What I wouldn’t give to be able to quit watching/reading the news. Oh how nice it must be to be oblivious to the evil we are faced with.
These evil powers that be, are dead set on getting their poison into everyone one way or another. I don’t think they understand just what they are about to unleash.
They have now separated society into the vaxxed vs. the unvaxxed. They are trying to persuade businesses to deny services to the unvaxxed. They are trying to force employers to require the vaxx for you to earn a living and take care of your family.
Now also the rumors are flying that they are going to try and shut down our country again. Yes I said “try.” Hopefully all these small businesses tell the govt to go take a hike. If the big box stores can stay open so can small business.
This is the long dark winter approaching that they have been talking about for over a year now. Bad things are coming. Everyone who is awake knows it. Everyone who is awake can feel it in their gut.
My life is most likely about to be dramatically affected by all this nonsense. My wife will most likely lose her job as a NICU Nurse due to the fact she is refusing to take this poison.

It is a declaration of War against me and my family as far as I am concerned, and I know of only one way to respond should this come to pass. It will be time to eliminate these communist, actually it is well past time, but I am but one man. However I aim to erase their existence from History. No Mercy! No Prisoners! No Exceptions! Like a cancer, the communist need to be cut out and put down from the whole world in the hopes that they never rise again. Otherwise, these attacks on us will never end. They hate us and they want us dead. Fine I accept your challenge. Come and try.

I really don’t know what else to say. It’s sad that it has come to this in America, but here we are, on the eve of the bloodiest war this world will have ever seen. What is coming is going to make all other wars pale in comparison. Nothing is going to stop it now except the elimination of either them or us. I hope you’ve chosen your side wisely. I am prepared to not only defend myself, I am prepared to be proactive. The warning siren is about to sound. Don’t hesitate when it does. You’ll know.
Hello Wes,
been following your site for quite some time now. Thank you for putting up information that concerns a fellow Western North Carolinian.
God bless you and your family.
Something wicked this way comes …..
Unfortunately something wicked is already here.
Yes it is already here as “mystery Babylon” has been building for quite some time:
You are correct.
A thought came to me yesterday on my way in to work: they will probably cast out Biden on the 25th amendment and bring forth Kamala, the thought: what is she known for? sleeping her way to the top which makes her a whore. We will have a whore as imposter in chief aka the president, fitting for Babylon to be ruled by the whore dontcha think? The Statue of Liberty was supposed to be dressed in scarlet if memory serves me, which makes it a whore, so I guess it is be fulfilled once she is inserted as the president of Amerika.
Interesting, Kamala as “the whore”…it is most often assumed to be the Roman Church.
“The Whore” is State sanctioned organized religion of what ever flavor, not just the Catholics.
501c3 gov. cotrolled churches and their hierarchies. Gate keepers incl their church leaders will help bring in the globalist agendas, quit now folks and home church or meet w/small groups for fellowship in private facilities.
Yup. The ones that accept the 501(c)(3) -- municipal corporation ‘government’ status. The brave legislators in Congress back in the 50’s provided them with an ‘escape clause’: 508(c)(1)(A), which allows ‘political’ speech from the pulpit, NO yearly reporting, NO mandatory auditing of books and NO application for the status -- you just inform the IRS that your organization is of that class. GOD ALWAYS leaves His faithful an out.
“My People perish for a LACK OF KNOWLEDGE” Well, here is knowledge. Get out of Babylon, while you still can, Churches!
That’s right, but the colors of the leaders in the Catholic church are purple and scarlet. So it would seem that that Rome with it’s Pope that has two horns as a lamb (false representative of Christ) and speaks like a dragon (Satan), will head up the one world whore church…
True nuff, however that is not to say that Kamala isn’t still A Whore.
“most often assumed to be the Roman Church”
revelation 11:8 and 17:18 flatly identifies it as jerusalem.
I think that too, but this is something to ponder as well!!
And a ‘cackling’ whore, at that. The sounds these demons make are their tell-tale sign.
Ain’t that the truth!! I don’t doubt that the Pope will be the false prophet, he is already setting this up now as we speak!!
Strange… Those same words keep running through my mind.
The unvaxxed must get the “jab”. Vaccine passports. Pizza, money, tickets, food, just come in and get the untested concoction injected into you. No vax? No job, no this, no that. Next? No grocery stores for the unvaxxed. A mark on your hand or forehead to scan, proving you’re vaxxed. Something wicked this way comes.
The difficulty always will be reaching the ones responsible for most of them are firmly ensconced in the cesspool of DC
If we don’t get them, promise you the Chinese will, they don’t want that scum anymore than we do, they will be the first to go! They don’t want any competition from westerners.
God has a history of using other nations to judge/destroy those whom He has blessed and been rejected by.
