This short video is for the attention of Michael Hall, who commented on my recent post “What She Said …“, and for other folks with a similar mind-set.
Thanks, and a tip of my hat, to “Fido” who provided the link.
This short video is for the attention of Michael Hall, who commented on my recent post “What She Said …“, and for other folks with a similar mind-set.
Thanks, and a tip of my hat, to “Fido” who provided the link.
Its an interesting intellectual exercise to state what ‘ought’ to be. But we are where we are. Its fairly easy to paint a picture of where we ‘should be’, and that is a mandatory starting point for implementing change. The trickier piece is mapping out the way to get there, and to get at least some consensus amongst some others, to join in to get there.
There is actually a large and growing body of people living alternative systems -- you can find them if you look.
Good points, I say that often here, but it is true!
Like many other Patriots, I am hidden in the woods, you will have to look hard to find me.
These days it is not really safe to organize, I certainly won’t, we will have to put it all together on the fly. In the mean time at least draw some lines in the sand!
Again, good point Mary.
Right on. Larkin makes an excellent point.
i hope you do see Michael’s point also? This all works together.
Believe in government or believe in Yahuah Alahim First and foremost. His government or man alone government?
Test the spirits? What do we see? Not what they say. Many talk the game.
Force? vs. Choice?
“follower” -- you’re tossing a ‘word salad’ worthy of a Kamala Harris news interview.
Choice? Adam exercised choice and switched his allegiance to the detriment of all who descended from him. All secular human governments perform evil acts because those who are drawn to power are absent a true spiritual nature.
Force? Cain exercised choice AND force. The Mosaic Covenant was necessary to remind men of their lack of a true spiritual nature. For several thousand years men demonstrated their inability to conform to the Decalogue.
Men were warned to retain their Judges and avoid a king in 1 Samuel. They continue to reap the consequences of their bad choices and uses of force against one another.
The “Redemption Plan” does not require an earthly government, merely a recognition of Divine Authority … and a personal Justification through Faith.
I do not “see” Michael’s point and, more importantly, I do not see your point.
The Judges were like cultural ministers.
Mankind without Yahuah always ends badly, as Michael referred too.
Does not need to be so hard,
You and i also seem to agree, yet you still felt the need to get your jabs in.
PS -- I meant to append a little humor to my reply above …
Allowing the type of government that America has, as was pointed out in the video is spoon-feeding an entity that learns and has grown in power, because it knows the American populace will not teach and train the necessary skills and history to its own, but only to a select hierarchy to govern. This points out what a mockery and falsehood the Constitution is in effect. Like Alexander the Great said “it takes strong men to rule”, and that’s why the powers that be will not tolerate cultivated and civically educated men and women as well as the churches which purports itself to be the social directing mechanism of this country. This is why one cannot legitimately claim to be an American (other than in the matter of legal citizenship; living in someone else’s territory), because the context it was based upon is not the structure that the legal, judicial, and educational systems are based on. In fact, most most citizens don’t even know what kind of government they live under, because they don’t know how it works. The entire idea of a United States of America is absurd in this present time, and it seems they are soon to find out with a multi-pronged reckoning from forces that are ready to cater to this disconnect.
There is so much pessimism on this site. I just spent the weekend attending a conference aimed at people organising and operating in alternative economies. I learned a lot -- and was surprised at how many hundred of intentional communities there are in the US and around the world. The stereotype is “the hippy commune” but there are at least a dozen different models of co-operative organisations -- many of them organised around lifestyle and food growing -- but some also organised around creating communities that offer a future to the participants children, and even one around midwifery as a taught profession that supports the community. Even some of the original hippy communes are still successfully operating after modernising their economic models. As I said in my earlier post -- if you
go seeking these folks that are creating alternative models of community and living, you will find them. Not all Preppers are lone off grid out-in-the-wilderness types.
I disagree with your assessment. We try to provide information on multiple topics to help people plan for the future. I realize the news is not good at this point but the alternative of not providing thought provoking information because it is not “happy” is not an effective solution.
