Bank Runs: What Me Worry?

Based on the following information from Google, it appears that people are becoming sentient concerning the pending worldwide economic collapse. Of course the best defense against a bank run is not to have money in a bank.

David DeGerolamo

Google Trends Shows Why The Status Quo “Powers That Be” Should Be Scared. Very Scared

The volume of searches for the phrase ‘Bank Run’ has just hit an all-time high – higher now than even during the peak of the Lehman Brothers ‘moment’. While English dominates the language choices, the Europeans (Dutch, Germans, and French) are extremely ‘interested’ as are the Chinese…but it appears the Singaporeans are running the most scared (as we noted here) is perhaps not surprising, followed by the Irish and the Americans – with Germany a disappointing 10th – perhaps they really do not care as much as everyone’s bluff-calling hopes. It seems the fears of real ‘bank runs’ are becoming virtually ‘viral’ – not a good sign for the stability of the fictional-reserve-banking-dependent status quo.




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James W. Allen Jr.
James W. Allen Jr.
12 years ago

As a former banker, I know the cash “limitations,” that US banks operate under. To a bank, surplus cash ( the amount of cash a bank must keep on hand at any one time establishes a “minimum” figure derived by a regulatory formulas) is a “non-income producing asset! As such, each bank very closely watches these levels to keep their dollars working. Most banks build their cash balances toward the first of the month for the cashing of Governmnet checks such as Social Security and toward the end of the week for regular pay days. Keep in mind that most banks in the US keep the loan to deposit ration between 80 to 95%. In other words, 80 to 95 dollars out of every 100 in deposits are reinvested in loans!