That is an excellent point Angry Patriot! “Righteousness exalts a Nation, but sin is a reproach to any people. And all Nations that forget God shall be turned into Hell!
“I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that his justice cannot sleep forever.” ~Thomas Jefferson
They are not beyond reach, way past time for justice to be served on the commie rats.
Agreed. We must kill every last one of them, to see the end of what the have brough down upon us all.
So be it. I would rather live in a nation of 50 million patriots, than a country of some 350+ million, where the majority are ignorant, filthy animals, who corrupt everything they touch.
It begins upon those tasked with Serving Justice, who no longer posses the integrity to do so.
Forced vax is the most expedient thing to do. let’s stop horse whispering this shit. no more patty-cake bakers man shit. I respect ‘the other’ as a worthy adversary. It would not have come this far otherwise. However, anyone who does not espouse a society envisioned by the Founders is an invader, domestic or foreign. I am in the sonoran desert so I see more foreign invaders.
Though we combat fascism/communism let us remember what a commie once said in the 1940’s: “There can be no forgiveness of invaders for their savage deeds, for their senseless murder of peaceful residents. The earth should burn under their feet. They need to be hunted down everywhere and annihilated by every means,”
L Pavlichenko
One thing about fascists/communists, they are not cowards. Are we? Time will tell. I stand with Mr Henry: Give me Liberty or give me death!
Give me a .308 with a good scope.
There is no such thing as liberty above God. Even the original (not the, first amongst peers, chosen HRE) Emperor, overlord and founder of Europe was a mere slave to the Lord of lords and just His high steward.
The contemporary Western jurisdictions however are, without exception, based upon usurpation upon usurpation. Arrogant, (unfree) driven by greed, proactive violent, lusting for (abnormal/deviant) power & control and without conscience.
“Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway.” John Wayne
On ready in TN…say “When”…..
I agree! give me liberty or give me death. It’s time to go to war!
Wes, the way things are going is just the fulfillment of what the Lord already told us is going to take place, so I myself stay right with Him and feel day today adaptive distancing is called for. Re your wife’s nursing job, the way things are going, the unvaxed one day could be banned from hospitals and healthcare. I believe there will be tons of work for this goodly profession as those who don’t get vax will need home nursing care and the care of doctors who understand for they on the whole were totally cut out of having a voice in all this.
Mary, you are right on target. Current events are “just a fulfillment of what the Lord already told us is going to take place.” The most important thing is to make sure you are right with the Lord. After that, as a hospice RN, I just know the day is coming where my hospital will require me to get vaxxed. That’s the day I tell them I’m leaving. I spend countless hours in prayer and supplication, asking what I should do to help others and also make some semblance of a living if at all possible. There will, no doubt, be “tons of work” for professional medical people but to connect with those that need help, to have sufficient supplies, pharmaceutical and/or natural remedies, and some sort of reasonable form of payment/bartering if they are able to do any recompense (and we know there will always be poor souls that can’t), requires planning and a strong grassroots network and … I don’t know what else. All I know is that NOW is the time to do that, to organize for this inevitability.
Jeannie, I could not agree with you more, and like you believe that those who stay the course in utter devotion to Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit need to start banding together in mutual support! This is especially true in medicine! We will need facilities to treat and supplies and medications. Would you join me in contacting America’s Frontline Doctors and other organizations to start dialoguing about this impending crisis for Christians and others opposed to the jab? What can we do to help? Are there faith based corporate medical groups who are going to continue to treat unvaxxed citizens, especially if/when the “mandates” are slammed upon us? How can like minded medical people get together to discuss these vitally urgent topics? Perhaps Patriot Nurse or “Aesop” can address this with their ideas. WE MUST START TO ADDRESS THESE ISSUES!
Molly, This is an exciting prospect! I would be very interested in joining you. Patriot Nurse is an excellent idea. So is your idea of contacting America’s Frontline Doctors. I don’t know Aesop, but will research. How do we proceed from here?
I am with both of you, was brought to my mind yesterday about serving as nurse to the unvaxxed. I am currently working in the fed prison as stated elsewhere here but before this I was a hospice nurse as well. My thought yesterday was Open Arms Nursing and Ministries. I would be onboard with your idea as well. We can accept any form of payment whether it was cash or barter items.
GOD Bless all three of you! I’ve read your comments and be assured that success for your ambitions will be included in my daily prayers.
WileyHack, that is very much appreciated. I have tried to warn people at the prison, inmate and workerbee, but many still got vaxxed. Had a guy seize today, supposedly he has history of this but he said he really never had any BUT he got vaxxed 2 days ago, so…??? I did put that in my nurse note today that he had his 1st shot 2 days ago just in case! They should have ran a D-Dimer test to test for any new blood clots like that BC Doc spoke about!!
