Be Vigilant and Faithful to the Lord

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The Bible passage above was a reminder from Hammers Thor in the comment section. As incredible as it is, the powers that be have found yet another event to divide us. Forget about the origins of COVID-19, Biden’s criminal network, war in Ukraine, the southern border invasion, racism, educational malfaisance and even more issues that were used to divide us. Or maybe more aptly, divert us from the truth as the world collapses into chaos (at least for the West).

This is now a good time to be vigilant and faithful to the Lord. While this is always a good philosophy for living a righteous life, some times are more trying as our souls are tempered by evil than seems to be omnipresent. I will suggest that the current crisis of the day does not require us to make a binary choice: Hamas (Islam) vs. Israel (Judaism). While many feel that Christians are required to support Israel, we are able to support good over evil as we are led.

Pray for discernment and the ability to see the true light in the darkness. As for me, I see this as an opportunity to walk His path in this life as He lights my footsteps. I will not support evil in any form or look for gradations of good in evil places as a justification for not acting. How do we win as the forces of evil appear to be overwhelming?

Act so that God will hold us guiltless.

David DeGerolamo

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1 year ago

Amen and Amen .

1 year ago

Wise words. Let us not consume our minds with the evil doings. One way is to discern what we read. All we see is depressing violent news. Cut down reading about how we are going to die articles. For every grim article you read, include a happy article to lift your spirits. The cabal controls the news. They want us horrified, terrorized, sad, angry. The news promotes hatred. It’s important we stay aware to what is happening and it’s equally important to lean on God. Bring nature and calm music into your life. Step into nature. Avoid darkness. Embrace the Light. Be the light for others.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago

“While many feel that Christians are required to support Israel, we are able to support good over evil as we are led.”
Exactly! Individuals over all collectives and collective thought. Beware of the flock mind!
Thought this was a good listen.(i only listened to the u-tube portion.)