Beggar in Chief

Friend —

This election is picking up steam, and with each passing caucus or primary day, the urgency of our work becomes more clear.

Because the Republicans running to become our next president have stated their intentions plainly: They plan to tear down everything we’ve accomplished, and undo all the good we’ve been able to do for hardworking Americans and their families.

We simply cannot let that happen. So I’m asking you to dig deep and give what you can to support Democrats who are fighting to protect our progress, and to become an official member of our party for 2016 when you do.

I’m so proud of how far we’ve come. Seven years ago, our unemployment rates were more than double what they are today. There were nearly 18 million fewer Americans with access to quality, affordable health insurance. We were overly dependent on foreign energy sources, fewer of our children were reaching their full potential and graduating from high school, and too many of our fellow Americans were forced to hide who they were or whom they loved.

But we stood up and worked together to make meaningful progress that has meant so much in the lives of so many — so, you should be just as proud as I am, because every gain that we’ve made has only been possible because of the folks like you in Raleigh who stood with me and our fellow Democrats to get things done.

Now, we have to make sure we elect leaders who will carry our progress forward for future generations to come — and that means we need to elect more Democrats in November.

So, if you can, pitch in $10 or more right now to help Democrats keep the White House and take back Congress this year — and the DNC will make sure you get your Official 2016 Membership Card, so you can show all of your friends just how proud you are of everything we’ve done together.

If you’ve saved your payment information, your donation will go through immediately.






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