My wife just text that another covid case was found at her work (title Co) from a fellow 30%. Quote from boss lady, “That B f’ed us!”. Empathy much? Guess not.
Corporate is “deciding on appropriate measures”. No Vaxx mandates yet, just a cold war between Vaxxed/non vaxxed in an alread high stress profession. Wifey feels no ticky no washy is coming yet, we wait paitently. whatever may come, we have prepared accordingly.
Thank the Lord, He warned us! Praise Him! Never fear the dark and coming storm, He is still very much in control.
Never forget that.
I concur re that gut feeling. like your in the woods, being watched from the something in the brush. You dont need to see it to know its there. The signs are screaming from all sides now. If you arent awake by now, its because you keep hitting snooze.
Keep praying and preparing.
rats are in the corn.
“stamus in unum oportuno”
Never forget how much death and destruction will be unleashed by those that just wanted to be left alone.
I am also a nurse at a federal prison. I also refuse the poison but am pressured by leftist who prefer the vax who also deny the real science. I have tried to educate and warn the inmates not to take it, only a few listened however, may it be on their own heads/hands then. They are going to make this mandatory soon, I will hang on until I can no longer hang on anymore, then I will be forced to quit. My spouse works at the VA, same goes for him. Us nurses as well as other workers who no longer work d/t the poison mandate, start thinking of alternative jobs you can do on the side for whatever payment they can afford to give you, work for the unvaxxed only. Start preparing if you have not done so, you are really behind the curve ball if you don’t or haven’t! God will only protect those who are in Him, so accept the Lord now while you can and He will be with you throughout until He brings you home.
I am in NC as well!! 😀
Cool. Can I ask where? No problem if you can’t say.
I live in north Oxford and work at Butner Fed Prison
We are near Asheville. Not too far from you.
I have a daughter that just moved from there to Morganton, she won’t pay attention to what is going on, she turns a deaf ear to me when I try to warn her, she says we can’t stop it, so she isn’t gonna pay attention. She knows the death jab isn’t to take thankfully, but I worry for her.
I’m in Washington state. I also have a daughter that pays no attention to what I’ve explained about the covid “vaccine” and took it. She lives in Portland, OR and yet is still completely brainwashed by the left. Two sons in the Midwest are the same way. Painful.
How can healthcare providers (including RNs) get local word out about offering after-the-fall healthcare? By state law (any state), RNs are not allowed to be “primary” care providers. What can we legally do to help people in a consistent way other than being limited to what anyone can (legally) do in an emergency situation, giving Good Samaritan assistance?
I would say that once all hell breaks loose, who is to tell you that you cannot help others? There may not be any or many docs left! It may be up to us nurses to provide any kind of healthcare once SHTF. I am trying to stock up on med supplies to be ready just in case. Word will get around where help can be found, just be ready! Learn to stitch people up, there are kits on Amazon and I am sure plenty of YouTube vids to learn how LOL.
Ensure you have bandages of all types, including tourniquets and band aids, hydrogen peroxide, rubbing alcohol, witch hazel, keep any expired or left over pain pills, get real alcohol (for pain), suture kits. I just bought some Desitin and petroleum jelly, several first aid kits. Have access to water and store up rice and beans the most. Triple Antibiotic and Bendryl creams, Nyquil/ Dayquil. Anything else that may be needed, get!
If it’s “after the fall healthcare” then I say anything goes at that point, even practicing outside the legal parameters of your profession. We’ll be underground anyway. At that point, we’ll be on our own, in survival mode.
WNC pharmacist here, Maggie. You can contact me @ oldsouth@tutanota.com
See above
Agreed Susan. It is time for each of us to take to heart that painful lesson -- Let the dead bury their dead.
Such are the vaxxed.
Hey I’m in WNC . My family would do business with any healthcare professionals refusing the vax if you make your self available.
Trust me, I am willing to help anyone but may refuse those who are Vader, don’t need to catch their crud…and spread it!!
Oh boy, autocorrect… vaxxed is what I was saying, just noticed the error, lol
Well, if they’re vaxxed they have gone to the dark side now haven’t they? Vader indeed!
very much agreed, lol
I am an RN, retired from a state prison. As far as I know, no mandated vaccines. As well, there is a doctor running for gov. In my state who is adamantly “ no forced vaccines.” He is acquiring a following here, to rival Trump. His name is Jensen. Move to my state….MN. I believe the NAZI GOV. WALZ IS HISTORY. SOME YEARS AGO THEY TRIED TO MANDATE FLU VACCS FOR NURSES. WE SAID…” go to hell. We all resign.” That took care of that issue! There is a growing angry population of people here who are FED UP WITH THE DESTRUCTIVE LIBERAL BULLSHIT THAT WE SAW AFTER CRIMINAL FLOYD DIED.
