Quit fantasizing about a utopia that can and will never happen – Arctic Patriot

Here is a link to a Google docs page that is a record of actions taken to further this effort.

Here is the link for the page to record what actions you have taken in response to Bank of America’s actions.

Bank of America is not “the” problem.  Its actions, however, are problem.

Americans handle their business without whining and crying to some elected or unelected government official to make the bad man stop.

Be an American.

If you are an “Occupier”, quit crying for momma.gov to help you out.  Quit looking to government and laws for the answer.

If you are part of the “patriot” or “liberty” movement, quit waiting for the “right” type of mamma.gov (whatever THAT is) to help you out.  Quit looking to government and laws for the answer.



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