The test is coming, will you submit to digital handcuffs and be branded, or will you stand strong in the Lord?
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- Thirdworldfarmer on A Good Observation
- tom finley on Trump, Vance and Zelinskyy
- Nobody on Interesting
- Mary Combs on A Good Observation
- 173dVietVet on A Good Observation
Realized this years ago, How many will not leave or let their children leave the house without that device? And if they do you are wrought with worry and concern.
But will you leave your house without God on and in your mind? Can you, will you reside in His presence and Trust in His protection of you and yours? Do you seek the peace that He alone can and will provide?
Can you shut that thing off?
i am remembering:
Another amazing video. How many will simply go along? willingly? This is a choice.
Some of us were discussing this at work yesterday some say the mark is a physical thing or even a number(social security, or a chip that they sneak into a vaccine and give you without your knowledge.
i believe it does come down to your choices, they can not sneak it in. So are you alert, are you watching? What is in the “front lets of your mind and in your hands. What is in your heart?
Self first or God? Self or others? $$$ wealth, porn or God? Love or hatred? Vengeance or Justice?
What is on and in your mind?
Remember: Peter denied Christ three times without realizing it.
The vast majority have already accepted their Chains, and Paid for them, willingly. Fixated on the christian mythology of some “mark of the beast” that was a Physical Mark (like the Magnetic Bar-Code tattoo that Bill Gates want you to have) most people Never Noticed that the “Magic Tablet” they carry 24/7/365 was designed from the start to be a Monitoring Device, and the steady advance in Processing Power now lets the Cell Phone act as an Audio/Visual Monitoring System for everything the user says, Reads, and where they are Located. Facial Recognition, Fingerprint and Iris Scan capability are already used to “Tie” a given Device to an Individual.
Once the Fiat Money $cam of the (((banksters))) collapses, the “Digital Dollar” will be introduced, and to use it (and Pay Taxes) everyone WILL be required to have one and carry it constantly.
All of those christians who will so vehemently “Refuse the Mark” already have Taken it. If you don’t believe me, try to take one of those Spy Devices away from someone….
True “refusal” to serve the satanic (((moneychangers))) is to Refuse to ‘use’ their ‘social security number’ (IBM Hollerith system of Stock Control) and Refuse to Pay their ‘income tax’ (a Tax on the Time of your Life).
Guy loves to hear himself talk, no? So now the dicktater of the US is going to sneak in and steal our RIIIIIIIIIIGGGGGTHSSSS! HELL NO THIS IS MURICA! God what a bunch of stupid assholes.