Lol, just moved out of that state in 2016, it was where I was born, my daughter may be moving back there and wants us to move back too, may consider it but the place is over run with Somalis that like to holler allah akbar or something stupid like that while holding a knife or a gun!! Had that happen at the St Cloud mall just after we left. Did you see where that mural of Floyd in Toronto was hit and destroyed by lightning?!?! I said way to go Lord and laughed!!!
Hi Gabe, Fellow MN. (W. suburbs)and all the others, The next home owner that I will be helping build his home. just informed me his job came out today. The CO. will be mandating all get the shot or loose their job. the business is next door to my wife’s company who is pushing Vacs. We will NOT comply the other guy I’m helping is getting his jab.:(.
I’m in the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia. Thought I’d do some research on healthcare mandates in our region. Turns out, the healthcare corporations are all following the same script.
INOVA Health System has 18,000 employees. “Vaccine” mandates by Sept 1. ( https://patch.com/virginia/fallschurch/inova-require-employees-get-covid-19-vaccine-september )
Valley Health, with 6,300 employees (not including affiliated doctors); “vaccine” mandates by Nov 1. ( https://www.whsv.com/2021/08/02/large-crowd-protests-valley-health-employee-vaccine-mandate/ )
Both corporations include large hospital and medical care facilities, including transplantation centers. There is no doubt that incoming patients will soon be required to have the ‘vaccines’ before entering into their healthcare systems.
I have studied this for 47 years.I realized this is planned for way more years than most realize. This is very well planned and nothing is not by accident. Both sides are controlled and being pushed into the war before us the only thing is the outcome. Prayer and determination will see us through. God will has determined his outcome period! I am not a young man but am ready for whatever. My salvation is secure and if i die fighting for the truth I don’t mind.
Is anyone else getting “advise” or blowback from friends or family?
I was contacted by an Aunt 2 days ago (she is not a blood relative). She told me how concerned she was that I had not taken the “vaccine” and wanted to encourage me to take it. She is VERY Democrat-Leftist, a retired teacher, and she knows so much more than everyone else.
I tried to interrupt her, but she had to speak her mind. I grew angrier as she spoke to me, well, lectured me. She told me she had done a lot of research and really wanted me to get the “vaccine” so I wouldn’t get sick and die.
I finally broke in after 2 minutes. I had heard more than enough. I told her that I actually WAS well researched and that I wanted to challenge her. I asked several point-blank questions, none of which she could provide info on (ie D-dimer tests, what the mRNA injections actually did to the immune system, etc). I told her that CNN was NOT a reliable news source, but she countered with the Internet being filled with mis-information. I told her that I actually was very well read on the virus and on the injection, so there was no way I would become a test subject for a pharmaceutical poison.
I mentioned the Clot Shot reference for what this “vaccine” has created in people. She admitted she had a small brain aneurysm and had just had an MRA and an MRI, but it was a small clot. Ask me if she was able to connect-the-clot-dots there.
You can’t fix Leftism.
Thank you, kindly, for sharing! I very much value and appreciate it. I cannot stop wondering if she lives in Mount Kisco, New York which is where I live. Oh my, funny me… is this my neighbor across the street?
Thank you, again! I am grateful.
Deborah, Her middle name is Karen. Maybe she has an evil twin there…She lived in Long Island, renamed to Cold Spring Harbor (Huntington) when she taught. No kids, wealthy; moved to a gated community after retirement — Hilton Head, SC.
Here’s another funny one about her. They were planning to vacation in northern Montauk at their cottage but a friend told her that you can still get the virus when you’re “vaccinated.” She was horrified — didn’t know! So they cancelled their vacation.
So much for her being so well researched, eh? 🙂
As I point out to anyone who tells me they’ve done their research before taking the jab: How is that possible? YOU are the research…
Modern throwback ,,,,,,,good to see your handle ,,, We / the valley folks at my ranch have been working on what to do about the JAB in the valley community. It was decided to not allow any one on the ranch that has been vaccinated ,out of concerns of a super spreader slipping in ,, of 200 plus full time people we have all survived a round with c19 I was one of the first and used my experience with it and what I learned on mission to treat it. We used vit D ,zink ,vit K , and IVERMECTIN , and now I would add DIPHENHYDRAMINE , We had NO bad outcomes
Howdy 0ldhomesteader, nice seeing you here. We are avoiding those who have been vax’d, too. For us, this means no more family get-togethers since they all chose to get poisoned and be highly contagious.
We did a teleconference w/ one of the docs at FLCCC and it was recommended to add NAC and Quercetin to our daily supplement regimen. So, yes, Vit D, Zinc, Vit C, Quercetin and NAC. I buy the last 2 at Thorne Labs (online).
