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- dennis winebrinner on AI Chip Production
Wes, or anyone, if you listen to BardsFM regularly, is he still with the Qanon hopium?
For a few months after the election I listened to this guys daily (multiple daily) podcasts and liked a lot of what he had to say. Then, when it was obvious what had gone on and many of us (except hardcore Trumpster cultists) knew what happened and that whole 1/6 event where Trump left his supporters swinging in the breeze, Kesterson kept up with the Qanon nonsense. I’ve not listened to him since.
I have no idea. I am not a regular listener. This episode was sent to me by a friend.
No one is coming to save us, Num 25:5 And the Lord said unto Moses, take all the heads of the people, and hang them up before the Lord against the sun, that the fierce anger of the Lord may be turned away from Israel. Our obedience to God requires us to stand and rid the land of this evil which infects our country. All those that cry that violence accomplishes nothing prefer slavery to freedom.