Imagine if we just converged on the prison where the January 6th political prisoners were being held without any due process. 100 people per state would be 5000 protesters. For North Carolina, that would be 1 person per county. I do not understand why patriots have not already stormed the Bastille.
David DeGerolamo
We got free porn, tv and internet shoppin…
Don’t expect much.
The Brazilian People.
What America should be….
But isn’t.
100% Brother.
healhcare here. i think the massive rx’s of anti-depressants et al are a factor. numb to the end
Well, we know the peaceful demonstrations don’t work; and neither do placards. The MOSTLY peaceful demonstrations were somewhat effective with permission, of course. Soooo……who are the guys from counties X, Y and Z? Are they feds, BLM, Antifa or patriots? I dunno. Then there is the matter of “they will be expecting us.” Soooo… do we assemble and vet each other? And, if we go in like Russia in February on the highway in a long line or like the truckers in Canada it wouldn’t take much to stop us. I just don’t know. I’m not a strategist.
It might be better to stake out the prison, then follow the guards to their homes.. Payback’s a bitch, right???
Bingo, Irish democracy. Storm the bastille, lemme know how that works out?
no one likes to be the first, and after that, it gets …….. messy.
Read the comments. On all threads. That is why.
Flat out evil on both sides. No Trust.
Evil is what divides us, not diversity.
Mt 7:21 has been on my mind a lot lately.
Yes me too.. And how many times we read “still they did not repent.” Lip service only.
People (many) are blinded and do not recognize the things right in front of them.
Brazil was born messed up. More slaves were transported to Brazil than to North America. Notice the demographics of the two different factions. Commies vs. non-commies. The making of a martyr, whether you support him or not.
Bustednuckles | Documenting The Death Of America Not so fast Katie.
They haven’t stormed the bastille because the American people have become fearful of the federal Leo’s and the fraudulent federal judiciary and being thrown into the federal slammer. These are not men nor do they have any care but to only watch woke and crt sports on tv or cable. This is the end of the nation and it will be broken up into separate newer nations, because we can longer live side by side with these people anymore.
Maybe fearful of independence and personal responsibility? How many grow even a portion of their own food? How many can do home repairs? Auto repairs? How many repurpose, reuse? Sew a button? How many participate in school and community bodies? How many hold the pulpits accountable for inactions? I agree the nation has fallen. When I was a kid, this country rocked! It was awesome! Hands Across America Bother, know what I mean. Now it literally is Gomorrah in every possible way. I personally want nothing to do with it,…sticky and nasty. Yes I see further division in this land -- fema zone 6
fat and comfortable…when people starve heads roll. They know that.