Ivermectin — we have the tablets, and the vet supplies in both paste and liquid. We’re not taking Ivermectin prophylactically at this time (we’re pretty reclusive) but if needed, we would take the tablets as prescribed. Also have plenty if we were to contract COVID.
Stay well!
Quicky for you—say--show me where they have even isolated the Covid in a soup dish and documented it. How can you say you have a variant when they haven’t even isolated the Covid 19 itself. How do you give a vaccination for something you don’t even know what is in it. The PCR test has just been shut down by the CDC themselves—-doesn’t work !!!! You can manipulate the infection and show numbers that don’t exist !!! Try that—make them dance !!!! Masks don’t work either but another story—-
We are still using the PCR tests at the fed. prison in NC. I was telling a few lady coworkers that it only really tests for the flu anyhow, they were astounded (listening to MSM lies I see). I sent them several links and told them to start researching this stuff and not on the TV! I also told them what you said, they have not even isolated the virus and there isn’t any part of the virus in the “vaccine.” Their jaws dropped. People need to wake up and start seeing the crooked govt for what they are, liars and evil corrupt people hell bent on destroying Amerika and us humans.
I believe they are allowing the PCR test for another 6 months and then that is it—When using you can’t even find out how many magnifications they are using—so they can show anyone has the virus if they want—Gates and Soros have bought or control testing and that should tell you all you need to know. Isn’t it amazing the Covid has cured the Flu—almost non existent in many areas—-If you get a chance listen to Karen Kingston. You can see her on Brighteon.com She is an awesome woman and her knowledge will floor you. She worked for Pfizer and the real problem is the (graphine oxide) they are putting into people. It is poisonous and even on the swabs. G-d Bless
Surf, Science doesn’t apply to leftard logic, nor does common sense. I thought of mailing some factual info to my relative, but it would only be wasting my time.
I read something yesterday — Chinese lab is now warning of new coronavirus variants. I hope the fear porn keeps the vax’d on the edge of their seats another year or two….lmao
And the worst part is Trump still pumping the JAB—that puts red flags up for me on Trump as much as I like him—
Most beloved of the LORD: I hear the anguish of spirit. Lies, deception, thievery, destruction surround us. This is NOT the American Revolution, my friends; “they” have ALL the “big boy toys”, “they” control the means of distribution, and what little production there is left. And most tragic of all, “they” outnumber “us”. Lest our numbers decline even more, remember the Words of our LORD JESUS. “He who lives by the sword, will die by the sword”. You may think this honorable. In this, the final battle between darkness and light, dying by the sword renders your death ignoble. Rather, stand firm in the LORD and in the power of HIS might, and overcome the darkness with the light of His Truth. Keep your eyes on the prize: eternal salvation in His presence. This mean spirited kingdom is destined for the fires of hell, which are never extinguished. And, my friends, “they” know it, thus the fierce “last hurrah”. The LORD JESUS died and arose again so that we could spend eternity in His glorious presence. Can you not withstand with Him, for just a little while? With deepest love from one of the chosen in our Savior, Jesus.
Luke 22:36—But now he who has a money bag, let him take it and likewise a knapsack; and he who has no sword, let him sell his garment and buy one. —One of the last things Jesus said before the cross.—-Resist the devil !!
I’m glad the founders understood that to resist tyranny is biblical and to surrender is disobedience. It is only when we are disarmed and unable to fight back that we go as lambs to the slaughter.
I am also glad, and even more so that many of my brothers like yourself have not succumbed to that deceiving spirit.
22nd chapter of Luke….you might have missed something.
Rabid Dogs are PUT DOWN.
Rabid SKUNKS are put down
You’re only one man -- but there are tens of millions with you.
Just another data point from Dallas Texas here. My son in law’s cousin WAS a Fed employee in the DC area. Mid 30’s mother of 3 son’s. Took the shot 2 weeks ago as it was going to be “mandated”. This weekend she became ill. They were going to go to the doctor Monday, but she took a turn for the worse and was brought to the ER. ICU Monday night, and we received word she passed overnight. Had had a heart attack and the doctors were looking into an artifical lung last night.
First dose of the vaccine. I don’t know which yet.
Condolences to you Brother in arms in TX, yet they will not connect the dots either probably. She should not have had a heart attack unless she had something underlying, in which the shot just caused it to go active. This link may help provide the answers, saw this the other day: https://westernstandardonline.com/2021/07/bc-doc-says-hes-found-blood-clots-in-62-of-post-jab-patients/?unapproved=27012&moderation-hash=350e329c86da03ee96770cae1a72e2d8#comment-27012
The spike protein is known to attack cerebral, cardiac, lung, ovary, and teste vasculature. Systemic clotting is the hallmark of these jabs
Scrutinized cause of death if the jab is remotely involved, but a definite COVID death if you die of any other cause (motorcycle accident) with a positive test. It is a game to them with lots of $$ to be made.
