Bank Holiday Coming?

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3 years ago

Big boys at play; pissants beware!

3 years ago

This frustrated behaviour on the part of the disenfranchised masses will likely play out for the elites well; they will be able to deflect blame for the nightmare they have generated on us and regulate us into the catagories of 1)slave or 2)criminal working off debt to society.
I have to acknowlege the masterful play, and would like to congradulate our soon to be overlords over their stupendous feats of mass manipulation.
At least we dont have to live in their playpen forever. Right?

Capt pops
Capt pops
3 years ago

Men, I’m sure you know if WSBs is really making a run at silver on the COMEX, and all indications are, that is the case, if they demand settlement in physical, the exchange will either have to find some unallocated physical somewhere, or default.
The latter is a situation the financiall world is not ready for.

3 years ago

I have owned physical silver for years and continue to acquire it. I pray there is a squeeze on the naked shorts on silver. It will crush the International Bankers, but at the same time, it will crush the average American. I don’t want to see Americans suffer, but if International Finance is not destroyed nothing will change.

3 years ago
Reply to  Rifleman1775

The “average” American is a Sheeple. I’ve told family and friends for15 years to get some, a little, hard money tucked away in their homes just as insurance, nothing big. Like talking to the deaf, dumb, and blind. Just no response, or a nervous laugh and some inane comment.
What can you do with people who refuse to See anything??? Epstein committed suicide and Joebama won an the sElection. A country in this degree of Denial is headed full speed ahead for the cliff.

3 years ago

Thanks to a bit of foresight starting in 2005, if silver hits $50, I can buy a brand new fully loaded truck. If it hits $100, I pay off everything I owe, including that new truck. If silver hits $1000, imagine where gold will be.
Yeah…$35oz and we’re back on a gold standard, and NESARA means I own what I make, and make what I own.
The big boys aren’t going to let it happen. But the blinders come off the rest of the 300mil people looking at how bad things REALLY are?… neither gold nor silver are going to protect anyone from what’s coming. The Purge is going to look like a children’s movie when we’re done.

3 years ago
Reply to  miller

where do you sell silver at 100$ an ounce even? A coin dealer?,, they will all be destitute as will most of Americans. .

Ann Nonimous
Ann Nonimous
3 years ago

Just for giggles i picked up 4oz just now at 8PM eastern, buddy picked up 4oz earlier, him from JM me from SD. Stocking stuffer level, not thousands of dollars. Physical rounds, confirmation received. Now i may not get them but the transaction went through