscally perfect and just the way he, or I should say, his mentors in the U. N. have planned them.  The deeper in debt the blacks are the more indebted they will become to this phony tin-horn dictator who is bailing them out with taxpayer’s dollars and reaping the benefits of obsequiousness and poverty without the burden of personal debt or fear of having to pay taxes.

The more he steals and cheats, the happier and well fed his constituents become and the bigger the smile across the facial area where his prominent happy molars are rooted.  And what can we responsible tax-paying creatures do about it?  N-O-T-H-I-N-G !!!  Obama’s fate along with ours is in the outstretched and clutching hands of the totally dependent black communities around the country.


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