Change my mind.
“I am prepared to not only defend myself, I am prepared to be proactive”…I think that about sums it up.
Psychopaths are poactive pure evil. Normal people also have to be proactive to counter that kind of ddition 9f true core-madness.
I’ve been wondering for quite awhile where are the ones who are skilled at putting “ventilation systems” into cranial locations, preferably evidenced by forehead decorations…
Took me a min to figure that one out, made me laugh!! Good one!
My uncle was 83, had mersa 10 years ago and made it thru that, 2 months ago he took the 1st shot, was dead in 4 days, also had a cousin who’s wife had kidney transplant 10 years ago, she got both shots and lasted 2 months in the hospital before leaving the earth. Everyone hang in there were all on this same ship together.
Is the Beltway the main road around DC used as access to the cesspool? Wouldn’t it be interesting if that road would have daily “incidents”? Become unsafe to travel? Asking for a friend.
Hells’ Bells! I495 is already unsafe to travel on!
There are many roads into DC — I’m sure you’re referring to NW DC where the Feds are. Lots of Fed employees are still working from home (or whatever you call it where they used to show up and get a paycheck for doing not-very-much). Now they don’t need to burn precious fossil fuels to not do much, and the Great Reset will help to heal the Earth. /sarc
Been hearing about some big speech that Blunder, I mean Biden, is preparing to give about a new lockdown and likely new calls (demands) for ALL to get the death dart. They’re now saying they need 90% of the population to take it for us to achieve “herd immunity.”
It’s being reported that this speech will be “solemn,” and comparing it to the speech that Bush gave following the 9/11 attacks. Now, I was no fan of Bush, but I doubt Blunder could even deliver a “solemn” speech.
Nonetheless, if that’s true, this will be some huge push and a play on the emotions of the people… a common leftists’ tactic. Will this be the “warning siren” that you’re talking about, perhaps?
France, Germany, and other countries are already ahead of us in this, and they’re resisting. Will we?
Great statement. There are many many millions of like minded that will stand with you. FED UP. PISSED OFF. LETHAL.
Exactly where I stand. Yes the evil bastards must die . Time is soon
He is right. The best use of our remaining time would be to spread Jesus message of salvation, for in the end that is all that matters. I am not saying lay down but Bitten did say what chance have we against drones and F-15’s, and that is the only time he is 1/2 correct. Either way my wife and I have drawn the line in the sand and will NOT take the jab.
Nobody up there wants to nFARCE the law. Not even our side. So both sides have to pay.
No mercy was given in their effort to shut us down, no mercy will be given by us to shut them down -- FOR GOOD!
All commies must hang by the balls, but since all don’t have any their pencil necks will do just fine.
This message is NOT spam-(though a little long for some-skip to the bottom if you must) Please read and let the meaning sink into your minds!
This is it!!
To my fellow Believers, consider this an Exhortation. 🙂
To All Peoples: A Message of Salvation
The World that is now, has rejected God. The hardship and plagues we have been experiencing are Gods attempts to WAKE You UP!!! What HAS happened is NOTHING compared to the catastrophe that is on the way. No amount of prepping, praying, hoping, thinking, meditating, crying, drinking, positivity, optimism-NOTHING, NO THING, NO THOUGHT, Absolutely Nothing, will halt, stop or lighten what is next.
You do Not have to be here!! How can I be so Sure, you ask? Because you can be Saved by the Blood of the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ, and He has such a great love for His Children, that those who are Saved, will not be living through that horror show. Come one, come all- and learn a simple truth: God is not blind to what all is happening. There IS a Heaven and there is a Hell. —-BUT****There is a Blessed Hope: There is freedom in Jesus Christ. Even if this message of God’s goodness and Mercy, and message of Salvation through Jesus Christ, brings persecution, I will count it greater a blessing to have pulled a soul from Hell, than to be silent in fear, and see that soul lost forever in Hell . *For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believe; to the Jew first, and also to the Gentile. For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.* To have Faith in Jesus Christ, is trusting in His grace to bring you to Himself, to save you from hell. There are only 2 Commandments that we as Christians are to live by:the first is To love the Lord thy God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind. the second is like unto this: to Love thy neighbor as thyself. To love someone is to tell them the truth, no matter how painful it sounds, for then the pain can be lessened by finding Peace in Christ Jesus. I myself would want to be told the truth, so I am telling this to you. Time is so short, now.
KNOW that God IS in control. Do NOT take the vaccine or get microchipped, and then also tell others that Jesus is the ONLY Name by which you may get into Heaven; there is NONE other. It is NOW becoming GLOBALLY MANDATORY that all get the Shots. These people who are calling the shots are out to steal your souls!! DO NOT LET THEM! Instead, turn to The Lord Jesus, and call on His name, and He WILL free you from your bonds of sin and shame. Please do not delay.
