“Be Careful What You Wish For” – Musk Warns ‘No Jobs Needed’ In Future Of AI “Magic Genie”

The United Kingdom’s global summit on artificial intelligence (AI) safety, the AI Safety Summit, concluded on Nov. 2 with a one-on-one chat between U.K. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and billionaire Elon Musk. 

When asked about AI’s impact on the labor market, Musk called it the most “disruptive force in history” and said the technology will be smarter than the smartest human. 

“There will come a point where no job is needed. You can have a job if you want to have a job for personal satisfaction, but the AI will be able to do everything.”

“I don’t know if that makes people comfortable or uncomfortable,” Musk concluded.



Imagine going to a restaurant where the entire process is controlled by artificial intelligence. The food would be perfectly prepared, quickly served and no surly wait staff to endure as part of your dining experience. No waiting for a check or refills and no need to tip.

COVID-19 lockdowns and free money to stay home were two of the main reasons our country failed. It allowed voter fraud, expansion of tyranny and a failed economy. One of the most insidious side effects was the realization that people did not have to work to pay taxes and other associated work costs such as clothes, gas, car expenses and food. The workers thought they were essential to the business and expected higher wages for less work. Small business owners were left with costly decisions and many closed their doors. Customers become used to inferior quality products, higher prices, bad customer relations and delays/shortages.

What IF Musk is correct? Now consider if he is correct and the powers that be also believe it. What do you think they will do with a world of useless “eaters”? This is why they want us dead. It solves the problem of what to do with a large population who are not producing anything. Couple that with no morality, religion or law and the result will be massive civil unrest. I doubt that regular people will agree with the solutions that will be handed down.

David DeGerolamo

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a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago

“Magic.” Do we need to hear any more?
And how will ‘they’ decide how many to feed and what to feed us? Will they just give us an allowance so we can do what we wish?
And who will be our God?

1 year ago

“Forbidden Planet”. The Krell race destroyed themselves overnight.

1 year ago

Ai may do all the ‘thinking jobs’ but somebody’s got to turn the nuts and bolts until there are robots that can replicate human activity/work.

Take AHardLook
Take AHardLook
1 year ago

How would one counter the vast technical superiority of a bank of AI mainframes?
Go “low-tech.” As in, a brick.

Last edited 1 year ago by Take AHardLook
1 year ago

“this way to the showers” ………”after your long train ride in the boxcars”….
the Final Solution follows many earlier prerequisites and the Normies either ignore the prerequisites or try to guess “How Many” remain before the “Showers”.
Not to be concerned, Man’s most Fatal Disease, “Too Little, Too Late” is still extant not extinct.
as for We/Me/You …… who are not “So Infected” as to see it, … What is Our Recourse ???
All I Know is to Try to Pre-pare for “Something” from “Somewhere” and “Someone” who not only Funds the Play, but the Owns the Theater.
I suppose We could Exit as the Illegal Invasion Enters. Seems prudent, but then I detest prudence, and embrace the risks of Liberty in my former homeland.
All the Best, Comrades.

Thomas Hanna
Thomas Hanna
1 year ago

AI will have a debate with God, but God won’t show up. No matter, AI can play God’s part too, because AI knows all of man’s thoughts on God.
Therein lies the problem.