Baltimore Is On Fire

Dan Bongino Tells Us The Latest On What’s Going On In His Backyard



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9 years ago

every cop should have walked off the job after hearing there racist mayor lay claim to giving the anarchists there space to destroy the city and it was there right and without interference from any cop. the mayor has put the entire police force in jeopardy and she should be charged with inciting the riot, but as usual we all know where the racist slob received her marching orders from, you got it, the white house. and when you look at some of these videos with her talking to the media, which racist negro was standing right beside her, it was the one and only Elijah Cummings the racist black that has interfered with every hearing in the congress in defense of democrap law breakers. he was even caught handing papers to destroy tea party groups to the IRS Lois Lerner and nothing was done to him, he walked away like he committed no crime. this negro also must do jail time, he is a criminal working with the bloods and crypts , all receiving there marching orders from the white house and there operatives. People are nation is under attack and its burning and its all coming from operatives in the democrap party and the white house along with all of our bastardized law enforcement agencies.