From the King James Bible; The Gospel according to John:
3:16For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 3:17For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
3:18He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 3:19And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 3:20For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. 3:21But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.
We all can see that a BIG something is coming, and that it is not based on our own physical understanding of what we see is happening. It is God’s will. Is not God, He who sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to die for us, so that through Him we may be saved and live eternally with Him in Heaven; is He not greater than anything that is on this earth? To know Gods blessed salvation through Jesus Christ, one must become Born Again… Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and You shall be saved.
If you get to this point and believe, please feel free, as God leads, to pass this message on.
(This message is not affiliated with nowtheendbegins. However, nowtheendbegins gives a very in-depth study and explanation of ALL of what is happening in the world in relation to Gods plans for this worlds future)
Enjoy your posts from S.W.Virginia Brother! We will keep up the good fight and slay them where they stand like cordwood.
The Whore of Babylon ( The U/S.), The Whore ( Kamala Harris) I could be wrong:)
All of the recent Bill Gates “vaccine” interviews with the MSM are recorded at his BGC3 (Bill Gates Catalyst 3) office in Kirkland, WA. Carillon Point building 4000 top level. His personal office faces west and it is just north of the curved center of the building. Just letting everyone know he hangs out there a lot. I’m sharing this information because I think he is really cool and its just really fun to see where the richest and nicest people work at. Please SHARE!
I’m 78, vet, 3 ops for CIA when young and stupid, gun show promoter, big game outfitter, death before vax, been prepping for 45 years, will die with boots on.
nothing else to do.
So do we all agree the line in the sand is nation wide mandatory vax? Because i stand with everyone that is ready to water the tree of liberty once the line is crossed.
As you walk in the building his security detail is the first room on the left with glass (bulletproof?) doors. The property managers are on the right. The elevators have fingerprint ID scanners. Do those work with severed hands? Im asking for a friend.
Guys don’t worry, there’s going to be short-term pain.
Let them fire you or whatever happens, but of course don’t take the inoculation.
And inevitably, before long your employers will recognize that they have allied themselves with the wrong side (the dysfunctional or dead side)…
if not dead yet, dead soon for sure
Here ya go.. From the ‘ancient’ blog Sipsey Street Irregulars (God rest the soul of Mike Vanderboegh) . Two of the more famous quotes from there:
“Remember: Evil exists because good men don’t kill the government officials committing it.” -- Kurt Hofmann.
“America is at that awkward stage; it’s too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards.” -- Claire Wolfe
Maybe not. I’m wondering where all the MOS 0317 teams are?
maybe the 100 heads life and casualty company will renew their charter.
Agreed. Its time for every one of us to invoke the 100 heads clause. Even the dog catchers are too corrupt to tolerate further.
There is only one rule --
Win. By any means necessary.
we need to form posse’s and then we can go after them, like the old days of torches and pitchforks!
Harris is the most unpopular VP of all time, recent polls indicate. I predict they will ass over wille browns hody-ho and go straight to the wicked witch-Pelosi.
Maybe. Just keep it in the back of your mind…..
Gun up. They are trying to kill us all. Time to take pre-emptive steps. They started it and will not back off. No choice. Fight or die.
this will only end one way…..godspeed from upstate NY. one man defending his land is as strong as 100 trying to steal it. stay vigilant
The tech tyrants of Twitter, Facebook, YouTube etc are complicate in mass murder as they block the truth of the hundreds of thousands of people who are getting injured and dying horrible deaths from the bioweapons pretending to be vaccines. They have blocked thousands of doctors and others from offering life saving therapies that the drug cartels and globalist depopulation satanic psychopaths don’t want people to know about. Now these same tech tyrants want to destroy the lives of their own employees by forcing them to take the death shots and replacing the with AI.
InfoWars dot com
SteveQuayle dot com
NaturalNews dot com
I cannot begin to imagine the burdens of grief and sorrows everyone in here carries:
Ecclesiastes 1:18
“For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow.”
King James Version (KJV)
Definition of wisdom
1: ability to discern inner qualities and relationships : Insight
Definition of know
1 : to perceive directly : have direct cognition of
2 : to have understanding of
And with Discernment (separating truth from trash) we all Know what the enemy is up to right?
[…] Avalanche Lily pointed me to a brief “must read” essay, over at NC Renegades: Bad Things Are Coming! Nothing Is Going To Stop It Now! […]
Not a chance partizan action will be successful. Better learn how the Danish Resistance succeeded without battling the overwhelming forces of the Wehrmacht.
I’m not sure that collaboration with the enemy and a non-violent resistance is going to work against the New World Order and it’s minions.
