Believe It


The NSA Scandal Explains how Mitt Romney Lost the Election

…The facts are so obvious that I am shocked, shocked I’m telling you that the Republican whinerhawks and the “conservative” talk jock community has yet to figure out the ultimate reason the “PRISM” and other intelligence agency spy programs were in use by the Obama administration. There is this myth, propagated by the Republican elite and further enhanced by the current Democrat dominated power structure, that the “war on terror” which was declared over by President Obama is still being fought despite thousands of miles of open border, unchecked student visas, and intelligence ignored from foreign sources warning us of pending attacks. In the end, the National Security Agency (NSA) domestic spying program exposed by the soon to assume room temperature Edward Snowden is more about controlling our freedoms and manipulating financial markets along with the electoral process to guarantee a total new order does in fact preside over our nation within the next 6 months to a year.

First, let us rewind to ancient history where after the first Presidential debate in 2012, the Obama campaign was reeling, the over confidence was replaced with concern and the fundraising concerns of the summer didn’t create the media hyped popularity contest the President sought versus Mr. Plain Jane, Mitt Romney. When Romney unloaded on Obama venting the frustrations of about 60% of the population, the entire campaign was on their heels, as if their pre-debate intelligence and surveillance was inaccurate or erroneous to such an extent the Messiah appeared dumbfounded on stage as he expected clone of McCain to appear, not an assertive conservative attacking daring to attack his record in office.

That mistake, the errors of the staffers and professional political consultant class would not be repeated throughout the rest of the 2012 Presidential campaign.

From that point forward the President’s poise and knowledge of the weak points within the Republican candidate’s  approach allowed his media driven appearance to be one of a self-confident leader to the sheeple and the old adage that changing our nation’s course would destroy our future took hold within the senile, stupid, and weak minded. Yet Romney had an initial impact during the first debate on the imbecilic and slovenly, yet nobody within the Republican/Neo-Con movement could explain how Romney lost the momentum beyond the old tried and true “it’s the mainstream media’s fault,” along with other moronic assessments.

Perhaps if the Republican elite had reviewed their own past, that of a certain egomaniac who like Obama thought he was above the Constitution, that analysis could have provided the answers they were looking for such as the license number of the truck which hit them driven by Barry and loaded above the legal weight limit with fertilizer.

The next step is to review the news in summary which occurred since the Tea Party revolt of the 2010 election which blindsided the Obama White House who considered the information from their consultant class superior and ignored the true depths of the grass roots movement created by his radical policy stances. After the shock wore off, it would appear based on the news cycle of recent weeks that a coordinated campaign, either implicitly or explicitly approved by the White House, was created to crush domestic dissent. The various government agencies enlisted to carry out this campaign against Obama’s enemies is extensive and Nixonian upon first review:

The Department of Energy – Action against Oil Companies, drillers, supporters within Republican districts to obstruct operations, limit exploration, and force many out of business using fines and court actions to impede normal business operations.

The Department of Labor – Using the NLRB (Boeing to South Carolina for example) and OSHA, regulatory impediments along with fines were imposed on any corporation operating in so-called “Red” states and supporters of Republicans causes. Labor actions against those companies and states which were ‘right to work’ states was encouraged across the spectrum further weakening Republican fund raising and conservative causes.

Housing and Human Services – The department used intimidation and coercion  to force corporations to fund pro-Obamacare advocacy groups along with threatening any medical concern using regulatory impediments if they engaged in political actions against the will of the regime.

The Department of the Treasury – Specifically using the various regulatory bodies (SEC, for example) along with investigations against conservative CEO’s, COO’s, and CFO’s,  and corporations to prevent funding to and support of Republican causes. By finding minor infractions some corporations withheld support for conservative candidates to avoid engaging in prolonged legal battles in Federal courts which they would eventually lose.

Internal Revenue Service – Well documented thus far, no further comment is necessary.

The Department of Justice – Specifically not just using the investigatory and legal system to attack Republican groups and supporters, sometimes using concocted charges, but by unleashing the Federal Bureau of Investigation on unwitting groups and individuals using threats and intimidation to curtail pro-Romney and pro-Republican/Libertarian candidate activities.  These actions were not limited to in depth background checks but also asking embarrassing questions to friends, relatives, employers, and business associates in a manner to infer that the individual or groups involved might be engaged in anti-American activities that were a threat to the Republic or illegal. While many agents were professional in their actions and simply “following orders,” those of the new generation with the zeal to impose the will of the administration via intimidation pushed many first time volunteers and activists out of the political arena for fear of losing their jobs and liberty.

The Department of Homeland Security – Ever go to a Tea Party rally? Did anyone notice the individuals in the parking lots taking pictures of the license plates of attendees and the crowds along with video recordings to the activities? Ever notice that at any “Patriot” rally or pro-2nd Amendment meeting there were numerous strange faces not engaged in some cases or overly eager to engage and talk about the administration, security, and encouraging more meetings or self-inviting themselves to further functions? Yup, that’s our friendly DHS units attempting to infiltrate and find evidence of criminal or terrorist activity against the homeland. By the way, if one was engaged in anti-abortion, pro-Constitution, Libertarian Party, Ron Paul rallies, NRA, GOA, or other group meetings, there was always one agent from DHS or DoJ there for large assemblies, an informant in attendance otherwise.

With all of these departments engaged in snooping, persecuting, gathering intelligence, intimidating, investigating, and sometimes phony prosecutions of anti-Obama activists, is it really that much of a reach to determine that the NSA snooping extended to operations covering all aspects of the political campaign of 2012?

Uh, no.

Imagine the power of having daily briefings in real time with telephone conversations between key Romney campaign officials, RNC operatives, or pro-Conservative groups engaged in planning and strategy sessions about how to approach the Presidential or other elected offices. While Obama and his inner political circle might have only paid attention to 40% or so of the intelligence briefings regarding foreign threat assessment, I would be willing to wager George Soros’ fortune that they paid 100% attention to daily summaries and updates on activities, debate strategy sessions, and fundraising activities of their Republican opposition.

The concept is simple, yet unprovable unless there is a living twin of Snowden willing to come forward from the inner circles of our intelligence operations to shed light on the activities of the CIA and NSA from 2011 through the election period of 2012. The problem is that some of our career intelligence bureaucrats and managers might not even be aware that this occurred due to the use of contractors in many of the services! If a wealthy Eastern European investor owned a controlling position in one of America’s private security contractors which provided intelligence analysis services on a contract basis to the CIA, FBI, and NSA and that investor had a select team of operatives with massive access and security clearance employed within that corporation, there is nothing that would stop them from obtaining selected data be it from Romney’s personal phone conversations, laptop, or conference calls on a daily basis.

In September and October of 2012 the media and conservative radio/blogosphere was in an uproar because the Obama campaign appeared to be one step ahead of Romney on a daily basis. By using every agency within the United States government, as Nixon did, is is no wonder that in fact the Obama regime won re-election with such ease. Perhaps the investigation should steer from the platitudes of civil liberties, the Constitution, and personal freedom and focus on what it just actually might have been engaged in:

A program of sabotage, spying, and intimidation to ensure the re-election of President Obama and selected members of his political cult to finish the job he started in 2008.

Unfortunately that job is the destruction of our Republic and as of now, there is very little anyone can do to stop the implementation of the new world order and his personal anti-American agenda.

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11 years ago

A former NSA employee stated on Glenn Beck 6/10/13 that Prism was used to take down Gen. Petraeus. Now think about John Roberts’ switch on Obamacare. Where are Gen. Hamm, Admiral Gaouette and the 20 Benghazi survivors?