I know it will never happen. She will not even be censored. That does not mean that people will forget who is responsible for the destruction of the Republic.
David DeGerolamo
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I know it will never happen. She will not even be censored. That does not mean that people will forget who is responsible for the destruction of the Republic.
David DeGerolamo
The man who wakes up with this skag every morning should either be committed or receive the DSM. Her voice and face would reroute the Panama Canal.
They should have sent her over there when that ship went aground and blocked the canal.
As long as there is no fear of consequences there will be no change of behavior.
Take a page from the Left’s handbook. Yes.
Two wrongs do make a right.
Stay safe! These people who STAYED in those big shities will love what has been voted in… i know..I will stand!
“More controversial ” THATS THE KEY WORDS!
What fascinates me is the fact that Maxine Waters and people like her grew out of the misguided “compassion” of the 60s & 70s. We, meaning the Baby Boomer generation, supported her believing we were changing the world for the better. And I take my share of culpability for this because I was 20 & 30 something and idealistic. Maxine Waters and abortion are two faces of the white guilt for which I willingly repent.
I warn young people, women especially, to beware ‘false compassion’ and this is why.
Hmm, I was to busy raising a family in the 60’s and 70’s to go out riot for anything or anyone. My family came first, the the tax man at the end of the year.
Why isn’t this traitor bitch under arrest for how she is whipping up the crowds
Inciting to riot . If she is not inciting to riot there ain’t a cow in Texas !!!
Hope to see the day when this lying big-bass mouth piece of human waste buys the farm. Her funeral should be held at the local land fill along with the rest of the trash.
This old bat has to be a little bit off her rocker she has been going off half cocked for years.No one does a thing about it she should be locked up If a republican ever done half the crap she has pulled they would have been kicked out of the congress.It seems if you are black the crazier you are the better.I for one am tired of it, The double standard alone is enough to cause a civil war.One of these days one of these people shooting off their mouths are goig to cause one hell of a mess.