I’m a large land owner in central Idaho ,about 44 sections of land ,gates people are after me to sell to them ,making life hard when I say no ,we made it possible by our using MS , we made things possible by using Amazon for Bezos to buy news papers and now MGM. We did this to our self ,hell is coming forbreakfast
Sounds like Yellowstone—
We started with cattle ranch 7k ac 35years ago as a get away as ranches came up for sale we added them now at 28k ac. We chose to not have TV or land line phone early on ,,,that’s still the case , We have one sat phone link , and of course no grid power , We get news at night off AM skip from KSL salt lake , about half have homes outside the valley , or live in RVs and work outside , We have a 9,000 ft airsrip /road. At one time we had big name guests that came to hide out in peace and quiet ,that has ended , we are returning to our roots of ranching and a like thinker community, we avoid using FRNs instead use a silver base for exchange inside the valley ,a standing joke is calling the place Galts gulch ,for fun I had a run of silver rounds minted as Galts, as a notelots of folks can’t handel the bigness and isolation ,,,,,i call the place the big lonely,,,yes such places DO exist,,,,, but there is a price to pay to live there
,,ice tea and fresh cots
Sounds nice believe it or not--out of curiosity do you use generators or just bite the bullet? And how many others can you trade with your silver and do you fly in yourself?? OK I am getting a little nosey but do have some understanding of your life style, especially my kids do—-survivors, they are who you want to be with if and when it hits the fan !!! But sounds like it could hit the fan where you are and no one would know or care--lol
We have diesel gen sets ,, We grow canola that we press for oil to fuel the gen sets , but lately we have been running number 2 red tryed solar panels but we’re unhappy with them ,,,,,,
The use of silver in trade is more common than most would know,we have a trading post that only works in silver. No FRNs that takes some getting used to , but works well Jim rawls over on survival blog sells guns for silver ,
I have many hours of flying time , and yes I have a Cessna 182 , we have a number of airplains in the community , we look at them as the best bug out tool , the road in is mostly one lane and unpaved for 35 miles wm is a 5hr drive ,i retired in December after 45 years in top management of a food store chain ,completely retired this time ,
Tea and chocolate,,
Impressive !! Out of curiosity what value or how do you value the silver ?? I know what some trading prices are for real outside of the controlled market prices. Just curious or do you go with the spot price. Actuall prices are over $200 outside of the paper control—One of these days it will really pop if they can get the big guys from controlling it with shorts etc.—Just curious, don’t mean to box you in--like the price of silver--lol
Surf ,,,,silver. ,,,,,,we go 22 times face on pre 65,for bulion / rounds , we use “buy” price on one oz, rounds. We don’t want FRNs last I checked was 35 on one oz rounds delivers. The number move to much in a day to fight with it , We refuse to anchor on the dollar , I have not seen 200 on large amounts ,in fact 100 oz bars are/were below 30last time I looked ,1,000 oz bars were +2 on spot ,silver is not a way to make money , but to preserve wealth ,
Thx for holding out. I pray Gods strength to continue and His protection.
Fear and hate are tools of fascists. Right-wing extremists destroyed Germany and Italy. It’s happening again here in the U.S.
No, communism destroyed Germany. Kalergi plan ruined the country and now happening here.
I agree. We need to remove the one to the many who pose tyranny on our God given rights to live free. Everyone should re-read the Declaration of Independence again. It means way more to me now.
In watching the video on the article on the Alex Jones Show, titled:
“Infuriating Video: Child Cries As She’s Held Down, Injected With Covid Vax Against Her Will”
To her father, you have my permission to be a good soldier in Jesus Christ:
2 Timothy 2:3 “Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.” (KJV)
(If one were her father defending her daughter, then perhaps a baseball bat across all those ladies’ faces, breaking all their noses, might speak their language … since they appear to be unable or unwilling to hear!)
Proverbs 21:31
“The horse is prepared against the day of battle: but safety is of the Lord.”
Much encouraged by the amount of scripture being posted here.
Your relationship with Christ is The Most important aspect of the battle, however it may manifest itself.
Your knowledge of God and His Word, in all respects, but here as it relates to Biblical war is critical.
Knowing when is important and once it starts, all the dogs must come off the porch.
Most here will find the sermons of Pastor John Waver of value.
Go to sermonaudio.com, find John Weaver, search for topics such as self defense, war, tyrants, enslaved, etc..
Matthew Trewhella in the same site is good as well, dealing with the lesser magistrate. When they have failed us, the people are free to act -- Johnathan was saved from Saul by the people.
Ted Weiland at missiontoisrael.org has several resources comparing the much worshiped Constitution to Bible.
Romans 13 is not as you have been taught
Exodus 15:3 “The Lord is a man of war: the Lord is his name.”