I spent alot of time hitchiking the west coast in my youth… there was quite alot of this magical thinking, sometimes called “the law of attraction”. Seems folks wanted to avoid the stress of worrying about bad things, and thought that by doing so, they were calling bad things upon them.
Actually a very attractive theory, what could be simpler: Just don’t think about it. Don’t dwell on it. “accentuate the positive, minimize the negative”. If some bad stuff does happen, it’s over quick, and you don’t dwell on it.
Trouble is, this theory is quite testable, and it just never worked for me. The idea is you stress less, but bad things just kept right on happening, only now it seems random and capricious. It could bindside you at *any* time and there’s nothing you can do about it. That was *far* more stressful.
What *worked* for me, was studying bad things until I understood them well enough to predict them well enough to get out of the way or be somewhere else. But even *that* was not good enough, I also had to have a plan ‘B’ for when I got blindsided again anyway.
Now that I spend a *great*deal* of time thinking about bad stuff, a whole lot less of it happens to me. I like this much better.
Mary, you were correct 12 hours ago when you made your first comment on this post and said: “a picture of where we ‘should be’ … is a mandatory starting point for implementing change. The trickier piece is mapping out the way to get there, and to get at least some consensus amongst some others, to join in to get there.”
I have been an “occasional author” and participant on this site for over a decade. My essays have encouraged people to adopt Jeffersons’ concept of ‘a culture of liberty’ as the picture of where we should be. I invested hundreds of research hours to identify and map the way out of the present conditions through a rejection of the legislative state and a return to common-law.
The types of economic and community solutions to which you refer, in your comment immediately above, cannot fully flourish and endure until a broad culture of Rightful Liberty (Jefferson) is re-established. Many of the participants on this site just don’t “grok” that concept and remain mired in either (1) vain hope that some small political or economic adjustment will allow lives to return to their vision of ‘normal’, or (2) desire bloody revolt without agreement on a desired social structure for after the fight.
I share your frustration with the “doom and gloom”, but David (admin DRenegade) has done an excellent and exhausting job to keep this platform and its’ dialog alive over the years. He deserves your thanks and admiration.
Thank you.
David -- I do appreciate all you do on this site. I did not mean to suggest I don’t. I just didn’t make very clear where my specific frustrations lie. The sentiment is often expressed here that no one is doing anything or people are just not waking up. What my latest comment was trying to say is that there are vastly more people actively pursuing ‘community’ than I’d any inkling of before this past weekend. There are vastly more people pursuing alternative systems of wealth than I thought was out there. Sure, lots of individuals out there are stacking metals, and preparing their infrastructure individually -- but there are also large communities with dozens of families or more -- that are operating their own private schools, healthcare, division of labor, organising to specialise knowledge through training and development of systems of bartering. There are communities that have their own community store with both ‘imported’ and in-community produced goods and services -- and active bartering systems. Maybe this group could circulate some of those stories too -- might help some folks on this site to latch onto some specific ideas around ‘organising’ that they had not thought of before.
David, thank you for calling me out. and while I did not read all of the comments aimed at me ( I actually thought my comment was lost). I read a few and most were both well met and I enjoyed the added points of view. I am very familiar with Larken Rose and several other Anarchists’. As in not no rules but no rulers. This like libertarians assume that the whole world is abiding by the same rules.( they are not). our founders made a couple glaring mistakes but over all with a “moral and righteous people they did pretty damn good. first most glaring mistake was Allodial title to property, and second not putting real teeth in the constitution. For example violation of the oath of office should have been a visit to the rock pile.(biblical ref.) For myself I have chosen to take the Bible literally and live by it’s rules. And I generally don’t care what the law of man says as it has become a death cult of oppression. I want the absolute minimum of gov possible. and if the whole world would abide by the bible and the Levitical laws and judges, wow we would have heaven on earth. But until the King comes back we are stuck with the reality that if we run things like Larken would like(no kingdoms or country of any size can run like that) they would be slaughtered by more organized countries. Or we can run like the founders intended with a bare min of government. everything else is just so much mental masturbation.
I think you meant Hans.